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Chapter 497 What did you say, we are number 1

Chapter 497: What did you say, we are actually number one
"Shen Lin is gone?" After his subordinates came back, Li Qingbo's voice was tinged with displeasure.

"Well, I've already left." The subordinate knew that Director Li was in a bad mood, so he was very careful when speaking.

As a competent subordinate, although it is not necessary to please the leader, at least when he is in a bad mood, it is the minimum emotional intelligence not to make trouble.

"What's the matter with him?" Li Qingbo asked casually.

"He said he has something to report to you personally." The subordinate said with a smile.

Li Qingbo didn't care either, his eyes fell on Director Li again: "Old Li, tell me, how can you improve your competitiveness?"

"Director Li, our craftsmanship and technology are definitely not inferior to others, but the prices of those small factories are really too low. This is pure malicious competition."

Lao Li didn't hide the slightest bit from his family, and he just expressed his distress in his heart: "These small factories don't care about martial arts at all. According to their prices, it is definitely a loss-making business."

The word loss caused Li Qingbo's forehead to crumble a little. He hesitated for a while, but in the end he still couldn't make up his mind.

Old Zhao from the blanket factory was also beside Li Qingbo. He could understand what Li Qingbo was thinking, but at this time, he was unwilling to talk too much.

At this moment, a service person knocked on the door and said, "Hi, may I ask if Li Qingbo from Dongzhou lives here?"

"Yes, I am Li Qingbo." Li Qingbo said hastily.

"Your call is downstairs, please go and answer it." There was a smile on the waiter's face.

Hearing that there was a phone call looking for him, Li Qingbo's heart was even heavier. He knew very well that the person looking for him at this time was definitely not a member of his family.

The family members know that they are on a business trip, and they will not look for themselves when they have something to do.What's more, they don't know how to contact them here.

The only one who can find himself is his own boss.

Thinking of what Director Zuo had said before his arrival, Li Qingbo felt his head buzzing.

But he had to remain calm. If he lost his footing first, he would really be unable to participate in the next trade fair.

After rubbing his face, Director Li strode to the front desk.

At the same time, he also complained that the guest house he lived in was indeed a bit outdated, not only was it far away from the trade fair, but the phone hadn't even been connected to the room yet.

Hey, I also blame myself for my incompetence. I heard that the reservation allocation of this hotel is also related to the number of orders.

"Hi, I'm Li Qingbo, hello, who are you?" Li Qingbo, who had calmed down and was ready to be criticized, said loudly.

"Hahaha, good of you, Li Qingbo, you didn't say anything, you gave me a big satellite!" On the other end of the phone, Director Zuo's loud voice rushed into Li Qingbo's ears.

Hearing this deafening voice, Li Qingbo's heart trembled. His first feeling was that Director Zuo had already known about his failure to harvest, so the Director threw himself into a rage.

"Director, listen to me..."

"Hahaha, I know you want to surprise me and hide it from me on purpose. I know that being low-key is the best way to show off. Haha, okay, okay, you're a blockbuster!"

Director Zuo didn't wait for him to finish, and laughed to himself: "But Xiao Li, your surprise caught me off guard."

"I know you're very busy now. After all, so many orders have been negotiated, I guess you've been spitting all over the place in the past two days, but I have to put pressure on you."

"In 10 minutes, I will sort out all the orders that have been agreed upon. The city is waiting for me to report them!" When Lao Zuo said this, he said with emotion: "The province has issued a ranking. Our first day's orders , but it’s number one!”

"How many years has it been? When did we win the first place?"

what? What?Our order volume took the first place?Is it the last one!

Li Qingbo suppressed this thought in his heart when he thought of the last moment.

Because in the past, Dongzhou City also won the last place.

Even if he was the last one this time, Lao Zuo shouldn't have behaved like this. At most, he would scold himself a few words instead of saying these things happily.

However, if it is the number one in positive numbers, could it be that Director Zhao and the others won the first place by selling items worth a thousand dollars?

Li Qingbo didn't even dare to think about it, holding the beeping phone, he stood there in a daze.

At this moment, several people came in chatting and laughing happily.When the leader saw Li Qingbo, he greeted loudly: "Good, Li Qingbo, I thought you were a good person, but I didn't expect that you are such a sinister person. One set, one set in mind!"

"Let me tell you, the wound in my heart will never heal without two bottles of good wine. You should prepare well for me."

Hearing this, although Li Qingbo was confused, he still said strangely: "Old Ma, what you said seems like I have hurt you."

"Hehe, good you Li Qingbo, are you still pretending to be here? Who saw me yesterday, with a frowning look, saying that the order signed by your family was a thousand dollars? "

"Let me tell you, the above rankings have been released. You are ranked first. We made more than 1 orders before we ranked fifth. You are still pretending to be innocent here."

"Brother, it made sense to pretend at the beginning, but it's all up to now, you still pretend, is it interesting!"

What the old horse said made Li Qingbo react immediately, he grabbed the old horse's hand and said: "Are you sure we are number one?"

"Yes, it's absolutely right!" The old horse said with a look of contempt: "Two bottles of good wine, at least three yuan or more, otherwise, I will definitely not agree!"

However, when the old horse was talking, Li Qingbo murmured: "This must be a mistake in the ranking, or else..."

"Don't, don't, you slippery big loach, if you don't want to treat me, just say so, don't make me do this!"

"It's not that you don't know how the ranking came about. It's the place where the contract is filed, and it's specially sent to our superiors." The old horse shook his hands quickly and said: "How could they make a wrong count, I don't know how many people are watching! "

Li Qingbo was in no mood to say anything, so he ran away.

Looking at Li Qingbo who was running away, the old horse yelled at his back: "Li Qingbo, it's fine if you don't want to treat guests, what are you running for!"

"Let me tell you, you have old arms and legs. If you fall down, brother will not be responsible."

"That's really not good, I'll treat you next time. I'll ask you for some experience!"

Lao Ma's words immediately caused a burst of laughter, but Lao Li had no intention of paying attention to these.

First, my own city, this time it turned out to be the first.

Not only that, this number one is still true.

What's happening here?Can anyone tell me what is going on here?
(End of this chapter)

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