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Chapter 579: Life moves forward, the hero behind the scenes

Chapter 579: Life moves forward, the hero behind the scenes
With the arrival of an autumn rain, the heat of the whole summer has dissipated a lot.Many people are enjoying this rare coolness, full of joy to welcome the arrival of autumn.

In the factory department of Mishell Electronics Factory, Shen Lin was sitting behind his desk looking at the financial statements for the second quarter.

This financial statement is still very detailed, but the overall classification is nothing more than two items, one is income and the other is expenditure!

And now, the final result of offsetting the two items has reached eight figures.

Build a new factory, start preparations for the second electrical appliance store, and invest in research and development.After calculating all of these, he can still earn eight figures, which makes Shen Lin feel very fulfilled.

"Factory manager, Brother Qiangzi called just now and said he wanted to report to you about the construction of the Mike Electric Store in the provincial capital." The secretary arranged by the factory office for Shen Lin, Lu Xiaocheng, a high school graduate, said with a smile on her face .

Lu Xiaocheng is a child of a hardware machinery factory. She is 22 years old. She is average in appearance and ability, but her education is not low.

After all, high school diplomas were rare at that time.

Lu Xiaocheng, who didn't get into university, came to Guoke Electronics Factory because her family couldn't find a satisfactory job for her.

Shen Lin nodded and said, "When will he come?"

"When Brother Qiangzi called, he had just set off from the provincial capital. He should be able to arrive at the factory at three o'clock in the afternoon." Lu Xiaocheng hesitated.

Shen Lin nodded and said, "Okay, then make room for me at three o'clock."

Originally, Shen Lin thought that he didn't need a secretary, but as more and more things came to him, he realized that he really couldn't do without a secretary.

Among other things, there are too many people to see him, and sometimes it is impossible to get in line.

Most of the time, because there are too many things to be busy, the things that were originally agreed to meet are ignored as soon as they are busy.

After this situation happened once or twice, Shen Lin decided to find a secretary who would handle chores for him.

Lu Xiaocheng picked up the notebook seriously, and was just about to continue reporting when the phone in Shen Lin's office rang suddenly.

Shen Lin waved his hand towards Lu Xiaocheng, and then connected the phone.On the other end of the phone, came Lu Xiaorong's voice.

"Husband, what are you busy with?"

"What else can I be busy with? Let's deal with the factory's affairs." Shen Lin smiled and said, "I'm about to call you and ask about the work situation."

"How is it? Your president didn't assign you any difficult jobs, did you?"

Today is Lu Xiaorong's first day of work after her maternity leave. In fact, her leave has long since ended, and was extended by Shen Lin for three months.

Originally, Shen Lin wanted to continue to extend it with favors, but Lu Xiaorong, who couldn't stay at home, wanted to go to work.

Zhao Honglian and Chen Hongying took care of the little Guoke who had grown up, and Lu Xiaorong didn't have to worry too much, so Shen Lin had no choice but to agree.

"The president didn't make any arrangements. He said he wanted me to familiarize myself with the work first." Lu Xiaorong snorted and said, "I see, the president is doing it for the sake of your Boss Shen investing a lot of advertising fees." , give me special treatment."

"It's not right for you to think that way. Let me tell you, your president thinks that you, a great writer who won the award, must be well-supported, so he found an excuse for you to recuperate."

Shen Lin said casually: "What's more, your mind is full of sons, it's good to rest your mind now!"

Lu Xiaorong snorted and said, "It's to let me rest a little longer, but I've also been given a task to write another science fiction novel."

"My mind is so messed up right now, I don't know where to start." Listening to Lu Xiaorong's complaint, Shen Linxin said that the purpose of his wife calling him seemed a little impure.

However, Shen Lin, who was determined to turn Lu Xiaorong into a science fiction writer, paused for a moment before calling out: "I have an idea here, but I just don't know how to write it."

"Or, you should listen to it first to see if there is any reference value."

Lu Xiaorong on the other end of the phone had a happy expression on her face. She called Shen Lin with the intention of asking for help.

Sure enough, this clever husband did not disappoint him.

"Tell me, what kind of ideas do you have?" Lu Xiaorong said excitedly.

"Daughter-in-law, some time ago, I read some books about going to the moon, why don't you just write a sci-fi about a person on Mars..."

While Shen Lin was speaking, he told Lu Xiaorong what he had seen in his previous life about the Martian Rescue.

At the beginning, Lu Xiaorong felt that this type was not too new, but after Shen Lin said a few words, she said in a deep voice: "Speak slowly, I will record it first."

After making a phone call for half an hour, Shen Lin spoke dryly, while Lu Xiaorong over there happily put down the phone.

As far as Lu Xiaorong is concerned, the idea given by Shen Lin now surprises her.She felt that even though this was just a short story, it would definitely catch people's eyes.

"Honey, I'll think about how to write it first, and I'll discuss it with you when I get home." Lu Xiaorong hung up the phone excitedly.

Shen Lin sighed, just as he was about to take a break, he found Lu Xiaocheng staring at him in a daze.

Only then did Shen Lin realize that his secretary had stood there for half an hour.

"Director, I always thought you were a genius in business, but I didn't expect you to be so talented in literature." Lu Xiaocheng said here, full of emotion: "I listened to the creativity you said. I think Miss Rong is going to write an amazing new book this time."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "I'm just thinking about it, let me actually write it, but I can't write it."

At this moment, Shen Lin's phone rang again. He thought it was Lu Xiaorong again, so he smiled and said, "Honey, what instructions do you have?"

"It's not your wife, it's me." Chu Feng's voice came from the other end of the phone.

The relationship between Chu Feng and Shen Lin has always been good, but Chu Feng rarely called Shen Lin.Hearing Chu Feng looking for him at this moment, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Brother-in-law, why do you think of me today? Is the sun coming out from the west?"

"Director Shen, I'm not just calling you this time, but I also want to treat you to dinner, and I also ask Director Shen to come over here." On the other end of the phone, the brother-in-law said solemnly.

When Chu Feng invited himself to dinner, Shen Lin felt more and more that this was not an easy matter. He pondered for a moment and said, "Okay, I don't have time to invite others to dinner, but brother-in-law invites dinner, rain or shine, I must get it."

"Tell me, when, I will bring a bottle of good wine."

"One bottle is not enough, you have to bring at least two bottles. As for the place, it should be Ermei Restaurant."

While speaking, Chu Feng put down the phone, and Shen Lin rubbed his cheeks, thinking about Chu Feng's invitation to dinner.

As my second brother-in-law, I would definitely not invite myself to dinner for no reason. It seems that there must be something wrong with this guy.

(End of this chapter)

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