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Chapter 494 Don't Notify Shen Lin From Now On

Chapter 494 Don't Notify Shen Lin From Now On
Reporting, of course, is not my own responsibility.But once the report is made, will the director support Shen Lin's small actions?
In Mi Yuan's feeling, the possibility of support is very high, after all, she and others came with missions.

However, if the head of the director of the house happens to stick to the road sign at the drinking water place, it will have a big impact on Shen Lin's business.

And the consequences of this impact...

As each thought flashed, Mi Yuan glanced at the strangers around her, and found that although there were people coming and going, there was no one who knew her.

"Am I coming? Who knew I was coming!" After muttering a few words to herself, Mi Yuan made up her mind.

Since no one knows that he has been here, why bother with this kind of trouble?Just let Shen Lin do his own thing!
It can be regarded as quietly doing a small thing for my best friend Lu Xiaorong.

Thinking that this was helping Lu Xiaorong, a smile appeared on Mi Yuan's face.But soon, her smile disappeared.

Mi Yuan, who was in a happy mood, followed the signs of tea, hot water, and coffee, and quickly returned to the bamboo carving exhibition area.

At this moment in the bamboo carving exhibition area, the people had already dissipated, but Director Zhao and others were still shouting hard.

A colleague saw Mi Yuan coming over and said with emotion: "Mi Yuan, you didn't see it. Just now, we just made a business deal and almost finished the negotiation."

"If we can negotiate, we can sell thousands of dollars worth of goods. Hey, it's a pity that someone interrupted."

While the colleague was speaking, he glanced annoyedly at the front, and said angrily: "Some people, at this time, simply don't talk about martial arts, and they are so fierce when they grab their own business."

Mi Yuan heard the tens of thousands of dollars, and couldn't help but think of the business that sold tens of thousands of dollars after the price increase.

If I let my colleague know about this, I don't know how he should feel.

Thoughts flashed through Mi Yuan's mind, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.But she soon realized that what she did was wrong. Everyone was fighting against each other, so she should be angry.

"It's really disgusting. What did Director Zhao do?" Mi Yuan looked at Lao Zhao, whose sweat had already soaked Zhenliang's shirt, and his black vest was even exposed on the back.

The colleague sighed and said, "Of course Director Zhao is very angry. From his appearance, I feel like hitting someone."

Speaking of this, the colleague shook his head again and said: "At this time, beating people is useless."

"Okay, Director Li has already gone to find someone to discuss it, but I don't think it's very useful. Let's be careful not to hit his gun."

Mi Yuan also stopped talking, and started her work again, but at this moment, she was thinking more about the situation at Shen Lin's side.

On Shen Lin's side, although he was providing drinking water, basically no one took the initiative to find him, and here, he insisted on selling, but they couldn't sell it.

This gap is not ordinary!

The busy time passed very quickly, making Mi Yuan feel parched again. After drinking a large pot of water, the sun had already started to set.

Most of the crowd at the exhibition had disappeared, only a few scattered people were still walking back and forth.

At this time, a female colleague came to Mi Yuan's side and complained quietly: "Mi Yuan, I thought we would come here this time, we just need to organize it, and we can go shopping and buy things at other times."

"Hey, no one thought that it's only the first day, and I'm so tired." The female colleague said with a trace of emotion: "If I had known this earlier, I would not have come."

Although the female colleague said this, Mi Yuan felt that it was enough for her to listen to such words, but she could not take them seriously. For this female colleague, if she was not allowed to come this time, the sky would fall! "Who says it's not? We haven't caught up with the good times. I heard that last year, Director Zhao's bamboo carvings were selling very well. At that time, we really didn't have to shout out personally."

Thoughts surged in her heart, Mi Yuan followed her colleague's words.

At this time, I saw a male colleague running over and said, "I have good news for you, the blankets from the blanket factory have been sold, and the turnover is US$[-]!"

"This time, we're off to a good start!"

The blanket from the blanket factory sold for $[-], which surprised Mi Yuan.Although the products from the blanket factory are all high-quality products, they are not very competitive in style or other.

I don't know how this blanket factory sold things.

However, no matter how people sell it, as long as they can sell it, in the eyes of everyone, it is not a small victory.

"That's right, finally the first head is not in vain." The female colleague clapped her hands and said, "I hope the director will not arrange so many things for us tomorrow."

Mi Yuan also has this kind of thought in her heart, but her qualifications in the unit are too shallow, so she can only think about it at this time, but dare not say it.

"You guys are thinking well. Let me tell you, the director asked us to eat by ourselves, and go to his room for the meeting on time at 07:30."

When the colleague said this, he turned to Mi Yuan and said, "Mi Yuan, Sister Dan, I heard that the old duck vermicelli soup here is good, why don't we find a place to try it?"

Sister Dan understands what her colleagues think. As the eldest sister, she basically likes the beauty of adults in this kind of matter.

"Okay, let's go have a meal, but it's agreed, Xiao Jiang, you have to treat me this time, after all, we two beauties will accompany you to dinner."

Although Mi Yuan doesn't like this kind of dinner invitation, she still knows the basics of the world.Unable to refuse, Mi Yuan also smiled and said, "Then Sister Dan and I will please come over later."

After a comfortable dinner, Mi Yuan and others soon came to the room of Director Li who led the team this time.When they came, they found that not only they came, but also the factory directors who participated in the exhibition.

For a while, the small room was packed to the brim.

Those who came first, especially Director Zhao and others, could still sit on the bed, while Mi Yuan and other young people could only stand.

"Is everyone here?" Director Li glanced around, and his eyes fell on Xiao Jiang who came back with them.

Xiao Jiang, who had just had a meal with the goddess in his heart, was in a state of excitement. After quickly looking around, he hurriedly said: "Except for Director Shen of the Rice Shell Electronics Factory, everyone Arrived."

Director Li waved his hand and said: "If you don't come, then don't come, anyway, they are just making up for it."

"In this way, you can go back and make a note. For factories like theirs, don't notify them next time. It's just adding chaos!"

"Okay, I remember." Xiao Jiang replied quickly.

Mi Yuan fell into a kind of suspicion. Through talking with Shen Lin, she felt that she also knew part of Shen Lin.

Director Shen is not the kind of person who gets mad when he gets power!
(End of this chapter)

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