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Chapter 563 Dragon Coiled For Me, Tiger Laid Down For Me

Chapter 563 Dragon Coiled For Me, Tiger Laid Down For Me
What happened today made Lu Bin feel a little unbelievable, but his heart was full of excitement.

Because Shen Lin's promise really exceeded his expectations.

In the Rice Shell Research Institute, not only the salary is high, but also various attractive welfare guarantees, and more importantly, once the research results are achieved, they can also get high rewards!
This is something he has never enjoyed in the Second Electronics Factory for many years.

He, Lu Bin, is much better than Xiao Li and others in terms of ability. Usually, if there are any technical problems in the factory, he is basically the one who looks for him.

But if something good happens, such as housing distribution, such as welfare, then Lu Bin needs to step aside.

At first, Lu Bin felt it was very unfair. There were many such things, and the years gradually smoothed his edges and corners, and he accepted the reality.

But now, those obliterated things seem to come back all of a sudden.

After talking with Shen Lin for half an hour, he left Shen Lin's office with the familiar university teacher, namely Li Xueqiang.

From the introduction just now, Lu Bin knows that Li Xueqiang is the vice president of the Rice Shell Research Institute, and now he is his immediate boss.

"Lu Bin, you are an expert in electronics. I will not ask about this matter. I will only provide logistics support for you." Li Xueqiang patted Lu Bin on the shoulder and said with a smile: "You have to get this one as soon as possible." Pull up the team."

"The model of the electronic watch that Director Shen gave you just now, you must understand it as soon as possible. According to Director Shen, we must put it into production as soon as possible."

Lu Bin looked at the small electronic watch in his hand and said confidently: "President Li, don't worry, I will be able to study it thoroughly soon."

"The technical content implied by this thing is not too high."

Li Xueqiang looked at the confident Lu Bin and smiled softly.His research direction is different from that of Lu Bin, so he cannot give Lu Bin too much guidance in this regard.

But looking at Lu Bin in high spirits, he thought of himself for no reason.Although he is still working part-time now, he has a very high sense of identification with the Rice Shell Research Institute in his heart.

If it weren't for the Rice Shell Research Institute, if it weren't for Shen Lin, Li Xueqiang wouldn't be where he is today.

This Lu Bin is simply a mirror of himself. If he hadn't met Shen Lin, he might be the same as Lu Bin now.

"In our factory, there are still some vacant houses that are unoccupied. Factory Manager Shen has already arranged for you to live in a two-bedroom apartment."

If entrusting him with a heavy responsibility made Lu Bin feel that Shen Lin was kind to him, then now, Li Xueqiang's words were like injecting him with a stimulant.

Before doing anything, he gave a house to live in. He begged many people and thought of many ways to solve the problem that he had never been able to solve. Factory Manager Shen just solved it.

This made Lu Bin's heart quickly roll over a torrent of emotion.

"Thank you, Dean Li, and please also thank Director Shen on my behalf. I will definitely live up to his entrustment."

After the two talked for a while, Lu Bin walked towards his office with high spirits. At this time, he felt that walking brought wind, and even the air was sweet.

But when he returned to the office, there were quite a few people gathered in their office. Some people sat on his chair, and even put their stinky feet, which had taken off their yellow rubber shoes, on the table with impunity. .

This kind of situation almost made Lu Bin furious.

But when he saw clearly the person who put his feet, the anger in his heart disappeared a lot.Because this person is the brother-in-law of the former factory director Cui. "Hey, isn't this Lu Gong? I heard that you were summoned by the man named Shen and entrusted with an important task? Congratulations!"

The person who stepped on his table winked and cast a look at the people around him, and teased eccentrically, which caused a burst of laughter.

If it was in the past, Lu Bin would definitely be angry when he heard these laughter, and then swallowed the breath silently. After all, he couldn't afford to provoke these people.

But now, apart from anger, he has no fear, all he has is a face full of disdain.

What will these people do?They can't even do the most basic work well. The reason why they can mock themselves here is not because of their background.

Lu Bin did not speak, but looked at the person who spoke coldly.

The speaker did not expect Lu Bin to look at him like this, and for a moment, a trace of anger appeared on his face.

But in the end, he suppressed his anger.Now it is different from the past, if in the past even if he slapped Lu Bin, nothing would happen.

But now, although he can still do it, he is not sure what the final result will be.After all, once the emperor and courtiers, now it has been replaced by Shen Lin's era!
In such cases, it is better to choose to be cautious.

"Lu Bin, don't think that if our factory is contracted, you will turn around in a big way. Let me tell you, it's still early, and whoever has the final say in this factory can't decide!"

When the young man said this, he said with a hint of ferocity in his eyes: "You are an honest man, don't fool around with other people, otherwise, you will just walk away without food!"

Speaking of this, the man with the stinky feet on his table waved his hand and said, "Come on, let's talk to other people, grandma, I don't believe it, you can still prevail in our factory if you get a little unhealthy." ! Don’t look at whose territory it’s on!”

As those people left, Xiao Li sent them outside.

Lu Bin looked at the messy office and felt very uncomfortable.But what he thought more about at this time was those people who came to his house.

These people all have backgrounds. Boss Shen is young, even if he contracted the second electronics factory, can he manage the factory well?
If the management is not good, Lu Bin feels that the Second Electronics Factory will continue to be a mess as before, and Boss Shen will pay for it.

As for my own dreams and my own house, they may also be illusory...

Just as thoughts were surging in Lu Bin's mind, Xiao Li had already walked back. He glanced at Lu Bin twice with a strange look, and then said: "Brother Lu, I didn't expect that you and Yuan Liqin Got it up."

Before Lu Bin could speak, Xiao Li had already smiled and said, "Brother Lu, I know what you are thinking. However, we have worked together for so many years, and I will give you a reminder."

"Don't take Yuan Liqin and the others seriously if you think this place has been contracted. Let me tell you, the influence of Yuan Liqin's second uncle is still deeply rooted in the factory."

"Shen is a character in other places, but in our factory, even if he is a dragon, he has to coil up, and if he is a tiger, he has to lie down!"

"If you don't believe me, just wait and see, but in this process, your brother must not get involved, otherwise, you will suffer a loss."

Lu Bin smiled noncommittally and did not make a sound, but he felt a little unhappy. Thinking of Yuan Liqin's second uncle, the director of the factory who always had a serious face but was very domineering in his actions, Lu Bin's My heart felt a little cold.

Director Shen is so young, can he beat Yuan Liqin and the others?
No, it should be that Director Shen can really suppress people like Yuan Liqin and his second uncle?If you can't hold it back, I'm afraid everything about you will be hopeless!

(End of this chapter)

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