Back to 84: Getting rich from collecting rubbish

Chapter 568 People under the roof

Chapter 568 People under the roof

On this day, many things happened to the Second Electronics Factory.

For example, Yuan Liqin was arrested for stealing copper bars from the factory; for example, the director of the factory Shen adjusted the division of labor in the factory; for example, the work discipline in the factory suddenly became stricter. It's not as carefree as before!
The disciplines are still those disciplines, but the intensity of execution and implementation has increased, and with it, the entire Second Electronics Factory has stepped into the fast lane of fast operation like a clockwork.

But these are not the most important things to Lu Bin, the most important thing to Lu Bin now is that he has moved.

After Mr. Shen proposed that the factory should create an atmosphere of "the capable go up and the mediocre let go", he immediately made a preference for housing and other benefits to the front-line researchers, and then he moved into the factory as a matter of course. In a new house with two bedrooms and one living room.

The move this time not only solved the embarrassment in his life, but more importantly, everyone felt that Lu Bin became a lot more sunny after sweeping away the pedantic spirit of the past.

He and his wife quietly came to a celebration ceremony, and Lu Bin devoted himself to the subject Shen Lin gave him.Especially for small things like electronic watches, he has also studied them in the past. What he needs to do now is to mass-produce electronic watches in the second electronics factory in the fastest time according to the requirements of Director Shen.

In the past, when he did research, he needed people and no money, but now, everything is equipped with top-notch equipment.

Let's put it this way, as long as he proposes what materials to use, he doesn't need to look for them himself. Someone will send them over within half an hour.

What's more, Lu Bin is not fighting alone. In addition to the technicians of the Second Electronics Factory, he also has the Rice Shell Research Institute as his support.

Originally, in Lu Bin's imagination, the Rice Shell Research Institute was located in the Rice Shell Electronics Factory, but after getting in touch with him slowly, he discovered that most of the staff of the Rice Shell Research Institute were teachers from Dongzhou Institute of Technology.

Of course, there are also teachers from other universities.

This made Lu Bin very happy. He felt that he could finally find someone who could discuss the issues he didn't understand.

Just when Lu Bin's research was progressing rapidly, Shen Lin had already completed the adjustment of the second electronics factory.

Although the output value of the second electronics factory is not too large, for Shen Lin, this factory is extremely important to him.

Whether his next plan can be realized, this second electronics factory undertakes a very important task.

It was also for this reason that Shen Lin really didn't want to waste his time on people like Yuan Liqin, so he simply used thunderous means to quickly deal with Yuan Liqin who often stole the factory's finances.

As the Second Electronics Factory gradually became more formal, Shen Lin gradually became more at ease.This morning, just as Shen Lin walked into his office in the second electronics factory, he saw Li Hongqi waiting there.

Li Hongqi came here to talk about the light bulb factory.

Li Hongqi, who was carrying a black bag, saw Shen Lin, and his face turned into a layer of dry bark with a smile.

With that humble appearance, he wished he could lie on the ground and sharpen his thick skin.

Shen Lin didn't have much sympathy for Li Hongqi's behavior.

Now I have suppressed this guy. If I hadn't suppressed him, I am afraid this guy wouldn't be able to give me a good look.

Facing Li Hongqi's smiling face, Shen Lin just nodded with a smile, walked straight into the office without saying a word.

Li Hongqi, who came here early in the morning, looked at Shen Lin who was leaving, and felt a little cold in his heart. He knew that this was Shen Lin deliberately showing his face.

If he followed his previous temperament, he would never let it go, but these three days, he was like an ant on a hot pot, it was too difficult!
Those villagers who were expelled came to his house almost every day to ask when they could go to work. Although he tried to persuade him, saying that a good meal is not afraid of being late, everyone should not be impatient. He will notify Boss Shen as soon as possible. Everyone.

