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Chapter 544 Don't worry, it won't turn the sky

Chapter 544 Don't worry, it won't turn the sky
Shen Lin was so busy these two days that his feet never touched the ground!

He didn't know anything about Mi Yuan's visit to him at home.After meeting with Tu Zixing and others in the morning, he went to the city to gain support for his plan.

Because Mishell Electronics earned foreign exchange through exports, the higher-ups quickly agreed to Shen Lin's request.

However, when he agreed, he still left a tail on this matter. The leader who was in charge of connecting with Shen Lin told Shen Lin that if the production of Mike Electronics Factory could not be taken care of, it was recommended that Shen Lin contract more factories.

For this kindness, Shen Lin naturally agreed first.

In addition to discussing the contracting issues with the Hardware Machinery Factory and the Second Electronics Factory, Shen Lin rushed to Liyuan Village in the afternoon to discuss with Li Hongqi about contracting the light bulb factory in Liyuan Village for ten years and building a new factory.

Compared with contracting the other two factories, this is what Shen Lin values ​​most.

He is very clear that although he has now contracted the Liyuan Village Light Bulb Factory, this is only a contract relationship, and the property rights of the Li Yuan Village Light Bulb Factory are not in his hands.

Now that the two parties are cooperating, of course, hello, me, hello, everyone, but if there is an accident, he has the risk of being kicked out.

Therefore, at this moment, Shen Lin not only wants to extend the contract period, but also builds a new factory by himself without delay.

Ten years later, when everything is released and Mishell Electronics Factory is in his own hands, it will not be a big problem for Shen Lin.

"Director Shen, why don't you come over for dinner!" Shen Lin is no stranger to Li Yuan Village. Now, one-third of the households in Li Yuan Village have people working in Shen Lin's factory.

Seeing Shen Lin, whether it was the off-duty workers or their relatives, they greeted Shen Lin very warmly and invited Shen Lin to have dinner at home.

In fact, the meal time is long past now, but this is not a problem for the inviters. As long as Boss Shen is willing to honor him, they are very happy to let the family cook again.

Shen Lin responded with a smile, and followed Cheng Zhenyuan into Li Hongqi's house.

As the village head, Li Hongqi still has great prestige in the village.Shen Lin has dealt with Li Hongqi for more than half a year.

"Shen Lin, I knew you had the ability! Ordinarily, I have seen your ability a long time ago, but I was still shocked by you a while ago. You have a really smart head, and you have an idea of ​​pretending. There are so many, you have sold all the things produced in our village to foreign countries!"

Holding a white porcelain teapot, Li Hongqi poured water for Shen Lin and Cheng Zhenyuan, and praised him full of praise: "Hey, in our village, we all use you as a role model for educating our own students!"

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Oh uncle, I'm not a brain, I'm a blind cat and a dead mouse, just a coincidence!"

"Hey, how can there be so many coincidences in this world? If it's just a coincidence, none of the people who participated in the past did not happen to be a coincidence!" Li Hongqi is a sensible person, and he said with a smile: "I see Why, winter melon seedlings can't grow into peppers, and pepper seedlings can't grow into winter melons! In the end, it depends on the individual!"

After Shen Lin made a few perfunctory nonsense, he asked Cheng Zhenyuan to explain his intention.

Although Li Hongqi spoke very nicely, when he heard that this was a matter involving the village, his expression became serious.

The rice shell electronics factory, no, it should be the original Liyuan village light bulb factory. In his hands, it is like a tasteless existence.

It's useless to keep it, and it can't be thrown out, but now, after Shen Lin's toss, Mike Electronics Factory has become a favorite!
Lease the light bulb factory to Shen Lin and renew the contract for ten years, which made Li Hongqi ponder.

Shen Lin looked at the silent Li Hongqi, not in a hurry.

He knew that the Liyuan Village Light Bulb Factory in his hands was already very valuable in Li Hongqi's eyes.It’s not that he doesn’t want to rent to himself, but he wants a higher price.

Properly raising the price, Shen Lin felt that he could accept it, but if the price was too high, then Li Hongqi would think too much.

"Master Shen, this matter is a big one. I need to discuss it with other people in the village. How about I give you an answer tomorrow?"

Before Shen Lin could speak, Cheng Zhenyuan was already in a hurry: "Brother Hongqi, what is there to discuss? It's not like you don't know what happened to our light bulb factory before."

"Factory Manager Shen wants to continue the contract, and the contract price will increase year by year. This is a rare good thing for the whole village. You just decide not to do it!"

From Cheng Zhenyuan's point of view, this is really nothing to discuss. The Liyuan village light bulb factory is a treasure in Shen Lin's hands, but in the hands of other people, it is useless at all.

Li Hongqi should readily agree!
Li Hongqi was not angry at Cheng Zhenyuan's urging, and still smiled and said: "Zhenyuan, I understand your thoughts, but I really can't arbitrarily decide on this matter, just such a person makes the decision!"

"So, brother, please give me some time!"

Cheng Zhenyuan was about to speak, but Shen Lin waved his hand to stop him: "Director Cheng, since Uncle Hongqi needs time, let's just wait."

"Uncle Hongqi, I want the [-] mu of land to the west of our village to build a new factory. What do you think?"

Li Hongqi knocked on the table with his fingers, thinking turbulently in his mind. When Shen Lin raised this question, he offered superior conditions as usual, but Li Hongqi also didn't want to agree immediately, so he smiled and said: "Director Shen, this is the second One hundred acres of land, not twenty acres, I still need to discuss it with you.”

"See if this works. I'll give you a call tomorrow."

Shen Lin nodded and said: "Okay, then I will trouble Uncle Hongqi. I will come to you again at this time tomorrow."

After the two sides chatted a few more gossips, Shen Lin left.But when he left Li Hongqi's house, Cheng Zhenyuan's face was a little gloomy.

In Cheng Zhenyuan's view, over the past six months, Mishell Electronics Factory has given considerable support to Li Yuan Village.Not to mention anything else, there are already dozens of workers in the village who have come to work at Mike Electronics Factory.

Now, when Shen Lin proposed to extend the contract, he felt that the village should obey unconditionally, but he did not expect that Li Hongqi actually delayed it.

What does it mean?Could it be that he still wants Shen Lin to bleed some more!

Cheng Zhenyuan was very upset about Li Hongqi's actions. After he walked out of the door, he turned to Shen Lin and said, "Director Shen, after I get off work, I will have a good chat with Li Hongqi at night. Did he take the wrong medicine?" !"

Shen Lin was not excited, but at this moment, he had more thoughts in his mind.

Li Hongqi's attitude at least means one thing. As the rice shell electronics factory is getting more and more prosperous, some people in Li Yuan Village are already jealous.

Such jealous people may include Li Hongqi himself.

It was precisely because of this worry that Shen Lin proposed to extend the contract period.

"Director Cheng, don't worry, we'll just wait for their results." Shen Lin said with a smile, "They're all prawn soldiers and crab generals, they can't turn the sky around!"

(End of this chapter)

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