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Chapter 555 Some People Think They Are Alright Again

Chapter 555 Some People Think They Are Alright Again
Shen Lin's departure was not to scare Li Hongqi, he really had something to do at the hardware machinery factory.Now, the entire hardware machinery factory has been leased to Shen Lin, so it can be regarded as a branch of Mike Electronics Factory.

There was no problem with Shen Lin's lease of the hardware machinery factory this time.

The first is the vigorous promotion of the above, because the Mishell Electronics Factory has achieved foreign exchange earnings through exports, and the above has strongly supported the Mishell Electronics Factory.

All of a sudden, more than a dozen factories were contracted by Shen Lin, but in the end, Shen Lin only contracted two factories on the grounds of lack of ability.

Although the higher-ups felt that Shen Lin contracted too little, the more so, the greater the support for Shen Lin.

What's more, the Iron and Steel Factory has long felt that the hardware machinery factory has become a burden, and it is eager to get rid of this burden as soon as possible.

Not to mention that Zhong Tianyang has become the factory director, even if Zhong Tianyang has not become the factory director, factory director Li will contract the entire hardware machinery factory to Shen Lin.

The workers in the hardware machinery factory also welcomed Shen Lin very much. After all, many of their relatives followed Shen Lin.

Although here in Shen Lin, there is no distinction between regular workers and temporary workers, but the huge wage gap makes them jealous.

Now, Shen Lin wants to contract the hardware machinery factory, which is an exciting opportunity for them.

The hardware machinery factory is not bad, if it is contracted by Shen Lin, then...

The jeep drove slowly to the gate of the hardware machinery factory, and Shen Lin was driven by a young man who was also a child of the hardware machinery factory.

While slowing down the speed of the car, he smiled and said to Shen Lin: "Brother, I really didn't expect that this hardware machinery factory also became ours!"

"You may not know that the people in the factory are very happy. Many people say that if you follow you, there will be meat to eat."

Shen Lin looked at the smile on the young man's face, and asked lightly: "Xiaocheng, you know the Hardware Machinery Factory and our Mike Electronics Factory."

"Can you see the difference here?"

Xiaocheng pondered for a while and said: "Brother, although my brain is not as bright as yours, I still know the difference."

Speaking of this, Xiaocheng said in a deep voice: "Our Guoke Electronics Factory has very strict requirements, orders are strictly prohibited, and wages are paid on a piece-by-piece basis."

"But this hardware and machinery factory is still eating from the big pot. Even if there are some production reforms, the difference will not be too big."

"Everyone feels that doing or not doing it is the same, so everyone's motivation is not so strong."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "You are right, the workers in the hardware machinery factory are not motivated, and I contracted the hardware machinery factory, so naturally I will not allow them to continue like this, so next, I am afraid that those who praise me It will become less and less.”

Xiaocheng didn't speak any more, he was thinking about the meaning of Shen Lin's words.He felt that there might be a big storm in the hardware machinery factory.

As soon as the car entered the hardware machinery factory area, someone greeted Shen Lin. This is an old worker who looks to be in his 50s. He and Shen Xingye were coworkers back then.

After Shen Lin asked Xiaocheng to stop, he got out of the car with a smile and greeted the man who used to be called uncle.

After the two of them chatted a few words, they listened to the person who should be called uncle: "Shen Lin, it's not an uncle talking about you."

"You come to be the factory manager and contract our hardware machinery factory. I agree with both hands."

"However, you should be the director of the factory. Even if you don't have time, there will be no one in our hardware machinery factory? I dare say that as long as you say a word, we will definitely respond in unison. That's a must!"

"You can choose anyone from among us and he can do it for you. Why bother to get someone from a small factory to command a big factory like us?" Shen Lin was already prepared for this kind of complaint. He said with a smile: "Uncle Niu, this matter is my intention."

"I asked Cheng Zhenyuan to be the director of our hardware machinery factory. No, he should be the director of the branch of the Guoke Electronics Factory."

"As for why, Uncle Niu, think about it, if the hardware machinery factory can do it itself, does it still need me to contract it?"

As Shen Lin gently stretched out his palm, the man called Uncle Niu suddenly stopped talking.Because Shen Lin's words were really difficult to answer.

He knew what the hardware and machinery factory looked like. Shen Lin's words were simply aimed at people's vitals, which caught people off guard and made it difficult to answer.

"So, Uncle Niu, if our factory wants to run well and pay higher wages, we must follow the system I set."

"I hope Uncle Niu can support Cheng Zhenyuan's work like he supports my junior."

The old cow was silent for a while, took a deep puff of the smoke and said: "Okay, I understand, you can rest assured."

After Lao Niu left, Xiaocheng said to Shen Lin in a low voice: "Director Shen, Lao Niu Tou is very stubborn, and your simple words may not be able to convince him."

Shen Lin glanced at the small town and said: "For the management of a factory, it is useless to rely solely on good people! People make people move, and the system mobilizes enthusiasm. As long as the various rules and regulations are sound, everything should be done according to the system, and those who shirk and argue The problem is solved.”

Just as Shen Lin was striding towards Cheng Zhenyuan's office, he saw a dozen figures walking over with arrogance.

These were more than a dozen female workers, and the one walking in the front was a very familiar figure to Shen Lin. When he saw this person, Shen Lin was stunned.

He was almost a little surprised and said, "Why did she go to work?"

Xiaocheng was sent here by Photon to be responsible for driving Shen Lin. Of course, he is a clever person. Hearing what Shen Lin said at this time, he knew who Shen Lin was talking about.

"Aunt Chen had already retired, but when she heard that you contracted the hardware machinery factory, she took the initiative to start working."

Although Xiaocheng didn't say anything else, he just told Shen Lin two facts, but there was quite a lot of content in these two facts.

Shen Lin could imagine that after he contracted the hardware machinery factory, Chen Hongying, who was helping her daughter look after the small fruit shell, couldn't sit still at all.

Jumping three feet high, she couldn't wait to come to the factory to help Shen Lin manage the newly contracted hardware machinery factory.

It seems that Cheng Zhenyuan is really going to have a headache these two days.

While thoughts were surging in Shen Lin's mind, he saw Chen Hongying striding over: "Shen Lin, when did you come here?"

As soon as Chen Hongying saw her son-in-law, she shouted loudly. Although Chen Hongying usually spoke in a loud voice, but now her voice is really too loud.

However, no matter what he thought in his heart, when Shen Lin faced Chen Hongying, he still maintained due respect: "Mom, I just came here to discuss something with Director Cheng."

"Shen Lin, you don't have to worry too much about the hardware machinery factory. With me and your dad watching over here, no one can turn the world upside down."

Speaking of this, Chen Hongying patted her chest and said, "I'm going to reorganize our factory's Iron Maiden team to help you up the production."

(End of this chapter)

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