It's a pity that such words are said too many times, and there is no meaning of appeasement.The worst thing about these rascals is that even though they no longer speak ill of each other, they still refuse to leave, chatting nonsense and spitting in his house.

When it was time for dinner, some people even came uninvited and offered to stay and eat with them.

What is this for?Isn't this an obvious attempt to force Li Hongqi on him!Although he knew very well in his heart that these unsteady guys were just trying to embarrass him. If he didn't go to work for a day, they would have three meals at his house.

The wife who usually obeys Li Hongqi's words can't take it anymore, and even scolded him last night.

Before the change, he had already waited on the soles of his shoes, but last night, thinking about the old woman cooking and serving so many people who came to eat, it was not easy, so he held back his violent temper.

After finally surviving these three days, Li Hongqi ran to the second electronics factory almost early in the morning. He had to find Shen Lin as soon as possible to solve this problem.

"Director Shen, I have something to tell you." Shen Lin ignored him, so he had to talk to Shen Lin.

Knowing that he was in the wrong, knowing that he had no other way to go now, Li Hongqi quickly rushed to Shen Lin's side and said.

Shen Lin looked at Li Hongqi who was smiling apologetically, and said calmly: "Brother Hongqi, I still have something to do, or you can find a place to wait."

"I'll receive you alone after I finish this meeting."

Shen Lin said he was going to have a meeting, but Li Hongqi was very clear about what the meeting was for. He clearly wanted to continue to hang himself out.

Although he knew it in his heart, he didn't dare to insist. Who told him to move Shen Lin and the others when he started.

Now that Shen Lin wanted to continue to leave him alone, although he was angry in his heart, he could only endure it, otherwise, he would have no choice but to leave.

"Okay, I'll wait outside your office." Li Hongqi knew that he was powerless to fight back, so he said pitifully towards the door.

Shen Lin didn't say anything, he just wanted to show off Li Hongqi, this one made a sudden attack on him, and the lion opened his mouth immediately after.

Now I can't go on anymore, so I come to beg for mercy, and he, Shen Lin, is not a philanthropist. If you come to beg for mercy, can I forgive you?
He wants this person to pay the price he deserves.

Shen Lin is now in the Second Electronics Factory. If he is fine, he can sit and rest for a day, but if he is dealing with things, all kinds of things can pile up.

Whether it was the technical department or the production department, people kept coming to ask for instructions, and some even brought various reports to ask Shen Lin to sign.

Li Hongqi sat on the stool outside the door very lonely, watching those people coming in and out. At this moment, he felt more and more annoyed in his heart. He felt that his head was really kicked by a donkey. Why did he feel that Shen Lin couldn't do without? What about your own village?

Well now, Shen Lin's newly contracted factory seems to be booming, but he has become a dog in the water that everyone shouts and beats.

He is also very clear about the village's comments on him now.

Shen Lin, who used to call himself Uncle Hongqi, once he opened his mouth today, his seniority became brother Hongqi!
However, no matter how much Shen Lin degraded himself today, he had to see Shen Lin and beg Shen Lin to continue contracting their light bulb factory.

I don't know how long it took, but when Li Hongqi was waiting until his back hurt, he saw Shen Lin coming out of the office.

"Brother Hongqi, why are you still waiting here? Oh, look at my memory." Shen Lin watched Li Hongqi approaching, slapped his head, and said angrily, "I've been so busy since I arrived at the factory. Secretly, forget about the fact that you came to me!"

Li Hongqi said in her heart that you should stop pretending, you will forget me, you are deliberately making me uncomfortable!
Although he understood in his heart, he didn't puncture his mouth. Instead, he rubbed his hands and said, "Director Shen has a lot of things to do every day. I'm idle and I can't compare with you. I have nothing to do later."

Just after saying this, Shen Lin said: "Xiaocheng, I'm going out to do some errands. You take brother Hongqi to the factory's staff canteen for dinner. You've been hungry for a long time, so eat something first."

"I'll talk about it when I get back."

(End of this chapter)

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