Back to 84: Getting rich from collecting rubbish

Chapter 514 Shen Lin is about to take the bait

Chapter 514 Shen Lin is about to take the bait
Li Qingbo was gnawing on a duck leg, and he had already put himself in the position of being an accompanying guest, but he didn't expect that, just when he had no hope, Shen Lin would say such words.

It turned out that Shen Lin's refusal was a refusal, but he did not give up the order.

Immediately, he became interested, raised his glass and said, "Shen Lin, are you going to talk to that Walson tomorrow?"

Shen Lin shook his head and said, "This negotiation is like a spring. If you are weak, he will be strong. If I take the initiative to talk to him, then based on what I know about them, it is impossible for them to give in."

Li Qingbo was stunned for a moment, and asked in doubt: "If you don't go to negotiate, who will you let?"

"Otherwise, let me go, tell me about the scope of authorization, and I can help you talk about it."

Lu Daqing also followed suit: "That's right, if Shen Lin is inconvenient for you, the two of us can come forward. As long as you determine the scope, we will never let you down."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Brothers, if you two go for me, I am afraid that Walson's asking price will not be lowered, but will be increased."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin said solemnly: "I think it's better for me to handle this matter myself."

"What are you going to do with it?" Lu Daqing had already sent a car, and he didn't want his action to return without success. That would be losing his wife and losing his army.

When the time came, although the old horse said kindly, even if your persuasion failed, it was reasonable and he would not blame you.But since his brother is here, why must he fail such an important task.

Failure would do him no good.

Shen Lin said in a deep voice: "If you want Walsen to back down, you need to make him feel that the relationship between supply and demand has changed."

"If they don't need our products, then there are other supermarkets who will also need them."

"And they will be pressed to the ground and rubbed hard by their competitors because they don't have our products."

Although Lu Daqing somewhat understood Shen Lin's words, but the last thing he pressed on the ground and rubbed vigorously made him understand for a while.

However, after he understood the meaning of this word, he felt that there was nothing wrong with Shen Lin's use of this word.

"Brother, what are you going to do?" Lu Daqing knew that his goal this time was almost half completed.So at this time, he was very happy.

Shen Lindao: "I still need the help of the two of you on this matter. Please help me not only to get the situation of Walson, but also to get all the information on the supermarket chain that is in competition with Kerry."

Lu Daqing and Li Qingbo looked at each other, and they both understood what Shen Lin wanted to do. Although they felt that Shen Lin's approach was a bit risky, they could give it a try.

"Okay, bro, just give me what you need, I will never let you down."

"Okay, then we will help Brother Shen to collect information as soon as possible, but you must be careful, Brother." While Lu Daqing was speaking, Li Qingbo told Shen Lin in a deep voice: "If it doesn't work, , let’s find another way.”

Lu Daqing nodded and said, "Yes, brother, don't worry."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "As long as you two help me find the information, I think the chance of success in this matter is still very high."

"Okay, then I wish us a successful start this time." While speaking, Li Qingbo raised his wine glass.

Lu Daqing also raised his glass. For Lu Daqing, now he is extremely looking forward to Shen Lin's success.The three of them drank a bottle of wine, and Lu Daqing left happily. Although the final result of this matter was not yet certain, it was still much better than being rejected by Shen Lin.

As for Li Qingbo, in addition to being happy, he was also a little more apprehensive.

Although he was also looking forward to Shen Lin's success, he was also worried, what should he do if he failed?
It's just that he has no way to tell Shen Lin about his worries. Once Shen Lin is unhappy and stops doing this matter, he can't afford the responsibility. After all, it's a million dollars!
Just when Shen Lin was carrying out his plan, in a rather high-end hotel three miles away from the hostel where Shen Lin and the others lived, Kerry Fu's buyer Walson was drinking red wine leisurely.

Opposite him sat his assistant, a young man in his 20s with dark hair and blue eyes.

"Mr. Walson, I heard that your negotiation failed this time." The young man with blue eyes asked solemnly while eating a steak with a fork.

"Yes, it failed." Walsen shook the glass in his hand, with a calm tone in his tone.

The young man said: "Mr. Walson, this small electrical appliance from Mishell Electronics Factory is not only very good in appearance but also in price, and it is worth the money."

"I think if they can be imported into our supermarkets, they can definitely become a money-making commodity."

Listening to the young man's analysis, a faint smile appeared on the corner of Watson's mouth.

"Peter, I have been a purchaser for so many years, do you think an item can make money, do I still need you to teach me?"

There was a hint of sarcasm in Walson's words, as if telling the young man that you are far behind me now.

Pete's complexion suddenly became a little ugly, but he also knew that he was just a subordinate, and he had to listen to Walson for this job.

"Mr. Walson, how dare I teach you how to do things. I just don't understand, so I just ask you for advice."

Walson drank half of the bright red wine in one gulp, and then said with a smile, "Young man, don't be afraid of being late for a good meal, don't be in a hurry!"

"Because once you are impatient, the price you have to pay will increase a lot at once."

"It's like fishing. You have to be an experienced angler. When you see a big fish taking the bait, you can't rush to take up the rod. You have to cast a long line and let the hooked fish struggle in the water. When the fish is exhausted, You can easily bring it ashore, what fishermen call it slipping!"

"On the contrary, if you are impatient, you may have been busy for a long time and expended a lot of energy, and you will not get anything in the end."

"That young man from the Guoke Electronics Factory, don't look at him rejecting me, in fact, he is now on the verge of being hooked."

When Walson said this, he stretched out a finger and said, "Why don't we make a bet? If I offer a hundred dollars, he will definitely ask me to sign the contract by tomorrow morning at the latest. At that time, we will The requirements can be raised a little bit more.”

"Also, let me give you another word. There is nothing fair about the disparity in strength."

The young man hesitated for a while, and finally questioned: "Mr. Walson, aren't you afraid of failure?"

"I'm afraid of failure, but I think they can bear the temptation of $100 million." Walson said with a confident smile, "Look, they're coming soon."

(End of this chapter)

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