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Chapter 491 The future is not bright

Chapter 491 The future is not bright
As Mi Yuan said, Shen Lin's booth is located in the most remote area. This area is not specifically for Shen Lin, but for all household appliances.

After all, the transaction volume of all household electrical appliances is very small, and the reason why they are invited to participate in this fair is to encourage them to innovate and move forward.

Shen Lin didn't have much resistance to this position. After all, everyone was here, so he couldn't express any opinions.

What's more, he came here and prepared some small tricks.

This time, besides the employees of the two rice shell electronics factories, there were also two college students, including Lu Dongsheng, who were brought to the trade fair by Shen Lin.

Of course, the task of Lu Dongsheng and the others was mainly to explain. For this, Shen Lin also specially prepared a suit of clothes for them.

Because each other's exhibition areas are not in the same place, after confirming their respective booths, each participating factory brought big bags and small bags, ready to arrange their own places.

Mi Yuan originally wanted to help Shen Lin, she was a friend after all, but when she was about to go, she was stopped by her colleagues, saying that the director had instructed that this time the trade fair must help the bamboo carving factory to keep the original share.

These people are always on standby around the booth of the bamboo carving factory to help the bamboo carving factory solve unexpected things.

Of course, if the people in the bamboo carving factory are too busy, they can also make a guest appearance to help others sell their goods.

Regarding this arrangement, everyone has nothing to complain about. After all, Director Zhao's bamboo carving factory is all hope.

Mi Yuan didn't explain anything to Shen Lin because of this. She felt that if she went to help, it was a friendship between friends. If she couldn't go, she didn't have any embarrassment.

However, when Mi Yuan followed Factory Director Zhao to their bamboo carving exhibition area, she felt a little overwhelmed, because there are too many manufacturers selling bamboo carvings here.

Director Zhao, who had come here with his head held high, saw a trace of unconcealable frustration on his face when he saw such a situation.

"Old Qin, aren't you a woodware factory? Why are you also producing bamboo carvings now?" Director Zhao shouted at a sturdy man who looked to be in his 40s.

The man glanced at Factory Manager Zhao and said, "It's Lao Zhao, aren't we planning to diversify our products? Woodenware and bamboo carvings are originally common, don't you think?"

"You can also get some wooden utensils and sell them here!"

Director Zhao's face suddenly turned a little red.Wooden utensils are not easy to get rid of, and he knows very well in his heart that Lao Qin's instigation is simply cheating him.

"" Factory Manager Zhao wanted to express his anger, but he pointed at the man named Lao Qin, not knowing what to say for a while.

At this moment, a middle-aged man who looked to be in his 40s, was white and fat, with a middle parted hair, and a pair of small eyes that were a little wandering, walked over unsteadily.

When Lao Qin saw this person, he laughed and said, "Lao You, Director Zhao doesn't want us to sell bamboo carvings, what do you think we should do?"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man shook the black leather bag in his hand, and said with a smirk: "Oh, I heard that right, there are still people who won't let us sell bamboo carvings, let me see, this is Who is so majestic."

While talking, Lao You came to Lao Zhao with a smile on his face, squinted and said, "Oh, I said who is so majestic, it turned out to be Brother Zhao, why, Brother Zhao's status has risen, even our Does it matter if you sell bamboo carvings?"

Director Zhao took a breath angrily. He felt like he was going to explode with anger, but at this moment, he couldn't say anything.

"This bamboo carving business does not belong to your family. If you want to prohibit us from selling bamboo carvings, you might as well prohibit us from growing bamboo!" As he spoke, the old traveler wandered towards his stall again, with a trace of emotion in his words. He said sarcastically: "Who are these people? They don't allow others to sell what they sell, and they don't even look in the mirror to see if they have such a big face."

Hearing this, Director Zhao felt that he was going to be blown up at this moment, but at this moment, he couldn't say anything.

"Old Zhao, don't be angry, compete fairly, we are established manufacturers after all, we don't need to be afraid of them..." Someone who is familiar with Director Zhao persuaded Old Zhao in a low voice.

Director Zhao, who took a few deep breaths, finally calmed down at this moment, but his mood was full of coldness.

"Section Chief Li, I'm afraid it will be very difficult for us to complete the task assigned by our superiors this time." The moment Director Zhao said this, he sighed and said, "Look at them, our things are not good enough. It's a good sell."

Section Chief Li understood Director Zhao's concerns. In fact, when he looked at the bamboo carving booths, his heart was filled with sadness.

He is very clear that although things like bamboo carvings can earn foreign exchange, if there are too many, the share in their mouths will be even less.

In that case, it will be even more difficult for them to complete the task.

Mi Yuan also understands these things, but she has nothing to do, after all, things have come to this point.

On the morning of the same day, Director Zhao reported what happened in the bamboo carving exhibition area to Deputy Director Shi, who led the team this time.

Deputy Director Shi, who had already felt the great pressure, gave Mi Yuan and others a death order, and must work hard to help Director Zhao to sell the existing bamboo carving products.

So much so that Mi Yuan and the others gathered around Director Zhao's exhibition counter for two days in a row, helping to find a way.

Unfortunately, facing a large number of opponents with similar goods, they have nothing to do.

As Mi Yuan expected, on the first day of the exhibition, those foreign businessmen who were interested in bamboo carvings quickly disappeared in front of a large number of goods.

After working all morning, they didn't talk too much, their throat hurt and they got angry, but in the end, Mi Yuan and the others failed to make a deal.

Mi Yuan felt parched after drinking the water she brought.In the process of searching for a possible supply of hot water, Mi Yuan suddenly found a sticky sign written entirely in English.

The whole sign is black, and the white font is small, but it gives people an extremely high-end feeling.

Looking at this sign, the only thought in Mi Yuan's mind was that the people who organized the trade fair this time had greatly improved their aesthetics.

Among other things, this sign alone will add a lot of color to this transaction.

Mi Yuan's English is very good. When she was in college, she worked hard on this aspect, so she recognized it at a glance. It said: hot water, tea, coffee!

In other words, following this sign, she can get hot water, tea, or coffee.Mi Yuan, who was already a little bit unbearable, felt a little excited when she thought of tea and coffee.

I didn't care about thinking so much at the moment, so I followed the signs and walked forward in great strides.

(End of this chapter)

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