Chapter 506 Fate, Wonderful
Mi Yuan and Sister Dan lived in the same room. After they came back from Shen Lin, they didn't rest, but wrote a newsletter according to Li Qingbo's arrangement.

According to Li Qingbo's words, this kind of news must be timely, and the sooner it is published in the newspaper, the better. Mi Yuan's writing style is also recognized as the best in the unit, so this kind of thing should be done.

It was almost eleven o'clock when Mi Yuan finished writing. She was just about to wash up and rest when she listened to Shen Lin's side, which was still very lively.

But at this time, although Mi Yuan was curious, she couldn't go to a big man's room, so after she came back, she asked Sister Dan curiously, "Why is Director Shen so lively?"

"Hey, this Director Shen is really amazing." Sister Dan's face was full of admiration: "This is Director Li and the others, and they are surrounding Director Shen to learn from them!"

Speaking of learning scriptures, Sister Dan envied: "As the saying goes, every line is like a mountain!"

"There are a lot of things that look simple to you, but they are very difficult to do. But I think this Director Shen is simply a genius. He knows everything and knows everything. He is really proficient and understands everything."

"Director Li and the others, when they learned the scriptures, they should also have the idea of ​​giving it a try, but what Director Shen said is true."

"And what he said, let Director Li and the others hear it, it is very reasonable, so everyone surrounded Director Shen, asking non-stop."

Speaking of this, Sister Dan said with emotion: "This young man is really amazing."

Thinking of the scene where a group of factory directors gathered around Shen Lin to learn Buddhist scriptures, the corners of Mi Yuan's lips rose, filled with joy.She felt that this kind of thing seemed to make her happier than winning an award.

"Hey, let's talk about it, Director Shen is not good at all." Sister Dan glanced at Mi Yuan and said with emotion.

Mi Yuan was taken aback, and asked almost instinctively: "What's wrong with Director Shen?"

"What's wrong?" Sister Dan said with a smile: "Of course it's not good to marry too early. Such an excellent man married too early."

"So much so that when he met our Miss Mi Yuan, he was already someone else's husband."

Mi Yuan's face turned red immediately, and she said coquettishly, "Sister Dan, you're making fun of me again, I don't even want to talk to you anymore."

"Hahaha, Mi Yuan, I was just joking, don't worry about it." Sister Dan said with a grin, "But I also remind you that good men are all in demand. If you don't start early, it will be over." There is no such shop in this village.”

Speaking of this, Sister Dan said with emotion: "I don't know how lucky the wife of Director Shen is!"

Mi Yuan didn't speak, but a trace of sadness suddenly appeared in her heart, and a poem she saw occasionally appeared silently in her heart.

"Returning Jun Mingzhu to tears, hating not to meet him when he is not married."

He was still unmarried, but Shen Lin was already someone else's husband, and this person was also his classmate.

"Sister Dan, let's go to bed early, we have to help tomorrow!" Mi Yuan said to Sister Dan with a smile, putting aside this regret with a complicated mood.

Sister Dan nodded and said, "Yes, maybe tomorrow will be even busier than now."

"Hey, you said we are the same, don't let us come, we are all waiting for Guang to come over, but when we get here, we feel that we are still at home."

"Hey, it's good to be at home for a thousand days, but it's hard to go out for a while!"

After chatting with Sister Dan, Mi Yuan lay on the bed. Originally, according to the current level of fatigue, she should have fallen asleep early, but I don't know if it was because of Sister Dan's words, she couldn't sleep for a while.

What Sister Dan said was all that came to mind.

What is Shen Lin doing now?Are you still communicating with those factory managers?I don't know that I have something to do tomorrow, not to mention going to bed early.

Just when Mi Yuan was about to fall asleep in a daze, Director Li's voice suddenly sounded from the corridor outside: "You guys, don't even look at what time it is now. It's almost twelve o'clock. It's not even... Let Director Shen rest." "You are night owls, is Director Shen a night owl?"

"Besides, the trade fair is still a few days away. We have plenty of time. When do you want to ask Director Shen? Can you arrange a meal?"

"It's all gone, let Director Shen go to bed early, he has been tired all day."

And following Li Qingbo's words, Director Zhao and the others also spoke one after another: "Haha, Director Li, we are all to blame for this matter. We were too absorbed in listening, and we didn't pay attention to the time."

"Haha, speaking of it, what Director Shen said is really good. He almost hit the point, as if he got into my heart right away. Tsk tsk, I felt enlightened when I heard what Director Shen said."

"Director Li, you can't be a few minutes late. I've been waiting for two hours. It's almost my turn, but you're here."


As the various voices gradually faded away, the surroundings returned to silence, but at this moment, Mi Yuan felt a little more admiration for Shen Lin in her heart.

With so many factory directors around to ask questions, and there are still people who are so regretful, then what Shen Lin said is definitely the key point.

It's a pity that I can't listen to it myself.

At this time, various thoughts in Mi Yuan's mind flooded up again like a tide.Shen Lin, this name is like a lingering shadow, constantly surging in her heart, never letting go.

After an unknown amount of time, Mi Yuan was woken up by Sister Dan from her sleep.Sister Dan said with a smile on her face: "Xiaoyuan, seeing that you are sleeping so soundly, I don't want to call you, but it will be time to eat later, with Lao Li's temper, I can't see you talking You might lose your temper."

Mi Yuan smiled and said, "Thank you, Sister Dan, I was probably too tired yesterday, and I fell asleep all of a sudden."

While speaking, Mi Yuan got up quickly and said, "Sister Dan, I'm going to wash my face."

"Okay, you go, I'll wait for you to eat."

Mi Yuan took the washbasin and went out to find the public bathroom to wash. As she walked, she told herself in her heart that Shen Lin is the husband of a good friend, and a person who has a child should not have other ideas.

However, when she was walking with her head down, she suddenly felt that her body touched someone. Mi Yuan, who was panicked, raised her head quickly and saw Shen Lin turning her head.

"Mi Yuan, what are you thinking?" Shen Lin had just washed his face, and was waiting for a factory director who was rushing towards him, but unexpectedly, Mi Yuan bumped into him.

Mi Yuan's face turned red all of a sudden. At this moment, she felt that she didn't know what to say.

"Director Shen, I'm sorry..."

"I... I just..."

Just when Mi Yuan didn't know what to say, Shen Lin smiled and said: "It's okay, just wash your face."

"Go and wash your face, we'll have dinner later."

At this moment, the factory director who asked Shen Lin to wait for him ran over, said hello to Mi Yuan, and then gradually walked away with Shen Lin.

As the two left, Mi Yuan's soft eyes were frozen as if they had encountered ice and snow. She touched her cheek and stared blankly at the back.

(End of this chapter)

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