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Chapter 531 I can’t help but have something in mind

Chapter 531: I can’t help but have something on my mind
How does it feel to be back with honor?
For Mi Yuan, besides being excited, she was dizzy about this question. Amid countless flowers and applause, Mi Yuan completed one process after another.

Holding flowers in hand, surrounded by colleagues, sitting in the exclusive position, listening to various praises about their return with honor.

Li Qingbo, her, Sister Dan and all the colleagues who participated in the trade fair were all beaming and blushing.

Although the most praises and honors are the most, Mi Yuan can still deeply feel that they will have a lot of changes.

For example, Li Qingbo seems to want to go further; for example, Sister Dan, who has never been aggressive, may raise her salary by one level; another example...

However, although these people have received great praise, there is one thing that cannot be ignored: Shen Lin is the center of this grand welcome ceremony.

This is a fact that no one can question.

After all, Mishell Electronics Factory was mentioned more than a dozen times during the meeting, and the name of Director Shen was mentioned even more.

And when the certificate of honor was issued, Shen Lin received it alone.

All of this means that Shen Lin and them are not at the same level after all.

With the end of the last procedure, Shen Lin and the leader who came to give a speech left, and the surroundings gradually returned to calm.Holding the certificate of honor and the notebook of awards in her arms, Sister Dan pulled Mi Yuan with a smile and said, "Let's go, let's go back to work quickly."

Mi Yuan was stunned for a moment, not knowing what she was going to do at the work unit, and when she was wondering, she heard Sister Dan laughing and said: "Didn't the leaders above say that for those of us who have made meritorious service, each of us will be rewarded with one hundred yuan. "

"Tsk tsk, this time, Lao Zuo is really generous!"

Each person was rewarded with one hundred yuan, which was two months' salary in one fell swoop. Although she had made great achievements this time, Mi Yuan didn't think that she and others were suitable for such a big reward.

After all, the order this time was mainly the result of Shen Lin's hard work.If it weren't for Shen Lin's Rice Shell Electronics Factory, everything would be fine if they didn't get approved for this trip to the trade fair.

Although Director Zhao and others received Shen Lin's reminder, the amount of the order they received was still a bit pitiful.

Among other things, let's take Director Li of the bamboo carving factory as an example. Their bamboo carving factory finally got an order.

However, this is an order of only five thousand dollars.

If there is no comparison with Mishell Electronics Factory, their order is naturally the largest, but with the largest order of 150 million US dollars, the efforts of Director Zhao seem to be negligible and not worth it.

"Director Zuo is a great writer. By the way, where did Director Shen go?" Although Mi Yuan knew that her question would easily cause Sister Dan's criticism, she couldn't help asking.

Sister Dan stared at Mi Yuan, smiled meaningfully and said, "Xiaomi, Director Shen is different from us."

"Our role is the one hundred yuan bonus. As for Director Shen, what he got was a big reward from the leader."

Speaking of this, Sister Dan pointed to the distance: "The first guest house, Director Li can't even go."

Speaking of this, Sister Dan said mysteriously: "You see, why did we dispatch so many factories here to welcome Director Shen?"

Mi Yuan was stunned for a moment and said, "Is there any reason for this?"

Although Sister Dan didn't say it clearly, the meaning is very clear, that is to say, this is the request from above.

"There is meaning in this regard, but it is not entirely true. Some factories are voluntarily asked to come, and the purpose of their coming is to be contracted by Director Shen."

Sister Dan whispered: "I heard that this time we are going to give thirty or forty factories to Director Shen at once, and let him contract them himself." Hearing what Sister Dan said, Mi Yuan suddenly felt a surge in her heart. trembling.If thirty or forty factories are contracted, Shen Lin's Mihu Electronics Factory will expand rapidly like a balloon.

However, this is after all thirty or forty factories. Once the contract is contracted, can he really manage it?
"Sister Dan, is your news accurate?" Mi Yuan looked at Sister Dan standing beside her, and said softly, "Don't lie to me!"

"My news should be true. I just heard from Lao Luo and the others." The Lao Luo that Sister Dan was talking about was a colleague of Mi Yuan's work unit, and he was always known for being well-informed.

When Mi Yuan heard what Sister Dan said, she felt that the news might be true in all likelihood, but she couldn't help worrying about Shen Lin in her heart.

Although I have not been in society for too long, I also know that nothing can be done overnight.

Especially if there are many people involved, it will be more difficult to do one thing.

Contracting too many factories at once seems to be a process of rapid expansion, but in fact, it is also a difficult process for oneself to digest.

There are too many things in this, if Shen Lin can't handle it well, it will be a dilemma for Shen Lin's factory.

"Director Shen will not be Director Shen in the future. We should call him Director Shen. I am afraid that in the future, he will be a person who walks with style."

Sister Dan didn't know what Mi Yuan was thinking, and said with envy all over her face.

Mi Yuan knew that it was useless to say anything to Sister Dan at this time, and Sister Dan might listen to her own words and give her a worrying evaluation.

But in her heart, she really didn't want Shen Lin to take too many steps.

"Okay, let's stop worrying about others, go to the unit to collect the money, and take a good rest after receiving the money."

"Tonight, there is another dinner party!" Sister Dan said with a satisfied smile as she pulled Mi Yuan.

Mi Yuan nodded and said, "Sister Dan, I still have something to do at home, so I won't go to work for now, I'll go home first, and I'll get my money later."

While speaking, Mi Yuan carried her bag and walked outside.

Sister Dan looked at Mi Yuan who was leaving, shook her head and said: "This girl is really a bit stupid, she has real money, why don't you hurry up and get it!"

Sister Dan went back to work, while Mi Yuan walked quickly towards Shen Lin's house.She couldn't see Shen Lin herself now, so she wanted to find Lu Xiaorong.

Some things are more important for Lu Xiaorong to persuade Shen Lin, Mi Yuan thinks.

According to memory, Mi Yuan soon came to Shen Lin's house, but when she knocked on the door, she found that the door was locked.

"Little girl, stop knocking. Xiaorong was picked up early in the morning. Today, Shen Lin came back with a reputation. Why is she at home!" A middle-aged woman in her 40s reminded her kindly when she passed by the roadside. road.

Hearing this, Mi Yuan felt as if she had collapsed.

She came here in a hurry just to remind Shen Lin, but now, she felt that her efforts were useless.

I hope Shen Lin will not be dazzled by this victory.

Otherwise, it would be a big trouble to undertake so many factories.

(End of this chapter)

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