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Chapter 481 Shen Lin, This Kid Is Really Bad

Chapter 481 Shen Lin, This Kid Is Really Bad

Qi Yuanbai did not stay for dinner in the end.

Although he didn't know what Shen Lin would invite him to eat, but he knew that there was no good banquet, so he hurriedly escaped from the rice shell electronics factory in the name of other urgent tasks.

Sitting in his family's car, Qi Yuanbai lay down on the seat wearily, and let out a long breath.

He insisted on not participating in the following symposium.In his heart, he was also very emotional at this time. Fortunately, he persisted at that time.

Because when he repeatedly declined, Shen Lin could only let the workers who came to the symposium be informed that this symposium was temporarily cancelled.

At this time, he saw the chubby fat aunt.

Fat aunt's big pancake face made him feel deep malice.He felt that if he continued to discuss with this woman, his appetite for today might be completely ruined!

"Changzi, what shall we do next?" The secretary who was driving in the front row asked Qi Yuanbai for instructions.

"What are you doing? Find a place to be quiet first." Qi Yuanbai sighed and said, "Also, invite Director Lei and others to have a meal."

This was originally a well-arranged dinner, and it was originally invited by Director Lei and others, but Qi Yuanbai was generous and finally decided to invite him for this meal.

When Director Lei came, he sat in the small car with Qi Yuanbai, but now, he has already sat in the big car.

He has always been by Director Qi's side, knowing that at this time, Director Qi must be unhappy, and he doesn't want to make trouble.

As for the big car, it was extremely lively at this time.They are basically their own people, so they basically don't have any worries about speaking.

"Grandma, this Shen Lin is really vicious. We came to them to visit and learn from their rice shell electronics factory. He actually let us watch the production of light bulbs for more than an hour. Isn't this just a donkey's head and a horse's mouth! "Director Niu, who is in charge of production, scolded angrily as soon as he opened his mouth.

For Director Niu, what happened today was really not pleasant. He still wanted to learn from a teacher, but he didn't expect to encounter the production of light bulbs.

As far as those two broken machines, as far as the production efficiency of those people is concerned, he can surpass them with his eyes closed.

Others also talked about it, and although they didn't want to yell at each other, they all said that those people in Mike Electronics Factory were wicked and smokey.

Director Lei sat on the side, basically not talking. He went to see Shen Lin this time to show off his power, but he didn't expect that he would be nicknamed a jerk if he didn't say anything about showing off his power.

This time, he really lost his wife and lost his army.

For such a situation, he was very annoyed from the bottom of his heart, he felt that he was just asking for trouble, and he had nothing to do to join in the fun!
The group returned to the guest house cursing, took a brief rest, and sat together.

As the landlord of Dongzhou, Director Lei had to make the scene passable at such a time, otherwise, it would appear that he was not enthusiastic enough.

Therefore, although his heart was full of displeasure, he still held up his wine glass with a smile and toasted Director Qi.

After all, Qi Yuanbai is not an ordinary person. After drinking two sips of wine, he smiled and said: "Lao Lei, it's not easy for you. You have suffered a lot these days when dealing with a difficult guy like Shen Lin."

Listening to this warm comfort, Director Lei felt like crying.Shen Lin is really difficult to deal with.

Holding the wine glass, he said: "Director Qi, don't say anything, everything is in the wine."

"Speaking of which, Shen Lin is really dishonest. Most of the time, he doesn't even follow any rules when doing things!"

"Grandma, no matter what happened this time, no one can do this. He actually asked us to visit the production of light bulbs. It's really abominable." Director Niu snorted and said: "Such a petty attitude, in the future It won’t become a big deal. Director Qi, when we become one of the five golden flowers, I suggest that we advertise well to increase our popularity."

"Isn't they called Liyuan Village Light Bulb Factory? Maybe in the future, they will actually produce light bulbs!"

Director Niu's words were extremely relieved, so everyone laughed loudly for a while, and with this laughter, many people had bright smiles on their faces.

Director Lei and other factory directors who supplied parts also laughed. They also hoped that Shen Lin's business would fail, because only in this way could their lives be better.

And at this moment, the section chief in charge of distribution came over from the outside.

This guy just went out and made a phone call to the factory, which can be regarded as an arrangement for the sales work in the factory.

When this one came in, his face was a little gloomy.He came to Director Qi and said in a low voice: "Director, there is something reported in the factory just now, how should we deal with it?"

Qi Yuanbai's mood had just recovered a little, and he felt a little uncomfortable when he heard the sales chief speak like this.

He knows the character of the sales chief, if there is no major incident, he will usually take care of himself and solve the matter properly.

"What's the situation, tell me?" Qi Yuanbai asked in a deep voice, putting down the chopsticks in his hand.

"Director, I just got the news that Mishell Electronics Factory is in our Sanshan area, and it is promoting a big promotion." The sales section chief said the word "big promotion", and felt that his tooth hurt.

Although Qi Yuanbai heard of the concept of big promotion for the first time, he directly understood the meaning of big promotion.

"Why did Mishell Electronics have a big promotion?"

"Their rice cookers, electric kettles, automatic water dispensers, and quick-heating joint promotions are discounted. The more you buy, the more discounts you get." After the sales section chief said it in general, he suddenly found that more than half of the people present were still in a daze. looking at himself.

He immediately said: "For example, if we want to buy a rice cooker with rice shells, if we just buy some rice cookers, it will cost 100 yuan."

"However, if I buy the electric kettle first and then the rice cooker, the price of the rice cooker will be [-]% off."

"Also, if you buy a rice cooker and an electric kettle, and then buy a rice shell automatic water dispenser, the price of the automatic water dispenser will be discounted by [-]%..."

Director Lei and the others immediately understood.

Although this kind of price reduction sale is simple, they can all feel that this kind of profit sharing model is simple and rude, and it is very easy to gain popularity.

Once it is really implemented, the products of Mishell Electric will definitely sell well.

It can even be said that Mishell Electric will definitely sell like crazy this time.

The products produced by their Xiangxue Electric Appliance Factory and the Rice Shell Electronics Factory are basically the same. If the products of Rice Shell Electronics are shipped in large quantities, it will be a disaster for them.

After all, when people sell more, they sell less.

"Factory Manager, shall we also lower the price?" After waiting for a while, he found that his factory manager hadn't responded yet, so the Sales Section Chief asked in a deep voice.

As the sales chief, it was his job and he had to ask.

(End of this chapter)

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