Chapter 584

Shen Lin, you can't!

Shen Lin hadn't heard this kind of talk for a long time in the entire Dongzhou. At this time, Lan Weidong said this, in the eyes of Qiangzi and others, it was simply a provocation.

They are full of admiration and gratitude for Shen Lin, the factory director and big brother. Now that someone is provoking Shen Lin so presumptuously, they absolutely cannot bear it!
"Brother Shen can't do it, can you do it?" Qiangzi asked angrily.

Lan Weidong looked at the angry Qiangzi, and said with a smile: "You are Qiangzi's manager, hehe, to be honest, I have admired your name for a long time!"

Having said that, he smiled and pointed towards Qingfang Building: "I'm talking about it, thank you!"

"Do you know, I have never made up my mind about the location of our first store in Jinpeng Commercial Building, but when you choose this light textile building, I don't have to worry about it!"

"The location here is really good, better than the few places I chose."

"So, I used it. I haven't seen you all this time, so I can't thank you."

"This time I see you in person, and I will say thank you to you."

If Qiangzi is an honest person, then if an honest person gets angry, he will definitely be very angry.

This time, after working hard for many days to choose the venue, but not renting it for no reason, Qiangzi was already very angry.

It's just that the fire is back to the fire, and he can't find an enemy to deal with, so the anger can only be suppressed in his stomach.

Now, Lan Weidong's words made his eyes a little red.In an instant, he was about to rush towards Lan Weidong.

Looking at Qiangzi who rushed over to make a move, Lan Weidong showed a mocking smile on his face.In his opinion, Qiangzi was bluffing, not to mention Shen Lin's people would definitely stop him at this time.

Lu Xiaoshan was standing beside Qiangzi, watching Qiangzi rushing over, his expression changed immediately, he stretched out his hand towards Qiangzi and grabbed him.

But at this time, he was a bit late, Qiang Zi had already slapped Lan Weidong in the face.

This slap was very loud, and Lu Xiaoshan and others felt extremely vented when they heard this slap.

But while venting their anger, they also began to worry about Qiangzi in their hearts. After all, if they did something here, it would be very troublesome.

Lan Weidong didn't expect that Qiangzi's slap actually landed on his face. At this moment, he was a little stunned.

And just when he was stunned, those who followed him rushed over quickly, some of them blocked Lan Weidong behind, and some started to block Qiangzi.

Shen Lin saw the man grabbing Qiang Zi over there, so he turned to Lu Xiaoshan and the others and said, "Hurry up and pull Qiang Zi away."

After a lot of fuss, Qiangzi was finally pulled over.After venting the anger in his heart, Qiangzi also calmed down at this moment.

"Brother Shen, I'm sorry, I..." Qiangzi looked at Shen Lin, and his voice was full of guilt.

Shen Lin waved his hand, and then said to Lan Weidong: "General Manager Lan, I'm really sorry, Qiangzi was provoked by you."

"He was impulsive, and I apologize to you."

When Lan Weidong was complacent, all of a sudden, his face became extremely ugly.

Looking at Qiangzi, his eyes were now filled with anger.If looks could kill, then Qiangzi would probably be killed by his looks. "Director Shen, your people beat me, this matter is not over yet." Lan Weidong said angrily: "I must make him pay the price!"

Looking at the roaring Lan Weidong, Shen Lin said calmly: "General Manager Lan, I should apologize. We have already fallen. If General Manager Lan wants to investigate, then we will accompany you."

"I have also learned a lot of law these days. The conflict between the two of you was caused by General Manager Lan, who provoked you first, and then the friction occurred."

"Speaking of which, the heaviest compensation result is to give you an apology. After all, you are also responsible for a lot of it."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin pointed at the people around him: "The things you said just now, General Manager Lan, I don't think you want to be the content of the transcript. If you want to be, that's really great."

When Shen Lin said this, he said with a smile: "We have a good relationship with newspapers from all over the world. Then I will buy a few more pages and publicize your words well."

"I want to see what everyone will think of you then."

Shen Lin's words were like sharp knives, making Lan Weidong's heart a little cold.

Although he is not an ordinary person, Shen Lin on the opposite side is also not an ordinary person.

As Shen Lin said, Qiangzi's punch may not necessarily pay a price, but if too many people know about his words, then his reputation may really be ruined.

His rationality told him that it was his best choice to end this matter now, as Shen Lin said.

But when he saw Shen Lin, Qiangzi and others, they were obviously showing off their power, so they slapped them directly, what kind of thing was that.

How could he bear such things!
And it was still in front of so many people, but he couldn't bear this tone, he was really afraid of the consequences of what Shen Lin said.

After a little hesitation, Lan Weidong has already made a choice. He knows that this time is not the time for him to be arrogant. After all, he has worked hard to convince several shareholders to support him. Not worth it.

"Director Shen, for your sake today, I don't care about this matter, after all, I picked your fruits."

Lan Weidong chuckled and said, "However, this punch also took away all the possibilities of our cooperation. Director Shen, let me tell you something you don't like to hear. With Jinpeng around in the future, the things from your rice shell electronics factory will Don’t even think about selling well in the provincial capital.”

"In addition, you should pack up and leave the provincial capital. Here, let alone open your rice shell electric store, you can't even rent a large shopping mall."


After saying the last sentence, Lan Weidong led the people and quickly walked towards a car not far away.

Qiangzi had calmed down at this time, and after Lan Weidong left, he said to Shen Lin: "Brother Shen, I was wrong, I shouldn't have done it."

"You shouldn't do it." Shen Lin looked at Qiangzi and said: "If doing it can solve the problem, I will use you to do it."

"If I hadn't used my words to hold Lan Weidong this time, it's fine if you think he can be so relaxed. You might have to go in and stay for a few days."

"Qiangzi, this is the last time. If you can't change your impulsiveness, then you will enter the Guoke Electronics Factory and work as a worker in the workshop."

Qiangzi heaved a sigh of relief when he heard Shen Lin's scolding. He knew that this matter was over.

"Brother Shen, what shall we do next?" Qiang Zi half changed the subject, half worried.

(End of this chapter)

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