Chapter 447
Qiangzi is a happy young man with a good temper and is very easy to satisfy. This is Hao Wenli's evaluation of Qiangzi.

Such young people, under normal circumstances, seldom have unpleasant encounters with others.

But the greeting between the two people I just met and Qiangzi was obviously not that pleasant. Hao Wenli even felt that there was a hint of anger in Qiangzi's words.

"Okay, let's see you later." These were Qiangzi's last words.

After the two men in their thirties left, Hao Wenli wondered if she asked, but her husband said, "Qiangzi, who were those two people just now, it's rare to see you so angry .”

"The salesperson of Chunhua washing machine." Qiangzi said with resentment still in his words, "I invited them to enter our electrical appliance store a while ago."

"It's fine for these two people to refuse, and what they say about our kind of shopping mall, let them settle in, because they don't know their own position."

Qiangzi snorted and said, "Who is that!"

Li Xueqiang also thinks that there is a problem with these two people. Qiangzi is a normal invitation. If you are willing to settle in, then we can discuss cooperation next.

If you don't want to, you can do yours, I can do mine, and we can each do our own.

But what does your attitude mean!
"Alright, Qiangzi, don't be as knowledgeable as they are. He doesn't want to settle in. The final loss is their Chunhua washing machine."

When Li Xueqiang said this, he coughed and said, "They just rely on their washing machines to sell."

"Mr. Li, Brother Shen said that today he looks down on us, and tomorrow he will be overwhelmed."

"Now all over the world are importing equipment and launching TV and washing machine production lines. If there is no core technology and core competitiveness, these TV and washing machine factories will have a very sad life in the future."

"At that time, their things cannot be sold in department stores, and that's when they beg us instead."

Speaking of this, Qiangzi said with a sense of ridicule: "I want to see, when the time comes, can their necks still be so straight!"

While speaking, Qiangzi led Li Xueqiang and his wife into the back office.At this moment in the back office, Shen Lin was talking to someone.

Li Xueqiang looked at the person who was talking to Shen Lin, and found that he also knew him.It's just that this understanding is just a nodding acquaintance.

Xu Ruibing, deputy director of Chengbei Police Station.Now Director Xu is complaining: "Shen Lin, Boss Shen, I'm afraid of you!"

"Your Paris Street opened, and there were so many people that we had to maintain order. In the second phase of your Paris Street, I still have to maintain order."

"Now, I thought I could finally take a rest and no longer need to maintain order to serve you, but there are too many people in your electrical store, and our boss asked all of us to go to battle two days in advance."

"Tell me, are you really sorry for what you did?"

Seeing Xu Ruibing who was full of grievances, Shen Lin handed him a cigarette with a smile and said, "Brother, I can't help it!"

"When I opened the business, I just wanted to accumulate some popularity. No one thought that the popularity would be so big."

"Hey, buddy, don't worry, this time you are mainly guiding. Our own people can maintain most of the order."

"As long as there are no particularly difficult things, I will never delay your brother."

Shen Lin and Xu Ruibing have a very good relationship, so they didn't have too many worries when they spoke.

Although Xu Ruibing complained, it was still a routine operation. He knew that when he should complain, he did not need to be polite to Shen Lin, but when he should work, he was also very responsible and did the work meticulously.At the very least, if he leads the team here, there must be no problems.

"Shen Lin, I think these people under your command are stronger than my joint defense team!" Xu Ruibing took a puff of his cigarette and gasped.

Xu Ruibing was not joking about this sentence. Although his joint defense team members often conduct training, they seem to be much worse than the order-maintaining personnel in the Guoke Electric Store.

This gap cannot be explained by the fact that the clothes are not as beautiful as others.

Shen Lin smiled, and there is no need to hide this kind of thing: "I, those who maintain order, are all recruited from veterans."

Hearing that Shen Lin recruited veterans, Xu Ruibing couldn't help giving a thumbs up and said, "No wonder Lao Wang always said that you, Boss Shen, are a character. You never disappoint people in your work. It's really good."

At this moment, Shen Lin found that Li Xueqiang and his wife came in. He immediately stood up and greeted Li Xueqiang and his wife: "Ms. Li, sister-in-law."

This is the first time for Hao Wenli to see Shen Lin. Although she had already thought that it was Shen Lin when no one introduced her, she looked much younger than her husband, like those energetic young people in the engineering college. , she still couldn't believe it.

In Hao Wenli's opinion, this young man who is a little too young should be in college and enjoying life carefree, or in the factory, learning technology from his master, but he has already taught the country and become a The factory director.

No, it should be said that he is still the owner of the big shopping mall in front of him.

"Hello, Director Shen." Compared with Li Xueqiang's usual greeting, Hao Wenli's voice was full of respect.

"Sister-in-law, you're welcome. Just call me Shen Lin. Teacher Li and I are friends." Shen Lin greeted Hao Wenli to sit down with a smile, and began to pour water for the two of them.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Shen Lin already knew the reason for Hao Wenli's visit, and he said to Qiangzi: "Sister-in-law wants to go shopping, you immediately arrange someone to accompany sister-in-law to go shopping first, it will save too many people for a while." squeeze."

Just as Qiangzi was about to agree, Hao Wenli refused: "Thank you, Boss Shen, but I think it's better to have more people when you go shopping."

"After all, there are so many people!"

Hao Wenli's image looks better than ordinary people, but her emotional intelligence is absolutely online, much better than Li Xueqiang's researcher.

She knows that people in business, especially when they are opening, are very concerned about some rules. Like herself, the mall has not opened yet, so if she rushes in to shop, there may be some taboos.

Even if Boss Shen doesn't care, I can't break the rules just because my husband and Boss Shen have a good relationship.

Shen Lin understood Hao Wenli's meaning, smiled and said: "Sister-in-law is really kind to me, she thinks of everything for me! Then follow what sister-in-law wants."

After talking with Hao Wenli for a few more words, Shen Lin began to talk to Li Xueqiang about the future development direction of the laboratory.

Don't look at Li Xueqiang who is usually at home, and his wife joked that he can't stomp a fart with three feet, and he speaks hesitantly, but as the saying goes, he has a specialization in surgery. Lin said some things that the laboratory needs to pay attention to.

Hao Wenli was drinking water quietly, while watching the conversation between Shen Lin and everyone, she slowly discovered that although everyone was talking along the topic of Shen Lin, this Boss Shen was always talking to you whenever you saw him. Every time I look at him, I can meet his warm and clear eyes, without the slightest feeling of being ignored.

Moreover, his speech was not only orderly and orderly, but also gave people a feeling of spring breeze.

It seems that Boss Shen is even more powerful than I imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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