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Chapter 443 Shen Lin, you want to soar into the sky

Chapter 443 Shen Lin, you are going to soar into the sky
In the first guest house, when Min Zhong was persecuted, Shen Lin was busy sending away the guests one by one.

With most of the guests leaving, today's full moon wine has entered the countdown state, and Shen Lin felt a burst of relief.

Although he took advantage of the opportunity of his son's full moon wine to vacate Mi Ke Electronics, so that during the meal, the focus of everyone's discussion was Mi Ke Electronics, but he still felt a little tired after a busy day.

The checkout of the guest house and things like seeing off guests are basically done by someone, but even so, Shen Lin still feels tired.

"Shen Lin, Lao Yan wants to talk to you, so go over there." Just as Shen Lin was about to go home to see his son, Shen Xingye walked over.

The relatives in my hometown are basically accompanied by my father Shen Xingye, and most of them have not left yet.

Shen Lin felt very good about Yan Guangming. Hearing his father's greeting at this moment, thinking that he had rushed over from such a long distance, he immediately nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go there now."

Yan Guangming was sitting in a small hall of a guest house drinking tea. Besides him, there were Ma Zhong, Shen Xingjia and others.

"Shen Lin, this kid, has been clever since he was a child. I think he is more like his father, but I didn't expect that he would cause such a big thing..."

It was Shen Xing's family who spoke. His voice was loud and his face was ruddy. It seemed that he had been drinking a lot at noon.

Yan Guangming and Ma Zhong's father and son immediately smiled and catered to Shen Xing's bragging behavior, and now Shen Xing's family became more interested.

"Yan...Old Yan!" Thinking of the exhortation on the address before, Shen Lin greeted Yan Guangming with a smile, and then greeted his uncle and others.

Although everyone's teacups were still half full, Shen Lin picked up the teapot with discernment and helped everyone present to refill their cups.

Yan Guangming has been observing Shen Lin all the time. It can be said that his purpose of coming here today is also because of Shen Lin.

However, today's Shen Lin gave him too many surprises.

Originally, he thought that Shen Lin was just a capable person, a capable person who could earn millions in just half a year.

His purpose of coming to Shen Lin was actually very clear, that is, he hoped that Shen Lin could invest in the surrounding area of ​​Xiaoshen Village.

But he never expected that at this time today, he would see a different side of Shen Lin.He felt that his understanding of Shen Lin was too one-sided.

Mishell Electronics!
The advertisements full of sense of technology and comfort, the advertisement words that technology brightens life, and the establishment of the rice shell electric store all made Yan Guangming deeply aware that Shen Lin at this time was riding the wind and waves.In the not-too-distant future, this young man must be proud of his horseshoe!

Therefore, after eating, he insisted on not leaving. He was watching the opportunity and must have a good talk with Shen Lin.

In Yan Guangming's view, if a young man succeeds, he will inevitably be complacent.As for Shen Lin, who has achieved such remarkable achievements, it is perfectly normal for him to be proud, but he is not frivolous. You can see his attitude of serving tea and pouring water, which really reflects his low-key up!
When facing them, although Shen Lin didn't speak much, he could give people a sense of intimacy like a spring breeze.This is so rare!
"Director Shen, today I have gained a lot of insight." Although Shen Xing's family is the oldest here and also Shen Lin's uncle, Yan Guangming is still the one who will speak in the end.

After Shen Lin said hello, he said with a smile: "The establishment of your rice shell electronics factory, in my feeling, has already taken off."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Thank you Lao Yan for your praise. In fact, our business has just started. After all, we have just established a brand of our own. There is still a long way to go before we can scale it up." let's go."

Yan Guangming looked at the calm and calm Shen Lin, who was neither arrogant nor impetuous, and felt that this young man was not simple.Among other things, being able to be so calm already shows that Shen Lin is sober enough.

"Director Shen, I have seen and heard a lot today, and I know that many people will regret it in their intestines." At this point, Yan Guangming smiled easily: "But, Director Shen You should know better, you still have shortcomings.”

"Your rice shell electronics factory occupies the front line of production, which can be said to occupy the source of goods, while your electrical appliance store occupies the terminal of sales."

"This two-in-one can basically make your career complement each other."

Speaking of this, Yan Guangming said seriously: "But your productivity is still somewhat insufficient, which is why these downstream parts manufacturers have launched a collective attack on you."

"This time, Director Shen, although you have suppressed their arrogance and made them suffer, there is one thing that cannot be changed, that is, the production capacity of your factory is insufficient."

Shen Lin nodded and said: "Old Yan, you are very accurate. Our production capacity is not enough. Recently, I have been thinking about how to change this."

"Mr. Shen, if you want to take off, you can't rely on only one factory. Not to mention the limitation of Liyuan Village Light Bulb Factory's own scope, its productivity alone cannot support the supply demand of the market. .”

"I came here this time, and I still say the same thing. In our township, there are still a few township enterprises that are ready to contract out. You can completely contract out and combine them into a new factory. This will make your business a higher level. "

"Having two production bases is always better than one. How can eggs be kept in one basket for a long time?"

Seeing Yan Guangming's smiling face, Shen Lin also smiled and said: "Old Yan, you are right, we should have a new production base."

"However, I haven't figured out where this production base will be built."

"After all, there are too many things to consider in this new production base. Although Xiaoshen Village is my hometown, there are some conditions there that are really not suitable."

Yan Guangming was not disappointed by Shen Lin's words. He came this time mainly because he wanted Shen Lin to go back and build a new factory.

Now that Shen Lin has this kind of intention, it is a preliminary victory for him.

As for whether Shen Lin can be pulled to Xiaoshen Village, it depends on his next efforts.

After the two talked for half an hour, because Shen Lin had too many things to do, they had no choice but to end the conversation.

But before Shen Lin left, he smiled and said to Yan Guangming: "Old Yan, tomorrow is the opening day of my rice shell electrical store, why don't you stay here for a day, go shopping in the store tomorrow and go back?"

"Okay, then I'll stay and take a look at Boss Shen's shopping mall." Yan Guangming hesitated for a while, but finally agreed immediately.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "The first guest house not only has good food, but also the comfort of the rooms is quite high. I have already greeted them and left a few rooms. Lao Yan, wait a minute and I will let someone take you to rest .”

"My uncle and the others, if they don't want to leave, they can stay for one night and wait for the electrical store to open tomorrow."

Shen Lin left, Yan Guangming looked at Shen Lin's leaving figure, thoughts surged in his mind, Shen Lin's rice shell electronics was so amazing, what should his electrical appliance store look like?

(End of this chapter)

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