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Chapter 489 What It's Like To Be Forgotten

Chapter 489 What It's Like To Be Forgotten

"Director Shen, this is the coffee pot you asked us to make. It can adjust the strength of the coffee at any time according to your requirements..."

Li Xueqiang stood in front of Shen Lin full of joy, and showed a delicate coffee pot in front of Shen Lin.

Although Li Xueqiang's coffee pot, from Shen Lin's point of view, is still about the same as the fifth grade produced by a small factory with no name in later generations, but Shen Lin is quite satisfied with the result.

The reason why I am satisfied is because it is several grades higher than the current products in terms of shape and size.

"Yes, Lao Li, you have worked hard this time. I will invite you all to go on a trip after you have been busy for a while." Shen Lin promised with a smile.

Seeing Shen Lin's sincere smile, Li Xueqiang hurriedly said: "Thank you, Director Shen, and on behalf of our colleagues in the laboratory, thank you!"

While the two were talking, Photon suddenly walked in in a hurry.

He didn't say hello to Li Xueqiang either, but directly said to Shen Lin: "Director Shen, I just met Lao Li from the blanket factory outside, and he said that the preparatory meeting for the establishment of foreign exchange is underway, why didn't you go?"

The function of the preparatory meeting is actually to arrange the itinerary.It is said that Shen Lin has already signed up, so he should be allowed to participate.

When Shen Lin heard the news, he was a little confused. He had already made so much preparation, but he didn't want his efforts to go to waste all at once.

"Did Lao Li say when the meeting will be held?" Shen Lin took a breath, and then calmly asked Photon.

Photon was also a little anxious at this time, but still responded calmly: "It opens at 09:30, and it is almost about to start now."

"After I met him, I started to rush here."

Shen Lin nodded and said, "Hurry up and get someone to prepare the car for me." While speaking, Shen Lin came to his office and called Mi Yuan.

Mi Yuan was reading documents in the office. Although she didn't attend the preparatory meeting, she knew what was going to be said at the preparatory meeting.

This time, Dongzhou's tasks have increased again. If they can't be completed, then everyone's face will be very ugly.

From the look on the head of the unit, Mi Yuan knew that this was an almost impossible task, otherwise the head of the family would not have been sullen.

Just as various thoughts were surging in Mi Yuan's mind, the phone on her desk rang.

After Mi Yuan answered the phone, she heard Shen Lin's voice: "Hi Mi Yuan, I'm Shen Lin."

Shen Lin called me, is there anything he can do?No, there is a preparatory meeting now, shouldn't Shen Lin be in the conference room?
Just when Mi Yuan suddenly thought of something, she heard Shen Lin say: "Mi Yuan, are you having a preparatory meeting now?"

"Director Shen, is there something you can't come to?" When Mi Yuan said this, she felt her voice was a little low.

"No, I didn't receive the notification, so I called you to ask if something happened inside?"

Although Shen Lin's attitude was still calm and gentle, Mi Yuan became nervous instead.She asked softly: "Director Shen, I'll help you ask what's going on, and I'll get back to you soon."

While talking, Mi Yuan, who hung up the phone, immediately came to the office in charge of notifying the meeting and asked the colleague in charge of notifying.

After asking, the result was that the person in charge of notifying, still notified according to his past experience, and forgot about Shen Lin's rice shell electronics.

Such an explanation made Mi Yuan a little dumbfounded.

There was no other way, she had to pull the colleague who was in charge of the notification, and found the deputy director who was in charge of this matter.

The deputy director was also scratching his head. At this time, it was already too late to criticize.What's more, in this person's opinion, Mihu Electronics Factory's participation this time is just to join in the fun.In the end, they won't gain anything.

"Xiaomi, please explain this matter to Director Shen. In addition, I will ask someone to get you a document later, and you will convey the spirit of this preparatory meeting to Director Shen."

"Haha, as long as you don't delay your departure."

Hearing this, Mi Yuan was speechless, but thinking about it, this seemed to be the solution to the problem.

However, this method also shows a reality, that is, the upper and lower levels do not attach much importance to Mishell Electronics Factory's participation in this fair.

If the directors of the blanket factory or bamboo carving factory were forgotten to notify, then their directors would definitely go to battle in person, so as to appease them.

Now, Shen Lin's appeasement job was handed over to a novice like himself.

There was no other way, so Mi Yuan called Shen Lin, and after explaining the situation, she said very embarrassedly: "Director Shen, this matter is a mistake in our work, please forgive me."

When Shen Lin heard the reason, he was also speechless for a while, he smiled and said: "Mi Yuan, you are too polite, this is a trivial matter, you don't have to take it to heart."

"By the way, Director Shen, our director asked me to convey the spirit of this preparatory meeting to you. Do you think you will come by yourself or send someone?" Mi Yuan will send someone, saying very solemnly .

Obviously, she thought it would be better for Shen Lin to send someone there at this time.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Let me go, they are all busy running around now, and I am the only idler."

The contents of the preparatory meeting conveyed by Mi Yuan were actually clichés such as what to pay attention to. After reading the document, Shen Lin understood it in his heart.

Seeing Shen Lin politely preparing to leave, Mi Yuan couldn't help explaining: "Director Shen, my colleague's negligence this time, to be honest, is very unreasonable."

"It's just that it's the first time for our electronics factory to participate in this trade fair, so he will..."

"It's okay, nothing was delayed anyway." Shen Lin waved his hand and said: "But I believe that we will not be forgotten in the next trade fair."

Shen Lin spoke very calmly, and after finishing speaking, he turned and left.Seeing Shen Lin leaving, chewing on Shen Lin's words, Mi Yuan quickly understood the meaning of Shen Lin's words.

He said this because he firmly believes that his own products can be sold?
Although Mi Yuan never feels inferior, she is very aware of the results of the home appliance industry at the trade fair.

Basically, it's all fruitless.

I'm afraid Shen Lin will be really disappointed this time.

There was a trace of worry in my heart, but soon, I threw this worry aside.

After all, she is the richest man in Dongzhou, and she is an ordinary woman, so she has nothing to worry about.

Even those factory directors who seem to have the same identity as Shen Lin, when it comes to Shen Lin, they are mostly envious.

After all, Shen Lin's factory belongs to him.

In two days, the time for departure has arrived!

(End of this chapter)

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