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Chapter 559 The first regretful person

Chapter 559 The first person to regret

To wear a crown, bear its weight first!
Cheng Zhenyuan didn't know this sentence, but now he really felt the meaning of this sentence.

Boss Shen's car is really hard to sit in!
At ten o'clock in the evening, he sat in the jeep assigned to him by Shen Lin and returned to Liyuan Village exhausted. However, when he got home, his heart was still in the hardware machinery factory.

The hardware machinery factory needs to be renamed, the management of the hardware machinery factory needs to be dealt with, the bully of the hardware machinery factory, the mother-in-law of the factory director Shen has to be dismissed...

Thinking about all these difficult things, Cheng Zhenyuan felt his head hurt a little.

For the rest, Chen Hongying is not easy to deal with. Although Director Shen has already given a plan, he still has to do it himself!
To be honest, as long as there was a slight possibility, he didn't want to do anything to Chen Hongying.

However, if you don't do anything to Chen Hongying, as the director of the factory, he is purely a decoration, and it is not easy to achieve power if you want to.

With each thought flashing, Cheng Zhenyuan made up his mind.At the same time, in his heart, he felt a little more slander against his boss.

Pushing all the tasks to himself, he became a hands-off shopkeeper. What you say is simple administration and decentralization, but it is ugly. It is simply using yourself as a shield. It is purely a scam...

Pushing open the door of his house, Cheng Zhenyuan found that the inside of his house was brightly lit, which surprised him a little.

After all, these days, most of the villagers were attracted by the big cakes painted by Li Hongqi. Cheng Zhenyuan was in the village, but he had no status.

Why did these people come to their own house again?
Before Cheng Zhenyuan entered the room, several people came out, and one of them greeted him affectionately: "Uncle, you are back."

This enthusiastic person is the nephew of Cheng Zhenyuan's cousin's family. He used to have a good relationship with Cheng Zhenyuan's family, but after the rent increase, this nephew fell out with Cheng Zhenyuan.

It can't be said to turn their faces, it's just that the exchanges between the two parties are already strangers.

"Well, why are you here?" Cheng Zhenyuan didn't like this nephew, so he was not polite when he spoke.

Such a guy who is open to money is just a weed on the wall, falling with the wind, can you still expect him to have a kind heart in the future, and treat money like dung for the sake of your uncle?
The nephew was embarrassed by Cheng Zhenyuan's slap on his face.But no matter how embarrassing he was, he couldn't just walk away.

"Uncle, didn't I want to chat with you?" The nephew had a smile on his face, and when he was talking, he looked at Cheng Zhenyuan with a begging look.

"Zhenyuan, Xiaosheng is your nephew, so he can't come home!" Cheng Zhenyuan's wife gave her man a look.

The meaning of the wife is very clear, that is to give this nephew a little face.

At this time, Cheng Zhenyuan was not in the mood to be hypocritical and perfunctory, and said hastily: "Xiaosheng, tell me something, don't hide it here, I've been tired all day, and I'm going to rest early."

The nephew hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "Uncle, I just want to ask, is Director Shen really going to move the factory?"

"Yeah, you lions are so loud. Boss Shen thinks it's not worthwhile to open a factory in our village, so he naturally wants to move away." Cheng Zhenyuan didn't pause at all on this issue, and said straightforwardly.

Hearing what Cheng Zhenyuan said, the nephew said in a trembling voice: "The factory in our village is where he made his fortune."

"Now when it comes to Mishell Electronics Factory, everyone knows that it is here."

"He moved away, so it doesn't seriously affect his business!"

Seeing his nephew's distraught look, Cheng Zhenyuan shook his head and said, "Hmph, what are you still dreaming of?"

"It's not good to move the factory site suddenly, but you want so much profit from others, and you can't wait to eat them alive to enjoy yourself. What can Boss Shen do if he doesn't change the factory site?"

Having said this, Cheng Zhenyuan waved his hand towards his nephew and said: "Okay, if you just want to talk about this issue, then go back, I'm going to rest." The nephew did not come alone. At this time, he came from the hall of Cheng's house , and a few more people walked out. These were people who were relatively close to Cheng Zhenyuan.

They just heard the conversation between Cheng Zhenyuan and Xiaosheng, so all of them looked very ugly.

"Really far, according to what you said, Boss Shen is really going to leave. What should we do when he leaves?" It was a man in his 50s who spoke, and his voice trembled a little. .

What shall we do?
Cheng Zhenyuan said in his heart, what should you do? This has nothing to do with me, Cheng Zhenyuan. I am now the person in charge of the hardware machinery factory.

But he lives in the village after all, so he can't offend his family too much, so he said flatly: "Third brother, let's take care of this matter."

"In the past, when Boss Shen didn't come, couldn't we live it too!"

Hearing Cheng Zhenyuan's evasive words, everyone present was choked!They knew very well what was going on at home when Shen Lin didn't come.

Although I can't go hungry, my life is far from being as nourishing as it is now!

"Damn Li Hongqi, it's all his bad idea. Hmph, what did you say that Director Shen will give in, let's be fine now." Xiaosheng gritted his teeth and cursed: "It's all about listening to him fart, we get a penny Not to mention, my daughter-in-law lost her job!"

"I'm not finished with him!"

While speaking, Xiaosheng turned around and was about to leave, with an angry look as if he was going to settle accounts with Li Hongqi, but Cheng Zhenyuan looked at his nephew, knowing very well in his heart that his nephew at this time was just acting for him.

There is only one purpose, and that is to let Cheng Zhenyuan help him say good things, so that his wife can return to Mike Electronics Factory.

For such a small trick, Cheng Zhenyuan saw through it at a glance, but he didn't expose it.

When Cheng Zhenyuan silently counted to three in his heart, someone grabbed Xiaosheng and said, "You child, what are you doing so recklessly?"

"Let me tell you, don't do things impulsively, isn't it because you are really uncle!"

When Xiaosheng heard this, he stopped and looked at Cheng Zhenyuan eagerly.At this moment, Cheng Zhenyuan wanted to say, roll as far as you can, but he couldn't say that.

"Director Shen is very angry about this matter. I'm afraid you won't be allowed to come back in a short time." Cheng Zhenyuan coughed and said, "Why don't you let your wife find another job first, and wait for Director Shen to come back?" The anger subsides, and I will talk to him again when I have a chance."

Hearing Cheng Zhenyuan's words, the corner of Xiaosheng's mouth twitched, and finally said: "Thank you, Uncle, for taking your troubles."

It was already half an hour after sending these relatives and friends away, Cheng Zhenyuan was so sleepy that he didn't even plan to say anything to his daughter-in-law, and was about to walk towards the bed.

However, just when he was about to get up, he found that his daughter-in-law did not come back alone. There was a person wearing a hat beside her.

It's already June and July, and there are still people wearing hats, it's really...

Just when Cheng Zhenyuan was complaining in his heart, his wife said in a low voice: "Brother Hongqi has something to do with you."

Hearing this, most of Cheng Zhenyuan's drowsiness disappeared at once.He stood up all at once, and immediately wanted to drive Li Hongqi away.

Now I am the right-hand man of Director Shen, but Li Hongqi led people to drive away Director Shen. He and Li Hongqi met in the dead of night, what would Boss Shen think if he found out?If I misunderstood, then I would just fall into the crotch of yellow mud, which is either shit or shit!

(End of this chapter)

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