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Chapter 451 The boss delivered the goods himself

Chapter 451 The boss delivered the goods himself

Min Zhong came to see what happened, so he didn't plan to buy anything at all, but when he walked out of the electrical appliance store, he still had an electric kettle in his hand.

An electric kettle that costs more than 20 yuan is only [-] now!
This is really a great deal, coupled with the very attractive introduction by the waiter, Min Joong, who was a little depressed, bought this thing back out of his wits.

Walking out of the shopping mall, Min Zhong was about to go back when he saw Director Lei coming out from another direction.

The two looked at each other, and they were a little reluctant to speak at this moment.

"Old Lei, we are too far behind Shen Lin's shopping mall." Min Zhong hesitated for a while, but finally said with sincere emotion.

Lao Lei nodded. He has gained a lot of knowledge about Shen Lin, a shopping mall.After glancing at the turbulent crowd, he said in a deep voice, "I think his turnover of hundreds of thousands today is not a problem!"

Min Zhong didn't say a word, not because he agreed with Director Lei's words, but because it's pointless to discuss this kind of thing any more.

Just when the two were silent, someone came to the two of them again. They took a closer look and found that the person who came was no stranger to them.

He is also one of the factory directors of their alliance!

The person who came didn't speak, just stood silently, but looking at the person who was standing, both of Min Zhong's expressions were not good-looking.

After all, at this time, their hearts are full of frustration.

"I think we should talk to Shen Lin as soon as possible. The longer it takes, the worse it will be for us."

Director Lei suddenly said that he was originally the organizer of this operation, but now he talks about making peace in person, which is very uncomfortable.

But no matter how uncomfortable it is, as the leader of the alliance, he still has to say these words, otherwise, he, the leader of the alliance, will be scolded.

After a while of silence, if you don't speak, it will be considered as acquiescence. When Min Zhong thinks about his mission, he feels that his brain hurts.

Although Director Lei didn't say anything else, according to the agreement at the time, he wanted to talk to Shen Lin first!

Apparently, the few people had no interest in communicating any more, and soon went their separate ways.

The busyness of the rice shell electric store has continued.Although Shen Lin had already prepared a sufficient supply of goods when it opened, but this discount made those mobilized goods sold out quickly at a speed that could be seen by the eyes.

For the salesmen of Chunhua washing machines, they only care about the sales of washing machines.

After all, they are not rivals with the Mishell Electric Store. Their rivals are the newly emerging washing machine manufacturers.

These washing machine manufacturers that popped up all of a sudden are a little unscrupulous, and the quality of the products they produce varies, and the price also hits their washing machines.

It's really hateful!
They are not the partners of the rice shell electrical appliance store, so naturally they cannot get first-hand information from Shen Lin, but they also have a way.

You only need to stand in the delivery area and stare straight at the washing machine being delivered to know the sales volume of the washing machine.

At twelve o'clock in the morning, the doors of the Mishell Electric Store were still open, but the number of people queuing up began to decrease.After all, for everyone, although shopping in the mall is important, the matter of eating should not be underestimated either.

"How much do you ship here at eleven o'clock?" A salesman in his thirties asked his companion in a deep voice.

"I just counted. From eleven o'clock to now, a total of more than 60 washing machines have been sent out." The salesman who spoke said.

The 30-year-old salesman's eyes lit up and he said: "What's going on? Did their sales start to drop? At ten o'clock, they sold more than 60 units in one breath!" The person in charge of calculations The salesman shook his head and said: "No, I think the actual situation may be that their delivery capacity cannot keep up. After all, there are too many people buying things now."

"Although the deliverymen and the others have prepared a lot, they still have too many things to deliver."

Speaking of this, the salesperson suddenly pointed to a motorcycle three-wheel driveway coming out of the back of the electrical store: "Look who is that?"

The salesman in his 30s looked at the young man who was driving a three-wheeler and wearing a red hat from Mike Logistics, and was speechless at the surprise of his companion.

"Who is that? Who knows who it is? A young delivery man, why are you so surprised?"

But just after he finished speaking, his eyes widened, because he finally recognized the person after he approached.

"Shen Lin, he... he can't rest well in this weather, so he jumped out anyway!"

The salesman who was in charge of counting looked at Shen Lin who was skillfully setting off on a motorcycle tricycle, shook his head and said, "You don't know about this kind of thing, how could I know."

"I guess, it should be that the delivery force is insufficient, so Shen Lin, the boss, also stepped forward in person."

The salesman in his thirties didn't speak. Although he thought this kind of thing was a bit unbelievable, it seemed to make sense.

However, their minds soon returned to the sale of washing machines. He was a little worried: "Those factories sold so many washing machines at once. If this continues, then..."

A city where the buying potential of big-ticket items is limited.

After these people buy this product, the product of the same quality will fall into a situation where it is not easy to sell.

Although Chunhua's washing machines are good, if everyone else buys them, no matter how good their washing machines are, they won't be easy to sell.

The salesman who had just counted pondered for a while and said, "Why don't we find Qiangzi and let our washing machines enter this mall."

"Otherwise, our sales will still not increase."

The salesman in his thirties didn't answer immediately, but fell into deep thought, but at the end, he patted his leg and said: "Come on, let's find a place to call and report the situation here to the section chief. "

"Especially the boss, Shen Lin, delivered the goods in person, which has already explained the situation of the rice shell electric store."

"I think our section chief should consider this matter. After all, this is related to the future layout of our factory."

Shen Lin didn't know that pedaling his own car to deliver the goods turned out to be a reason for others to persuade the leader. The reason why he delivered the goods was really because he was too busy.

Although at the time of opening, Shen Lin had asked Photon to organize more logistics people to deliver the goods, and even prepared several large trucks.

But no matter how carefully prepared it is, it can't stop people from rushing forward.It was just past one o'clock, and the logistics personnel who delivered the goods still hadn't eaten.

Under such circumstances, Shen Lin set an example. Apart from keeping Qiangzi in command, he brought some other management personnel to deliver goods for the shift.

What the two salesmen saw was Shen Lin's first order.

Unfortunately, except for the two salesmen from Chunhua Washing Machine Factory who recognized him, the other customers who bought things did not recognize him at all. This young man who enthusiastically moved the goods into the house for them turned out to be Mi Ke's boss Shen!

(End of this chapter)

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