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Chapter 453 What if the chapter comes to the past

Chapter 453 If You Go Back to the Past
Turnover exceeded 100 million!

Once the news was announced, there was cheers all around. For everyone present, this news was really exciting!
Although Lu Dongsheng is not from the rice shell electric store, his heart is also full of excitement.

As a college student who has experienced many things, his idea of ​​giving Shen Lin a job has become more determined.

College students are in charge of distribution, but even if Lu Dongsheng returns to his hometown, at most he can find a job in the county.

The salary in the county is more than 50 yuan a month, which looks good in the local area, allowing their family to live a good life, but now here in Shenlin, Lu Dongsheng, who has already earned thousands of yuan, these dozens The salary of [-] yuan is no longer in the eyes.

Boss Shen's business is getting bigger and bigger, not only does it give people a lot of salary improvements, but also has performance commissions.

Take Qiangzi as an example, although Qiangzi's salary is only more than 200 yuan, but Qiangzi's year-end share is too much.

At the end of last year, Qiangzi actually distributed more than 5000 yuan, which was impossible in Lu Dongsheng's view.

The success of the rice shell electrical store this time not only means that Qiangzi's commission will be more, but also means that from now on, Shen Lin's strategy has taken shape.

Under such circumstances, the future of working with Boss Shen will become brighter and brighter.

He has more confidence in convincing his family.

"Also, Director Shen said that today is the first day of opening. Everyone thinks about one thing and puts all their energy into one thing. It's hard work. Everyone present today will get double the bonus for this month."

Qiangzi came out, his face flushed with excitement.To him, this rice shell electrical store was like his dream.

Now, this dream has come true, and his heart is filled with an unprecedented sense of happiness.

With the establishment of Redekuai Factory, he felt that the importance of himself beside Brother Shen has been declining. Although he is still in charge of Lin Rong Electronics, the size of Lin Rong Electronics and Redekuai Factory are far behind. Far.

A sense of crisis began to fill his heart.

It was precisely because of this sense of crisis that he had a plan to promote the mall, but he did not expect that Shen Lin would spread the stall so big.

Although most of the turnover of one million a day is due to Shen Lin's opening plan, it is certain that the business of the electrical shopping mall will become more and more prosperous in the future.

The bonus is related to the individual. Hearing that the bonus has been doubled, all the employees present are more excited. They also have a sense of recognition for their boss.

Shen Lin, who had already confirmed that the dust had settled, couldn't help but move his tired body. At this time, what Shen Lin wanted most was to go home and rest.

However, looking at the cheering waiters and the excited Qiangzi and others, Shen Lin knew that he could not go home at this time.

He wanted to boost his morale again, he wanted to take advantage of this time to communicate with Qiangzi and the others, and of course, he also wanted to attend this simple celebration banquet.

Sitting in the car, looking at the colorful lights around him, Shen Lin suddenly felt that as his business grew bigger and bigger, he needed a professional management team.

At the very least, he needs to build this team.

Only by building up this team, and only by establishing and perfecting the rules and regulations, can he lift the weight as light as possible, and no longer be as tired as he is now.

The Ermei restaurant, which has been expanded a lot, still cannot accommodate the people brought by Shen Lin, and some people even move tables and benches to eat outside.

After toasting a few glasses of wine to the dinner staff, Shen Lin sat at a table with Xu Ruibing, Qiang Zi, Lu Dongsheng and others.

Xu Ruibing came early, he was already half full, and while smoking, he said with emotion: "Shen Lin, I regret it now."

"I just told a few colleagues that if I had set up a stall with you last year, I might have a household worth at least [-] yuan now!" At this point, he glanced at Qiangzi and said, "Just this stupid boy, Now my monthly salary is three to four times my salary.”

"Tell me, if I follow you, my salary will be higher than his!"

Shen Lin looked at Xu Ruibing who was joking, and said with a smile: "Brother, you are wrong about this matter."

"Why, do you think I'm not as good as this fool?" Xu Ruibing has a good relationship with Qiangzi, so he joked about it casually.

"No, Brother Xu, that's not what I want to correct." Shen Lin took a sip of water from his teacup, and then said slowly: "What I want to correct you is that the salary ratio you said is not quite right."

"Right now, the wages and bonuses of Qiangzi are at least more than 500 yuan in a month. Your salary of 70 yuan is three or four times that of yours."

"It's obviously close to ten times, okay?"

Xu Ruibing didn't expect that he would be teased by Shen Lin here.He couldn't help holding his wine glass and said, "Shen Lin, you bastard!"

Speaking of this, he pointed at Shen Lin's cup and said, "Speaking the truth, I will punish you for a cup this time."

Shen Lin smiled and had a drink with Xu Ruibing and said: "Brother, you have worked hard this time, one glass is not enough, let's drink two."

Xu Ruibing was not polite to Shen Lin either. After two drinks, Xu Ruibing couldn't help but said: "Shen Lin, if I take refuge in you now, can I get a salary like a foolish boy?"

Shen Lin didn't answer directly, but smiled and said: "Brother Xu, are you really willing to abandon your current career and follow me into the sea?"

Xu Ruibing stared at the serious Shen Lin, stunned for a moment, and finally sighed.Although he said it happily, in fact, he was really unwilling to give up his job.

After all, this job not only has his hard work and painstaking efforts over the years, but also his love for this job.

Because the business will continue tomorrow, the celebration banquet is just a taste of it.The drinking capacity of Shen Lin and the others, that is, after drinking a bottle of wine, everyone left.

When Shen Lin was driven home by the driver, he found that the lights in his home were brightly lit.

Walking into the house, Shen Lin found that not only his mother-in-law Chen Hongying was at home, but also his mother Zhao Honglian and father Shen Xingye were also at home.

Seeing Shen Xingye playing with Xiao Guoke fondly, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Dad, you got off work so early today?"

Shen Xingye said: "There is no necessary entertainment today, so come back early."

Having said that, he turned to Shen Lin and said, "Today's opening is very good. I went to have a look. There are so many people queuing up."

"How about it?"

Shen Lin understood how his father was doing, he was asking about the turnover, he smiled and said: "It's not too good, today's turnover is more than 100 million."

Hearing his son say more than 100 million in a calm and calm manner, Shen Xingye really didn't know what to say.

My own son is really not ordinary.His clever mind still followed me after all.However, it seems that I know nothing about business.

"Okay, don't show off to me here, I have something to tell you." Shen Xingye took out a cigarette and said, "My precious grandson is here, you and I go outside to smoke a cigarette."

(End of this chapter)

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