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Chapter 461 People Always Have to Pay the Price

Chapter 461 People Always Have to Pay the Price

Shen Lin could see how uncomfortable Ma Younian was, but no matter how uncomfortable, Shen Lin could not give him too much sympathy.

People like Ma Younian are standard grasshoppers who fall with the wind.It's hard to expect a person who sees profit and forgets righteousness to suddenly have kindness in his heart.

Now that Ma Younian has made a choice, as the person in charge of the Chengguan Town Boiler Factory, he has to pay the price for his choice.

After all, once Ma Younian and the others succeeded in forcing the palace, it would be Shen Lin and Rede Kuaichang who would suffer the loss.

Under such circumstances, Shen Lin absolutely did not allow himself to soften his heart in the slightest.

"Director Shen, can you really not let us live?" Ma Younian took a deep breath and asked the last sentence.

Shen Lin looked at Ma Younian, and said indifferently: "Director Ma, we all manage the factory, there are no rules, and there is no circle."

"The Hardware Machinery Factory re-entered our supply chain, but the price he paid was that Lao Min returned to the logistics department of the General Iron and Steel Factory and took a back seat to the second line."

Shen Lin's words made Ma Younian slowly make up his mind and said, "Director Shen, I, Ma Younian, made this decision, and I can also take on such a responsibility."

"After I went back, I took the initiative to ask my superiors to withdraw. In this way, will Director Shen be able to resume our order?"

Speaking of this, Ma Younian seemed to be moved by his heroic act: "Director Shen, the accessories we produce can save you a lot of shipping costs. What I get for myself is nothing!"

Shen Lin looked at Ma Younian whose hands were trembling, and pondered for a while and said, "If you make up your mind, I can give you a chance."

"But Ma, are you sure you want to learn from Min Zhong?"

Ma Younian made up his mind, but at this moment he felt much more relaxed. He said in a low voice, "Director Shen, our boiler factory has a weak foundation, so we couldn't pay wages in the first place."

"I haven't lived a good life for two days, but because my brain was flooded, it was caused by this muddled decision. Everyone suddenly returned to before liberation."

"Hey, everyone has already scolded their mothers in front of me. If I can't think of a way, the factory manager might as well be inappropriate in front of me."

After talking with Shen Lin for a few more words, Ma Younian left sadly.Although he made up his mind, this determination was not easy to make.

Three days later, Ma Younian from Chengguan Town Boiler Factory left the boiler factory and went to a nursing home to dawdle.

And the new person in charge of the boiler factory came to Shen Lin's office respectfully under the leadership of Ma Younian on his first day in office.

Shen Lin was a little surprised at Ma Younian's speed this time, but he still greeted Ma Younian with a smile.

"Director Shen, when I started, I was really reluctant!" Ma Younian, who was still dressed like before, was full of emotion after grabbing a cup of tea.

Shen Lin smiled, but didn't say anything.

Ma Younian's failure to be the factory manager was, after all, the credit of Shen Lin. Under such circumstances, any consolation he gave seemed a bit false.

So at this time, for Shen Lin, his best choice was to say nothing and let Ma Younian speak.

"Director Shen, this is Old Shi, Shi Jianguo, who used to be the workshop director in the boiler factory, and is now the factory director of our boiler factory."

After all, Ma came here to talk about business. He introduced this honest-looking middle-aged man and said, "Jianguo, I won't go into details about how important the order of Factory Manager Shen is to us."

"In the future, you must report to Director Shen more often."

Shi Jianguo looked at Shen Lin with some embarrassment and said, "Director Shen, please help me a lot in the future."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Director Shi, you don't have to be polite. We are a cooperative relationship. Don't listen to Director Ma's nonsense here." Ma Younian curled his lips and thought to himself, don't you know if I'm talking nonsense? ?
Yes, we are a cooperative relationship, but the problem is that you have always been in a dominant position.

While Shen Lin was talking with Shi Jianguo, there was a sudden commotion outside. Shen Lin frowned when he heard the commotion.

Regardless of whether the factory is called Redekuai Factory or it is now changed to Mishell Electronics, Shen Lin attaches great importance to rules and regulations.

Therefore, such noisy situations rarely occur in the whole hot factory.Just when Shen Lin wanted to ask someone about the situation, Cheng Zhenyuan walked in with great strides.

"Director, someone is carrying an old man outside, saying that he was hit by a car from our factory and asked us to lose money." Cheng Zhenyuan greeted Ma Younian and said in a deep voice.

It's normal for a car to hit someone and lose money, so Shen Lin didn't take it too seriously, and happily arranged: "Let someone understand the situation, and if our people really hit it, how much should be paid. "

Cheng Zhenyuan nodded and said, "Okay, I'll let someone ask."

When Ma Younian saw that something was going on with Shen Lin, he stood up and said, "Director Shen, you are busy here, so we won't beat you up. The two of us will leave first."

Shen Lin nodded and said, "Director Ma, I wanted to invite you to have a meal, but it's a bit busy here, so let's talk later."

Shen Lin's words are really polite words. If Ma Younian eats here, if Ma Younian drinks and goes crazy or something, it's not good to care about it, and it's not good not to care about it.

After all, Ma Younian has retired.

"Thank you, Director Shen. I may come to ask for forgiveness of Director Shen at some point in the future."

Ma Younian and Shi Jianguo left Shen Lin's office with a smile. As they left the factory, Ma Younian's expression became gloomy.

Although he was very free and easy in front of Shen Lin, he was very disappointed when he stepped down from the position of factory manager.

"Old Shi, look at the way the factory is so hot, and then look at the way our factory looks, it's not like you don't know, it makes you blush when you compare it with shock."

Shi Jianguo has been focusing on production on the front line, and this time he became the factory director mainly because of Ma Younian's strong recommendation.

He had never been to the Rice Shell Electronics Factory, and when he came, he was thinking about meeting Shen Lin, so he was full of apprehension.

Now, having met Shen Lin, he was stunned to see that the environment was tidy, the planning was neat, and he even opened up a small garden, which looked better than the greening of the street parks in the city.

People's houses are all brand new lime floors, but what about my own side.

"Shen Lin is really rich. He can make this rented place look like this." Shi Jianguo said with emotion.

"Old Shi, I did my best for our factory. Although I made that mistake, I don't think my choice at that time was wrong."

"After all, at that time, everyone forced the palace together, who didn't want to earn more money."

Ma Younian said with emotion: "But, Shen Lin is superior, we can only admit defeat."

Speaking of this, Ma Younian said: "The reason why I chose you as the factory manager is because you have a calm mind and are not as impetuous as I am. You only think about making more money and don't think about your own..."

When Ma Younian was speaking, they had already arrived at the gate, and they saw seven or eight people surrounded by a flatbed truck blocking the gate.

Looking at these people, Shi Jianguo suddenly said: "Boss Shen, I'm afraid I'm going to be blackmailed this time!"

(End of this chapter)

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