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Chapter 557 Have a Sense of Urgency

Chapter 557 Have a Sense of Urgency

The management of the hardware machinery factory left Cheng Zhenyuan's office one by one with their heads downcast. Their expressions became even uglier at this moment.

They competed with Cheng Zhenyuan for power because they felt that Cheng Zhenyuan was still young and an outsider, so they looked down on Cheng Zhenyuan at all, but they didn't expect that when they got mad, Shen Lin actually came.

For them, Shen Lin didn't mean to accommodate them at all. As soon as he came up, he directly killed them indiscriminately.

Compete for employment!

These four words sounded simple, but each of them felt that the hats on their heads were a little unstable.

Especially Director Song of the first workshop, he just yelled the most ruthlessly. This time, Cheng Zhenyuan will inevitably meet with tit-for-tat, and Shen Lin has made it very clear about this matter.

He didn't care about these things, he only wanted a result with Cheng Zhenyuan, and just focusing on these two points was enough to make Director Song feel ashamed.

"Old Song, you don't have to be discouraged. Even if Shen Lin has contracted our factory, our factory is still under the management of the General Iron and Steel Factory. If Shen Lin plays around, we will sue him at the General Iron and Steel Factory." One was also worried about his own competition. Those who couldn't make it patted Director Song on the shoulder and said.

When the others saw someone taking the lead, they immediately responded: "Lao Song, don't worry, we will never let you carry this matter alone, brother."

"If Cheng Zhenyuan really refuses to let you be the workshop director, we will go with you to the General Iron and Steel Factory to report."

Director Song had already calmed down at this moment. Hearing these hypocritical comforts, he felt a chill in his heart.

Don't look at the nice words of these people, but he knows in his heart that these scheming guys are encouraging him to take the lead in making trouble.To put it bluntly, he was planning to use him as a weapon.

What's the problem? I'm afraid none of these people are willing to share their hatred with him and go to the main factory to fight for their interests. They run faster than rabbits, and they hide away one by one, for fear that they will be implicated by them.

Thinking of this in his heart, Director Song wisely chose to remain silent.

In Cheng Zhenyuan's office, Shen Lin, who was already drinking water from a glass, said with a smile, "Director Cheng, I know the situation of the hardware machinery factory well."

"Some people just don't know what they are doing. For these people, you don't have to be polite. You have to stiffen your wrists and deal with them as you want!"

"We are contractors for the factory, not for charity. Don't be polite to them."

"Of course, you don't have any worries. When it's time to make a move, do it. When it's time to do it, don't be soft!"

Hearing Shen Lin's explanation, Cheng Zhenyuan was completely relieved at this time, and he said to Shen Lin: "Factory Manager Shen, don't worry, I will be able to smooth out the hardware machinery factory in two weeks at most! "

Although Shen Lin was a little dissatisfied with the two weeks, Cheng Zhenyuan had just come to the hardware machinery factory after all, and the time he asked for was too demanding, which was not good.

"Okay, then I'll give you two weeks. You have to remember that in this kind of matter, you must grasp two points: the first is not to be soft; the other is to recruit those who can really do things to the election. "

"I will set tasks for you, and you will also step up and set tasks for them."

When Shen Lin said this, he said in a low voice: "In each workshop, you can choose a director and two deputy directors. When the director cannot complete the task, the deputy can be promoted to the director. "

"Give them a sense of urgency. Only when the sense of urgency comes, will they feel the pressure, and they will understand that they must do things well."

Cheng Zhenyuan couldn't help nodding. In the end, he even wanted to take a small notebook and write down Shen Lin's words carefully. These ideas are insights for him!
Just when Shen Lin and Cheng Zhenyuan were talking about things in the factory, someone quickly ran over and said, "Director Shen, someone is looking for you and says his surname is Li." Shen Lin didn't know who it was, but since he found it Coming here, he naturally wanted to see him, so he and Cheng Zhenyuan walked towards the reception room of the hardware machinery factory.

As soon as he entered the room, the first thing Shen Lin saw was a familiar figure, no, it should be said, that familiar figure was wearing a piece of clothing that Shen Lin was extremely familiar with.

Mi Yuan!

She was wearing one of the two trench coats she bought for Lu Xiaorong. No, it should be said that she originally wanted Lu Xiaorong to give it to her, but Lu Xiaorong was jealous for some reason. Shen Lin simply decided no more.

Unexpectedly, this dress was worn on Mi Yuan again.

Could it be that Mi Yuan bought it himself?
When Mi Yuan saw Shen Lin walking in, she felt a little uneasy, especially when Shen Lin was staring at her trench coat.

When Lu Xiaorong gave her this windbreaker, she didn't want it.To be honest, she was very sad. This windbreaker was like a charity, but also like a poor share of Lu Xiaorong's sweet and happy marriage.

After all, Shen Lin still cared about his family and his Lu Xiaorong. He watched him buy two trench coats, but he didn't express anything, so why should he bother about a trench coat, which only added to his sadness.

But in the end, Lu Xiaorong still couldn't stand it and gave it to her.

Today, she just put on this dress by chance, but was brought by Li Qingbo to talk to Shen Lin about work, which made Lu Xiaorong feel very embarrassed.

"Director Shen, what's the matter with you? Why didn't you contract the rice shell electronics factory?" Li Qingbo was not in the mood to care about what clothes Mi Yuan was wearing. The moment he saw Shen Lin, he immediately asked for a while.

It can be said that Li Qingbo paid great attention to Shen Lin's affairs.After all, Shen Lin's export earnings this time brought him immeasurable benefits, so from the bottom of his heart, he didn't want Shen Lin to have problems.

This time, from a friend, he heard that Shen Lin was not planning to contract the light bulb factory in Liyuan Village, so he rushed over immediately.

Shen Lin looked at the anxious Li Qingbo, smiled and said: "Director Li, the thing is like this, it's not that I don't want to rent the light bulb factory in Li Yuan Village, but the rent they want is too high!"

"How much rent do they want?" Li Qingbo's expression became serious in an instant.

Shen Lindao: "Director Li, they want half of the profit from my rice shell electronics factory as rent. Tell me, how can I agree to such a request."

"So, I'm going to move the factory out."

Li Qingbo knew about the situation of the Mishell Electronics Factory. Leaving aside the other sales for the time being, just talking about the foreign exchange earned from this export was quite a fortune.

If renting a venue would cost half of Shen Lin's profit, then it would be better not to rent it.

"Who made this request? Isn't this the lion's mouth!" Li Qingbo frowned, knocked on the table and said, "Boss Shen, you don't have to worry about this matter. I'll talk to them later. Let's talk."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Director Li, renting a house is entirely voluntary. People don't want to rent, so we just don't rent. Don't bother you."

"What's more, I have already contracted the hardware machinery factory and the second electronics factory, and now there is no shortage of space, it doesn't matter whether you rent it or not."

Li Qingbo didn't try to persuade him any more, but he still made up his mind to have a good talk with the man in Li Yuan Village who spoke loudly like a lion.

There is nothing wrong with asking for more money, but you can't open your mouth like a lion, isn't this greedy!
(End of this chapter)

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