Chapter 591

Ge Lirong was a worker at the Hongying Silk Factory.

As a mother of two children, her life has been tight, not to mention that since this year, the factory manager has hardly paid any salary.

If it wasn't for her husband being a middle school teacher, she would have been able to survive every month at least, and she would have felt that life at home was simply impossible!

Ge Lirong, who got up in the morning and boiled a pot of corn and sweet potato porridge, urged loudly to the sleepy-eyed children: "Get up and eat, and go to school after eating! Let me tell you, don't be lazy and procrastinate when you eat." Procrastinate, or you will be beaten."

As the leader of the family, Ge Lirong's words immediately silenced the two children, and they began to eat obediently.

However, the child is still a child after all, and after a few minutes of healing, they began to quarrel.

And the result of what they did was to make Ge Lirong furious, and everyone was slapped on the ass.

"Why are you beating them? They're still young!" After washing her husband, Lao Ma, came out stroking his eyes.

"If you don't obey, you will be beaten." Ge Lirong said loudly while eating steamed buns with pickled vegetables: "Old Ma, we don't know if we can go home at noon. You can make lunch for the two of them."

The old horse took a sip of the sweet potato porridge, and then said: "I can take care of the two of them, but just like your factory, can you get busy?"

"Who knows, the new boss has contracted our factory, and just paid back one month's salary, and said that every month in the future, he will pay double salary until the repayment is completed." Ge Lirong said here, With a hint of solemnity, he said: "What does the new boss contract our factory for? That is to make money."

"Since he promised not to pay us wages, he must not order us to death."

The old horse didn't say a word, he agreed with his wife's words from the bottom of his heart.But thinking about the high-intensity work in the factory, he was a little worried about his wife.

"Okay, don't worry about being tired from work, let me tell you, as long as our salary can be paid, I will be willing to be tired."

At this point, Ge Lirong picked up the steamed buns and stood up and said, "I'm just afraid that the things we produce will not be sold!"

"Okay, I'll go first."

The old horse didn't say a word. After watching his wife leave, he said to his two naughty sons, "Hurry up and eat, let's go to school after dinner."

Because she lived in the family courtyard of the factory, it took Ge Lirong 5 minutes to get to the factory, but when he followed the familiar path and came to the gate of the factory, she just froze.

The gate is gone!
Although the gate is dilapidated, the name of Hongying Silk Factory on it also bears the sustenance of these people, after all, this is the unit where they work.

But now, the gate of Hongying Silk Factory has disappeared.Not only that, but the walls around the gate also collapsed a lot.

For a time, the huge factory area was still clearly visible from the road.

"Sister Fu, what's the situation?" Ge Lirong saw a big sister in the workshop ahead, so he rushed over and asked.

Sister Fu was five or six years older than Ge Lirong, and she was the team leader in the workshop.She was also full of surprise looking at the factory without a gate, full of surprise in her heart.


With a soft sound, another large section of wall fell directly to the ground. This situation filled people's hearts with surprise. "Don't worry about it. Maybe Director Shen feels that this door is too long, so he wants to renovate it. Let's go to the workshop first." Sister Fu said to Ge Lirong after looking at it carefully.

Although Ge Lirong felt a little strange, after all, contractors seldom took money to repair the factory, but she felt that what Sister Fu said made sense. At this time, things that have nothing to do with her should not be bothered by herself. up.

The two rode bicycles all the way to their workshop. On the way, they saw walls that had been knocked down everywhere.

They didn't know the workers who pushed the wall, but these people worked very quickly. After the wall was pulled down, someone quickly pulled the broken bricks away.

"Sister Fu, our factory doesn't have a fence, so anyone can come in if they want. In that case, we can lose things quickly!"

Sister Fu didn't say a word. She also thought of this question, but she didn't know how to answer it.

When the two came to the workshop, they saw that many companions had already arrived in the workshop, but at this time, all of these companions stared at the busy people in the workshop with wide eyes.

These busy people are also some unknown men, they are moving out the machines quickly.

"What... what is this for?" Sister Fu finally couldn't help herself, and asked a man who seemed to be the leader.

The man smiled at Sister Fu and said, "According to Director Shen's arrangement, these machines will be stored in a small warehouse."

The small warehouse is where the factory used to store sundries. Now that these machines are placed in the small warehouse, doesn't that mean that these machines will not be used in the future.

"Without the machines, what do we produce? Has Director Shen introduced new machines?" Sister Fu asked loudly.

"Director Shen didn't introduce new machines. As for your work, someone should be in charge of the arrangement soon. Just wait."

More and more colleagues rushed over from home, and they were all dumbfounded when they saw the machine collection.

After contracting the factory, they even put away all the machines in the factory. It seemed that there was no production. What is this for?
Soon, two women who looked about 30 years old, wearing a kind of light red clothes that made people feel very beautiful, walked over accompanied by the workshop director.

There were faint smiles on the faces of these two women, which made people feel very amiable at first sight.

"Everyone, according to the arrangement in the factory, from today onwards, we will receive training from Team Leader Li and Team Leader Zhang. Please actively cooperate with the training of the two team leaders." The former workshop director, with a full face Said solemnly.

Looking at the two women who seemed to be stronger than themselves in terms of temperament and other aspects, everyone was silent for a while, and even some young female workers began to be eager to try.

But among them, some people can't accept it.Sister Fu, who came with Ge Lirong, suddenly said loudly: "Director Cheng, what can they train us for?"

"Whether it's training us to screw, or training us to weave, if we can't do both, then the training is superfluous!"

"You know me. I am the strongest in this aspect, and in our whole factory."

Sister Fu's words immediately attracted the response of several workers of similar age, and some people said loudly: "Director Cheng, if you want to train us, then compare with us, whether it is a mule or a horse, you have to pull it out for a walk, right?"

Hearing what his subordinates said, Director Cheng's expression became a little ugly.But when he was in trouble, one of the women suddenly stepped forward and said, "Everyone, listen to me first!"

(End of this chapter)

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