Chapter 533 The next strategy
"Master Shen, I think it is necessary for our factory to expand, but I think it is too much to contract more than a dozen factories at once."

After a long silence, Cheng Zhenyuan said in a deep voice: "I have no objection to the expansion of our factory. To be honest, our production capacity is no longer able to support the current market demand."

"In addition to these foreign trade orders, we can't do without expansion, but I think everything needs to be controlled to a certain extent. There is a saying that goes too far. Therefore, I don't recommend expanding too much."

Shen Lin's expression remained unchanged, and he listened to Cheng Zhenyuan's speech without saying a word.As the deputy factory director in charge of production, Cheng Zhenyuan's position in Mishell Electronics Factory is second only to Shen Lin.

Therefore, his opinion, in the eyes of many people, is also very important.

"I think we should expand moderately and contract two or three factories. This kind of progress is still feasible." Speaking of this, Cheng Zhenyuan said with a hint of solemnity in his voice: "In this way, not only can we meet our production capacity, but also able to digest these factories."

After saying this, Cheng Zhenyuan stopped making a sound, he had already expressed his opinion, whether to listen or not could only depend on Shen Lin's decision.

Shen Lin didn't comment on Cheng Zhenyuan's words, but turned to the other managers and said, "What's your opinion on this matter?"

No one said anything. For these few people in charge of production management, they are still somewhat lacking in this aspect.

Hearing no other suggestions, Shen Lin frowned.For Shen Lin, he hopes to attract more talents.

However, in a light bulb factory in Liyuan Village, it would be nice to have a person like Cheng Zhenyuan, but it is really difficult to get more.

Without qualified management, wanting to contract so many factories is simply a joke.It's not that Shen Lin doesn't know that there are factories in later generations that are doing well, but in the end because of too many contracts, no one can be sent, and even ordinary workers are sent out to be factory managers.

Such a situation, no matter what, cannot appear in his own factory.

"Everyone, the three of them, Director Cheng, have expressed their opinions just now. Everyone expresses their opinions and speaks freely, and they all have their own reasons."

Although this sentence sounds like nonsense, it is an affirmation of Cheng Zhenyuan and the three of them.

After Shen Lin finished speaking, the expressions of Cheng Zhenyuan and the other three became much more relaxed, because this represented their opinions and was approved by Shen Lin.

This is an affirmation and recognition for them.

"It is already our consensus to expand our factory's production capacity and factory buildings, so we no longer need to discuss and discuss this point."

"What we have to discuss now is how far we want to expand."

"Too little expansion will not be able to meet our production needs; too much expansion will cause us to be greedy, and once indigestion occurs, the loss to us will be immeasurable. Therefore, the expansion rate, We have to get it right!"

Hearing Shen Lin's question of expanding the scale, Cheng Zhenyuan finally let go of most of his restlessness.

What Cheng Zhenyuan is most afraid of now is that Shen Lin will be dazzled by the situation in front of him. After all, with such a great honor, the choice to reach the sky in one step, ordinary people really can't grasp it well.

If Cheng Zhenyuan was the one who faced this kind of honor, he himself was not sure that he would be able to keep a clear head in the face of such a victory.

For Shen Lin to be so clear-headed, Cheng Zhenyuan felt that Shen Lin was not even a little better than himself.

"Taking advantage of this opportunity, I think we need to build our own factory." Shen Lin's voice sounded again.This time, although Shen Lin's voice was not high, it was loud and clear. Everyone present raised their heads instinctively.

Especially Cheng Zhenyuan, he always felt that the rice shell electronics factory belonged to himself and others, but at this moment, after hearing Shen Lin's words, he suddenly realized that the light bulb factory belonging to Li Yuan Village was only rented by Shen Lin. factory.

The workers here, in name, also belong to the Liyuan Village Light Bulb Factory.

Although Cheng Zhenyuan has a lot of affection for the Liyuan Village Bulb Factory, he has to admit that Shen Lin's idea is right.

"Master Shen, are you going to build our own factory there?" After hesitating for a while, Cheng Zhenyuan asked in a deep voice.

Shen Lin said calmly: "I hope to build a new factory area, a new factory area completely belonging to the Mishell Electronics Factory."

"This new factory area, it's better not to be too far away from the old factory area." There was a trace of solemnity in Shen Lin's voice: "So, I hope that I can rent land to build a factory around Liyuan Village."

When Cheng Zhenyuan thought of renting land to build a factory, his expression became more serious. He felt that this was not easy to do, but he also knew that Shen Lin's determination was not easy to change at this time.

So, after pondering for a while, he chose to remain silent.

At this time, Shen Lin continued: "In addition to the new factory area, we also need to expand the production scale of the old factory area."

"However, before expanding the scale, I hope that the contracting time for the light bulb factory in Liyuan Village can be increased to ten years."

Shen Lin's contracting time for Liyuan Village Light Bulb Factory was originally calculated on the basis of years. Although everything is under Shen Lin's control now, with the increase of Mike Electronics Factory, there are some things that he has to guard against.

For example, the light bulb factory in Liyuan Village invested too much, but suddenly didn't want to rent it to himself. In that case, although Shen Lin made a lot of money, in fact, it was still equivalent to making wedding clothes for others.

This time, Cheng Zhenyuan wanted to hear Shen Lin's plan for him to contract so many factories in the city, but he didn't expect that the most important thing Shen Lin said was the light bulb factory in Liyuan Village.

"I'll go back and discuss this matter with the village, and the village should be able to agree." After coughing, Cheng Zhenyuan said.

In Cheng Zhenyuan's view, under the current circumstances, letting the Mishell Electronics Factory be contracted would be of great benefit to the Liyuan Village Light Bulb Factory, and the village would not disagree.

Shen Lin nodded and said: "Since Director Cheng said so, then this matter will be handed over to Director Cheng for the time being."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin pondered for a while and said, "I don't think we can accept all the factories thrown out by the city and want us to contract them, but we can't reject them all either."

"We can still contract those factories that have value."

"According to my understanding of these factories, I think there are two factories that we can contract: one is the second electronics factory in our city; the other is a hardware machinery factory."

After Shen Lin mentioned the names of these two factories, someone said: "Director Shen, although the two factories you mentioned are not small, their combined production capacity cannot meet our needs!"

(End of this chapter)

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