Chapter 528 You will regret it

From Zhang Yuqing's point of view, $[-] a month is really not too high.Of course, for her only part-time job, it can be regarded as an income.

Shen Lin frowned when he heard Zhang Yuqing's request for money.

As a lawyer, Zhang Yuqing had to keep an eye on all directions and listen to all directions, so Shen Lin's brows relaxed and wrinkled, and he noticed all the subtle moves.

At this moment, Zhang Yuqing was more disappointed, feeling that the boss he was looking for did not seem to be a generous person.

However, although she was disappointed in her heart, she couldn't show it at this time, and could only smile and wait for Shen Lin to bargain for her.

"Lawyer Zhang, I think $[-] a month may dampen your enthusiasm for work. Why don't we pay a commission, what do you think?" Shen Lin coughed softly and gave a new proposal.

Shen Lin is very clear about the future patented technology of his company, so this is also the reason why he gave Zhang Yuqing a commission.

But Zhang Yuqing didn't understand what Shen Lin meant. From Zhang Yuqing's point of view, even though Shen Lin had a small fortune, his patent company actually didn't have any good patents to speak of.

Of course, to pay the patent fee according to the commission is to fool the fool.

As a lawyer, especially after graduating with straight honors and destined to become a barrister, how could she be fooled.

Therefore, Shen Lin's proposal for her sake was rejected by Zhang Yuqing without even thinking about it.

From Zhang Yuqing's point of view, this is simply fooling people.

"Mr. Shen, you and my second uncle are friends, so I also treat you as a friend, so I give you this price."

"If you think you can't afford it, you can say so, and don't have to say anything about my consideration."

Zhang Yuqing said what she regretted the most in her life, so that later, whenever this matter was brought up, she liked to use Zhou Xingxing's classic quote to describe her feelings.

Once, there was a golden mountain in front of me...

Shen Lin looked at Zhang Yuqing who didn't trust him too much, and understood Zhang Yuqing's thoughts at this time, he immediately said: "Since Miss Zhang, you are sure to do this, well, everything will be done according to what you said Bar."

"Two hundred dollars, I will send it to Miss Zhang regularly."

Seeing that Shen Lin readily agreed to his request, a bright smile appeared on Zhang Yuqing's face.

Although she couldn't see the background of Shen Lin, a young man, it was not in vain to be able to bring her a part-time job of two hundred dollars at once.

"Mr. Shen, I don't know what industry you are in?" Zhang Yuqing took a sip of the coffee on the table and asked Shen Lin with a smile.

Shen Lin said calmly: "Electrical industry."

Hearing about the electrical industry, Zhang Yu cleared the last trace of hesitation in his heart, and it disappeared completely.If Shen Lin was in another industry, she might still feel that her rejection just now was a bit reckless.

In the electrical industry, that's nothing.

Because they were not very familiar with each other and did not have much in common, Zhang Yuqing and Shen Lin explained the matter clearly, and the two left.

After Shen Lin bought the items and settled a major matter on his mind, he naturally left with a relaxed body, but Zhang Yu cleared his mind, but from time to time, Shen Lin's suggestions flashed to him.

She felt that Shen Lin's suggestion seemed to be good, but her rationality told her, what kind of patent would an electrical appliance factory have?

"MiLi Investment Company!" Zhang Yuqing shook his head as he murmured the name of the company that Shen Lin had chosen.Mi Li Investment Company, does it mean that Mi Li's light also wants to shine?
Shen Lin didn't know that the name he gave made Zhang Yuqing think of this. He didn't have the mind to go shopping when he bought something. He explained to Lu Dongsheng who came with him about the evening banquet, and then went back to his room to find a book kill time.

Because most of his companions had already gone out shopping, no one disturbed Shen Lin's cleanliness for a while. Shen Lin spent a rare and clean afternoon. At six o'clock, he arrived at the reserved restaurant ahead of schedule.

Since he wanted to treat guests, although Shen Lin would not be slaughtered like a fool, he would not be stingy either.He ordered a restaurant that looked very romantic, and ordered meals according to the price.

Just when Shen Lin had arranged all this, Li Qingbo had already brought his people over first.

For Li Qingbo, it was normal for Shen Lin to treat guests this time, after all, almost everyone was wiped out, but Shen Lin stood out.

A while ago, it was even on the seven o'clock news, which made the reputation of Mick Electronics Factory skyrocket.

If he doesn't treat guests, who treats them!
But even though Shen Lin was treating guests, he still wanted to help with a venue to make this party more successful.

I don't know if everyone is thinking about this meal, but before seven o'clock, the dozens of people who came to participate in the trade fair this time have already gathered in the restaurant.

At the beginning, Mi Yuan was arranged to greet the guests, but as the visitors were all very familiar with each other, Mi Yuan also sat down next to Sister Dan.

Shen Lin and Li Qingbo sat at the main table, while Mi Yuan and the others sat with Lu Dongsheng and the others.

"See, Boss Shen is young, but he hasn't been dazzled by success." Sister Dan said to Mi Yuan while drinking softly with a drink in her hand: "It is said that he is the host, plus Li The director's humility is a matter of course for him to take the chair."

"But he didn't. Not only did he not sit in the main seat, but he also sat humbly in the seat of serving tea and pouring water. This is enough to show that he knows how to behave."

Mi Yuan also saw Shen Lin's position. This position was where the waiter served the food, and it was several people away from the main seat where the stars held the moon.

From this point of view alone, Mi Yuan felt that Shen Lin did a very good job.

And as the dishes were served one after another, Mi Yuan felt that Shen Lin was sure about the dinner.Although these dishes are not big fish or meat, according to Mi Yuan's guess, this meal is definitely worth a lot.

Neither high-key nor low-key.

This is Mi Yuan's evaluation of Shen Lin at this time, and this evaluation makes her feel that Shen Lin can go further in the future.

Shen Lin didn't know Mi Yuan's evaluation of him. As the host this time, Shen Lin came out to pour wine for others after serving the dishes.

Starting from Li Qingbo, Shen Lin made a round of toasts at his own table, and then came to Mi Yuan's table.

Seeing the enthusiastic Shen Lin approaching gracefully, Mi Yuan felt her heart beating faster and blushed.

She didn't know why she was sweating on her forehead, but she felt that such a gaffe was very bad.

Just as various thoughts were surging in Mi Yuan's mind, Shen Lin laughed and said, "Mi Yuan, thank you again for your help to our Mishell Electronics Factory, and I offer you a toast."

Mi Yuan looked at the wine glass that Shen Lin held up, and whispered: "You should drink less, there are still many people waiting for you eagerly!"

Listening to Mi Yuan's instructions, Shen Lin smiled knowingly, and whispered: "Thank you for your concern, what I drink is water!"

After drinking, Mi Yuan looked at Shen Lin who was walking towards the others, and suddenly felt a little joy in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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