Chapter 570
Although Shen Lin didn't want to arrange Li Hongqi at this table, but he ran over, it wouldn't look good if he just kicked him out.

Regarding the matter of the rice shell electronics factory, he could not give in at all and kill them all, but Shen Lin still couldn't do the things that people took the initiative to come over to accompany the drink and drive people away during the meal.

After pondering for a while, he called Xiaocheng who had rushed over to come over and add a chair.

Xiaocheng felt very guilty at this time, Brother Shen entrusted such a small matter to himself, and he actually screwed up.

Speaking of myself, I have failed Brother Shen's trust in me.

So while moving the stool, he secretly scolded Li Hongqi in his heart, this guy really will find something for him!

"Shen Lin, the purpose of our visit this time is not only to accompany your uncle to see you and Xingye Factory Manager, but also to hear that you have been bullied."

Yan Guangming, who had just sat down, didn't wait for Li Hongqi to speak, and said directly: "The people in our hometown can't see it the most, is that the family members are being bullied."

Speaking of this, Yan Guangming said with a trace of anger in his voice: "Boss Shen, I think that your factory is all about making money, so you might as well come to our Shenjia Village."

"Don't worry, they are all from the villagers, and where Uncle Xing is, no one would dare to do such a foolish thing to you again."

Li Hongqi listened to Lao Yan's words, and felt that every word this guy said was aimed at him.

Although he was very uncomfortable about this in his heart, at this moment, he could only listen in embarrassment, and quickly thought about the way to deal with it.

After Lao Yan finished speaking, Li Hongqi coughed and said without waiting for Shen Lin to speak: "Haha, I think there is still some misunderstanding about this matter."

Speaking of this, he said with a trace of guilt in his voice: "Director Shen, and Lao Yan, I want to talk about this matter."

"Director Shen, I came here this time mainly to talk to you about something. I just happened to meet Lao Yan talking about this matter, so I happened to explain it."

Speaking of this, Li Hongqi didn't wait for anyone to deny it, and quickly said: "I really lost my head about what Lao Yan said."

"No, it should be that some people in our village have lost their heads. Fortunately, after these days of calmness, we have clearly realized how stupid our request is and how impossible it is to realize."

"Now, we already know that we did something wrong, so I came here this time. In addition to apologizing to you, Director Shen, I also invite you to go back, and continue to install the Mishell Electronics Factory in our Liyuan Village. .”

Speaking of this, Li Hongqi's voice was full of emotion and said: "Master Shen, we did something wrong this time, please forgive us this time."

While speaking, Li Hongqi stood up from the stool, bowed his head and admitted his mistake!
Shen Xingjia was more surprised by this situation.He didn't expect that when he came to see Shen Lin, he would encounter such a big show.

But Ma Zhong's heart was full of emotions.Although it was his first contact with Li Hongqi, from the other party's words, he felt that this person should be a rebellious character.

If such a person, in front of himself and others, apologizes to Shen Lin shamelessly, from this point of view, he will have a lot of admiration for Shen Lin.

A person like Boss Shen, is that arrogant?
But Lao Yan had a different idea at this time. He admired Li Hongqi's attitude of admitting his mistakes in public.

But while admiring Lao Yan, he also became more vigilant in his heart.The purpose of his visit this time was to pull Shen Lin to invest and build a factory around Shenjia Village.

Once Shen Lin invests, it will be a huge boost to the surrounding areas of Shenjiacun. Among other things, the recruitment of workers by Guangmike Electronics Factory will benefit the people around Shenjiacun a lot.So without waiting for Shen Lin to speak, he coughed and said, "Old Li, your attitude of knowing your mistakes and being able to correct them is quite admirable."

Li Hongqi's face changed. He is also a person who has experienced things. He knows that when an opponent praises himself, his next sentence must be an attacking word.

Therefore, at this moment, his expression was full of vigilance.

"But what? Since the people in your village have already had such unreasonable thoughts, even if you realize your mistake now, this kind of estrangement will not disappear in a short time."

"Maybe at some point, someone will bring up the old matter again, causing unnecessary losses to Shen Lin, and then it will be too late for regret."

When Lao Yan said this, he waved his hand heavily, and said directly to Li Hongqi who was about to interrupt him: "You have to let me finish what I say."

Just such a sentence immediately made Li Hongqi's face a little ugly. He originally wanted to interrupt Lao Yan's speech, but now he could only stop.

"So Shen Lin, whether you want to kiss the people in your hometown or not, my old Yan is here, and I can assure you that things like Li Yuan Village will never happen no matter what."

"If something like this happens, then I will ask you."

Li Hongqi took a deep breath. Although it was the first time he met Lao Yan, he felt that this was an enemy from his previous life.

Without saying anything, he directly made his own village a target. He was not planning to make his own village better.Although it was also because he gave others a handle, but Li Hongqi absolutely couldn't just watch Shen Lin withdraw his capital.

Once Shen Lin withdraws, although the Guoke Electronics Factory will be affected, it will not be too big.

After all, whether it is the second electronics factory or the hardware machinery factory, Shen Lin can get a new factory area, not to mention that Lao Yan who invited Shen Lin back also invited Shen Lin to build a new factory.

But what about myself?Because this incident was initiated by himself, all the people in the village who worked in the Mishell Electronics Factory were forced to withdraw from the Mishell Electronics Factory.

On this point, he has no way to explain to the young and old in the village.If Shen Lin can be invited back, everything will be fine. If not, those people will probably scold their eight generations of ancestors.

As for himself, I am afraid that there is no way to stay in the village.

"Director Shen, I know that we made a lot of mistakes a while ago, but please rest assured, I promise that we will not make such mistakes again."

Li Hongqi said quickly: "If you contract with us, I can immediately agree to the ten-year contract period, and I can make the decision. The contract fee within ten years will not increase. In addition... In addition, we can also take Give a piece of land for you to build a new factory building."

"Think about it, once you leave our home in Liyuan Village, it will still be a big loss to your Mike Electronics Factory."

"After all, everyone will ask why the Mishell Electronics Factory changed its location. Is there something wrong with the factory? So, I think it is a proud choice for you to choose our factory."

After explaining his reasons, Li Hongqi looked at Shen Lin anxiously. At this moment, he had used up all his strength, and all he could do now was to wait for Shen Lin's decision.

(End of this chapter)

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