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Chapter 565 I am the master of my site

Chapter 565 I am the master of my site

When Lu Bin returned home, Shen Lin's words were all on his mind.

He felt that Director Shen had given him great confidence, and made him feel that Yuan Liqin and the others, that is, some scattered soldiers, were vulnerable.

It was already evening, my wife was serving noodles, and the old mother was playing with the children.

The noodles are vermicelli in clear soup, except for a little lard for meat, there are only a few green vegetables floating on top.

Looking at the dinner, Lu Bin felt ashamed.

He has not been paid for almost two months, and the family's life depends entirely on the salary of his wife who is an elementary school teacher, so three meals a day at home seem very difficult.

"When we get paid, let's have a good meal." Lu Bin whispered as he brought the rice bowl to the small dining table.

He said this not only to his wife, but also to his mother.

The wife looked at Lu Bin twice, and asked in surprise, "Hey, when did you get a new pen?"

From his wife's tone, Lu Bin heard a hint of blame, but Lu Bin was not angry, he knew the family's savings situation very well.

In Lu Bin's own opinion, buying a new fountain pen for himself while the family was eating vermicelli in clear soup was something worthy of his wife's anger.

"It was Director Shen who sent me." When he mentioned Director Shen, Lu Binsheng was afraid that his wife would not know who Director Shen was, and then explained: "Boss Shen Linchen who contracted our factory."

The wife looked at Lu Bin's pen and said nothing.The mother, who was holding the child, said with emotion: "It seems that Shen, the director of the factory, probably knows about our Binzi's skills. This is to reuse him, otherwise he would not give a pen for nothing."

Lu Bin smiled, but did not speak.

But Lu Bin's daughter-in-law said: "Lu Bin, your factory director Shen, has only just contracted, and you don't know what's going on inside!"

"What about you, let's take a look now and wait until the situation stabilizes."

From the words of his daughter-in-law, Lu Bin clearly heard something in the words.He looked at his wife twice, and thought of the information he had heard: "Have you heard those rumors too?"

"Is this a secret? Let me tell you, Lu Bin, your old factory manager is a man of skill. Although he is forced to retreat to the second line now, what if he refuses to give up!"

"If you rush forward foolishly, Factory Manager Shen can pat your ass and leave, but you need to work in the factory all the time."

While the wife was speaking, she put a plate of green peppers marinated in soy sauce on the table, and the dinner at home was ready: "Don't be fooled into being used as a gun just because of this little favor." Already!"

Lu Bin hesitated for a moment and said, "I think Director Shen is a capable person. He told me that I don't need to worry about things in the factory."

"I just need to do a good job in technical research. By the way, Director Shen said, let's clean up first, and send someone over tomorrow morning to help us move. Let's live in a two-bedroom apartment in the factory."

The wife, who was a little dismissive of Lu Bin's words, was shocked when she heard about the two bedrooms and one living room.

The newly built two-bedroom and one-living room in this factory is almost the dream she most wants to realize.But when he was the old factory manager, there were Xiao Li and others who didn't meet the requirements, but the man who met all the conditions in his family was not assigned.

"Really? Director Shen really said that?" Lu Bin's wife asked in surprise. "Director Shen really said that." Lu Bin said, "Would I still lie to you about such an important matter?"

Lu Bin's daughter-in-law, who woke up from the surprise, said with a trace of anxiety: "Lu Bin, you're not very good at this kind of thing, you'd better listen to me, it's never too late for a good meal, we'd better wait first. "

"If this factory manager Shen can succeed, of course we will follow him, but if he can't do anything he wants, we don't need to suffer with him, and we will end up with nothing."

Although Lu Bin didn't like his wife's attitude very much, he didn't say anything.From his wife's words, he felt that his wife did not have much confidence in Director Shen.

And when Lu Bin was eating at home, Yuan Liqin, who liked to put his stinky feet on the table, was also eating at this time.It's just that he is not in a small narrow house, but in a yard full of grape trellises.

"Second Uncle, don't worry, I've already found a few strong buddies, and the one surnamed Shen will find out tomorrow that this factory is not easy to manage."

"Grandma's, he didn't even weigh how much he weighed, but he actually reached out to our factory!"

"This time, I will let him see who is in charge in this factory."

Sitting opposite Yuan Liqin was Yuan Liqin's second uncle, a middle-aged man who looked not tall but gave off a shrewd and capable look.

The man looked a little contemptuous of Yuan Liqin's gluttonous eating of roast chicken, but this Yuan Liqin was his nephew after all, so he didn't say anything, but just watched Yuan Liqin gobble up food without saying a word .

"Third brother, you must be careful when doing things. After all, the factory manager Shen was sent by the superiors to contract. Let's still say that, we have to beat him up and let him know who is in charge here."

"But don't make too much trouble. If he slaps his ass and leaves in a fit of anger, then both sides will suffer. Do you understand?"

For the instructions of the second uncle, Yuan Liqin's left ear goes in and the right ear goes out. In his opinion, the second uncle is good at everything, but this is not good. He is too careful in everything, looking forward and backward, and being too cautious. If both sides are hurt, both sides will be hurt. What's the big deal? .

However, he didn't dare not to listen. The reason why he is today is entirely because of the support of his second uncle. Without his second uncle, he would still be farming in his hometown!
"Second uncle, don't worry, I will definitely save some face for Shen Lin according to your request, but let him know what he has to do to earn money from us." In Yuan Liqin's voice, there was With a trace of complacency.

"That's good." The middle-aged man picked up the wine glass and drank it in one gulp.

In the early morning of the next day, at the gate of the huge No. [-] Electronics Factory, workers walked into the gate of the factory, talking and laughing as before.

But in fact, those who are familiar with the Second Electronics Factory are very aware that the Second Electronics Factory at this moment is a bit different from the past.

When many people greeted each other, there was a trace of weirdness in their voices, and some even used a more subtle language from time to time, talking and laughing in a low voice.

When Lu Bin was riding a bicycle to enter the gate of the factory, he suddenly found that there were a few more young people he didn't know at the gate of the factory. .

Seeing these people, Lu Bin's heart skipped a beat. He felt that what he was waiting for might be about to happen!

At this moment, a bicycle bell sounded from a distance, and with the sound of the bicycle bell, Yuan Liqin and his party of more than 20 people drove towards the gate in a mighty manner.

Although they didn't speak, they carried an aura that I'm not easy to mess with, don't mess with me!

(End of this chapter)

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