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Chapter 508 An Apology Is OK, But Removal Is Not

Chapter 508 An Apology Is OK, But Removal Is Not

As a staff member of the trade fair, Kou Fou tried his best to restrain his emotions at this time.He is in charge of managing and guiding various street signs and slogans, but he has never discovered that there is one more street sign.

It's not that he has never seen the drinking water and the brand, but every time he sees this brand, he feels that it is the most upscale.

At that time, Kou Fendou felt that it would be better to make a suggestion that the street signs should be made according to this specification when it is held next year.The high-end atmosphere is high-grade, and it is a pleasing feeling when you see it.

Until yesterday afternoon, he followed the leader who came down from above to guide the work on a routine inspection. The leader pointed to this road sign and specially emphasized that in the future, when this kind of road sign is set up, it must be standardized and uniform. Wouldn’t it be better if all of them follow this shape Okay.

At that time, Kou Fendou just nodded and said yes, but when he searched where the brand was made later, he discovered that it was not made by them at all.

This discovery made Kou Fendou feel bad.

As one of the people in charge of this aspect, he didn't realize that there was an inexplicable addition to the road sign, which really made him sweat.

So as soon as he got to work, he arranged other jobs and ran over immediately.

He has only one goal, and that is to find out who this daring person is!

"Haha, little comrade, I am the person in charge here." Li Qingbo came out with a smile on his face, holding a cigarette in his hand and said: "Come here, smoke."

"I won't smoke cigarettes anymore. Please explain to me what these brands of yours are all about." Kou Fendou didn't even look at them, and refused the cigarettes Li Qingbo handed over in one gulp, his tone full of refusal Indifference thousands of miles away.

Li Qingbo smiled, and was not angry because of Kou Fou's refusal. He said with a smile: "This sign is actually for the convenience of all parties participating in the trade fair."

"Our rice shell electronics factory is a responsible enterprise. Our household appliances are mainly used to make tea and coffee. In this case, we provide convenience for all customers."

"Haha, take a look, isn't it very convenient?" While speaking, Li Qingbo pointed to some merchants who were coming to drink water.

Kou Fendou looked at the merchants drinking water all around, and sneered in his heart, can you cover up your purpose of making more money for yourself by speaking so beautifully!

However, there are some things that are fine if you understand them in your heart, but it is not suitable to say them out. He immediately said patiently: "Even if you want to facilitate customers and merchants, you have a good intention, but this kind of signage set up without authorization is always not in compliance with the regulations." of."

"In this way, your signs will be taken away from today and can no longer be placed. I will not pursue this matter."

In Kou Fendou's view, his own handling is already lenient enough. After all, nothing will be pursued, as long as you don't do it anymore.

However, what Kou Fendou never expected was that as soon as he finished speaking, the person in front of him shook his head like a rattle: "Brother, I'm afraid this won't work."

"I don't think it's a big deal, and it doesn't affect the appearance. It's not only convenient for customers, but also gives us a lot of opportunities to display our products."

"So, let's keep it."

Although Li Qingbo appeared to be begging for mercy, there was an unquestionable firmness in his voice.

Kou Fendou waved his hand and said: "No, it must be put away. If everyone is like you, you get a sign and I get a sign, then our trade fair will be messed up?"

"There are no rules and no rules. If you don't put away these signs, then we will have to forcibly take them away."

"Not only that, but I will also report on the two matters. At that time, I am afraid that a report will be indispensable."

Li Qingbo glanced around and found that other home appliance areas were not popular at all, but the exhibition booth of Mihu Electronics Factory seemed extremely lively. Not only were there many foreign businessmen coming to drink coffee, but also many people Inquiring about household appliances.Once these signs are put away, will Shen Lin and the others still have so many people here?And once fewer people come, will Shen Lin and his friends still be able to sell their things?

The smell of wine is also afraid of the deep alley!
Thinking of the consequences of fewer orders, Li Qingbo said in a deep voice, "We won't accept this sign, and neither can you."

"If you can raise your hand, we are naturally grateful. If you want to force us to accept our signs, then we can only respond to the higher authorities. You deliberately suppress our good ideas and good practices!"

At this moment, Kou Fendu was almost annoyed. He never thought that this man, who was obviously unreasonable, could say such a thing in a high-sounding manner!

Regarding this matter, Kou Fendou was absolutely sure, and felt that the higher-ups would definitely support him, so he said very solemnly: "Okay, then let's respond together and see if these brands are going to be removed."

While speaking, Kou Fendou glanced at the display booth full of technological sense, feeling a burst of emotion in his heart.

The exhibition booth of this Guoke Electronics Factory is probably the best in the entire exhibition, even those big factories are still a little behind.

But why are they so unreasonable!

Just as Kou Fendou left with his people, Shen Lin happened to walk over. Lu Dongsheng and others immediately told Shen Lin about the discovery of the sign.

For the discovery of the signs he made, Shen Lin had long been prepared in his heart. He knew that there was nothing seamless in this world.

If it is discovered, it will be withdrawn.

So after Kou Fendou and others left, he came to Li Qingbo and said, "Director Li, don't worry, they will remove these signs, so let them remove them."

"We have gained a lot of fame in the past two days. Even without these signs, there are still many guests who want to come."

"You don't have to fight hard with those managers for this matter."

As soon as Shen Lin finished speaking, Li Qingbo waved his hands and said, "Director Shen, although it's a bit abrupt for you to make these signs."

"But from the beginning, they didn't say that other people are prohibited from using the signs. Since there is no prohibition, then it is possible."

"You don't have to be burdened. Leave this matter to me. I'll report to the chief director of our province. Haha, ask him to come forward and coordinate."

"Don't worry, these signs will be preserved."

While speaking, Li Qingbo instructed Mi Yuan, Sister Dan and the others, and hurriedly walked towards the distance.

Shen Lin looked at Li Qingbo, who was more anxious than his own affairs, and felt a burst of emotion in his heart. He knew very well that the reason why he was comforted by Li Qingbo was not because of his own creativity and methods, but because of Mishell Electronics. orders.It doesn't matter whether the cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice, it is a good cat.

If there was no order, Li Qingbo might not be so concerned.

He was already ready to put it away, but Li Qingbo ran away from this matter in a hurry.

For Shen Lin, this didn't have too much impact, and there were still people waiting for him to negotiate a deal later, so he didn't bother with it anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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