Chapter 561 A Fool

Has an impact, but not much!
These words made Li Hongqi's heart completely chill.

He looked at Cheng Zhenyuan without saying a word, and various thoughts surged rapidly in his mind.Annoyance, remorse, self-blame and shame...

After tossing and tossing himself, he ended up being a clown who turned out to be himself. Why bother, but now, it is no longer the time for him to be upset. What he has to do is to fill up the hole he made.

Just when Li Hongqi was feeling cold, Cheng Zhenyuan's daughter-in-law had already come out with a cup of prepared malted milk: "Brother Hongqi, this malted milk is really amazing, drink a cup at night, and you can go home and sleep right away." Good sleep."

"Try it quickly and see if it works."

Although Cheng Zhenyuan's daughter-in-law kept smiling, Li Hongqi could still clearly feel the meaning of these words.

This is chasing customers, this is telling myself, let me go quickly, you are not welcome here, if it is not that I have no way out now, Li Hongqi will definitely walk away without saying a word, he can't stand this kind of humiliation .

But now, he can't leave, he has to ask Cheng Zhenyuan to help him, if Cheng Zhenyuan doesn't help, then he will be in trouble this time.

"Thank you, brother and sister, I'll taste it first." While speaking, Li Hongqi took the cup and took a sip.

Malted milk has a sweet taste, but now, when drinking this sweet malted milk into his mouth, what Li Hongqi feels the most is bitterness.

"True far, tell me the truth, how can Boss Shen come back? How can we let those who have been expelled from our village go to work?" Holding a cup of malted milk in one hand, Li Hongqi asked sincerely.

In Cheng Zhenyuan's mind at this time, there are more four words: overwhelmed and hard to recover.

It is not an easy task for Shen Lin to take back what he said before, and to get Shen Lin to agree to those people continuing to work in the rice shell electronics factory.

He felt that although he had a bit of face in front of Shen Lin, it should be okay for one or two people, but he didn't dare to make mistakes.

Because, as long as he dares to say one thing, he will set himself on fire. There are so many people in the village, if you help one and refuse to help another, that is the day of enmity.

Li Hongqi still needs to ask Director Shen to explain this kind of thing.

"Brother Hongqi, I think the person who needs to tie the bell to untie the bell will not solve it if you don't come forward." Cheng Zhenyuan pondered for a while and said: "As for how to achieve what you said, it is up to you and Shen The boss talked about it himself."

Li Hongqi was very disgusted with Cheng Zhenyuan's attitude of letting go. I, Li Hongqi, came to beg you so humbly, was it for myself?I am for the benefit of the whole village!
But you, Cheng Zhenyuan, just watched me get angry and ignored it. You can be your factory director, but you can't be me, Li Hongqi!
Although he was contemptuous in his heart, he could only endure it, because he had no other choice.After all, Cheng Zhenyuan didn't owe him anything.

He took another sip of malted milk and said, "It's so far away, I can talk to Director Shen, but I'm afraid that Director Shen won't see me."

"Well, for the sake of the people in our village, you can work hard for Zhenyuan, and take me to find Director Shen tomorrow."

"As for how to save it, I'll talk to Director Shen about my sincerity."

Feeling Li Hongqi's gaze, Cheng Zhenyuan knew that this was Li Hongqi's last request to him, and he didn't want to be willing to this kind of request.

After all, when I and Shen Lin came to find Li Hongqi some time ago, the quarrel between the two sides was not very pleasant.At this time, if he took Li Hongqi to find Shen Lin, he would be suspected of cheating.

However, he had to agree. After all, it wasn't just him. His whole family was in the village. Even if Li Hongqi didn't say anything, once he spread the news, how many people would poke him in the back.

Li Hongqi is a bastard, he made me take the blame for what he poked out by himself.Cheng Zhenyuan, who cursed secretly in his heart, coughed and said, "Since Brother Hongqi said so, then I'd rather be obedient than respectful."

Although the goal was only half achieved, Li Hongqi was already very pleased.After all, he could meet Shen Lin and have a good talk. "Then when will you meet Director Shen?" Li Hongqi placed the cup of malted milk on the table and continued to ask Cheng Zhenyuan.

Cheng Zhenyuan said: "I will report this matter to Director Shen tomorrow, and I will inform you when Director Shen confirms the time."

Li Hongqi was very dissatisfied with this answer.In the past, when he wanted to see Shen Lin, it was just a phone call, but now...

"Okay, then I'll wait for your call." Li Hongqi stood up unsteadily and walked away. The dim light at the door of the house stretched Li Hongqi's figure for a long time, giving people a bleak feeling.

"It's not easy for Li Hongqi." After closing the door, Cheng Zhenyuan's voice was full of emotion.But as soon as he said this, his wife said in a deep voice: "Old Cheng, don't carelessly sympathize with others."

"What does Li Hongqi think, do you think we don't know?"

"Hmph, he was infatuated and ruined the matter, that's why he came to you. Otherwise, how could he think highly of you!"

Speaking of this, Cheng Zhenyuan's wife pointed to the phone not far away and said, "Go and call Factory Manager Shen and talk about it."

"Director Shen may have fallen asleep right now, so let's call tomorrow." Cheng Zhenyuan waved his hand.

"What do you know? Now that Li Hongqi is looking for you, you should report to Director Shen as soon as possible. Otherwise, in case someone breaks their mouths, let it be reported to Director Shen first, and you can explain it. I don't know."

Although he felt that it was not possible, Cheng Zhenyuan still picked up the phone and called Shen Lin's home.

Shen Lin was not asleep, he was watching TV with Lu Xiaorong.In Huo Yuanjia's previous life, he couldn't remember how many times he had watched it, but he still enjoyed watching Huo Yuanjia at this time.

And Lu Xiaorong, who had already put the child to sleep, watched TV with him, and complained that he had delayed a lot of the plot because of coaxing the child. It would be great if the plot could be played backwards.

Just when Shen Lin said that it was not difficult, Cheng Zhenyuan called. When he answered the phone, Shen Lin thought that something happened.

"Li Hongqi wants to meet with me?" Shen Lin wasn't too surprised by the news, after all, facing the situation where he was going to move out, Li Hongqi shouldn't be under so much pressure.

"Yes, the factory director." Cheng Zhenyuan said in a deep voice: "He looks very depressed today, I think he seems to have encountered a lot of trouble."

"Do you think I should see him?" Shen Lin didn't say anything, but asked Cheng Zhenyuan.

Cheng Zhenyuan hesitated for a moment and said: "This time, the factory manager, you should teach Li Hongqi a lesson and let him know that greed is not good."

"In addition, I think the Liyuan Village Light Bulb Factory is the place where our factory started after all. It would be a pity if we just abandon it like this!"

"It's better to let him hang out first, and then talk to him."

Shen Lin nodded and said: "Okay, then do as you said, after three days, let him come to my office to find me."

Seeing Shen Lin put down the phone, Lu Xiaorong couldn't help asking, "What's the matter?"

"It's okay, just teach a fool who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth a lesson."

(End of this chapter)

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