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Chapter 593 People who are not ready to cooperate

Chapter 593 People who are not ready to cooperate

Under the operation of Shen Lin, Hongying Silk Factory has become a large construction site.At this time, not only the main factory buildings have been remodeled according to the unified requirements of the rice shell electrical shopping mall, but also simple wholesale markets have begun to be built in other areas.

The progress of this construction is very fast. After all, there are various workshops of the Hongying Silk Factory as the backing. It only takes two or three days to completely change the old appearance.

Qiangzi's main job at the moment has changed from preparing for the opening of the Mishell Electric Mall to leading the construction of the mall.

Standing at the busy construction site, Qiangzi felt that his heart was full of pride and ambition.After all, it is really exciting to see an old factory building turned into a big shopping mall in my own hands.

"Brother Qiang, do we really need so many booths?" A subordinate who came with Qiangzi came to Qiangzi wearing a helmet.

He pointed to the left: "Over there alone, there are now more than 100 booths. If it is expanded, it will be empty and not good-looking."

Qiangzi glanced in the direction his subordinates were pointing at, and found that the wholesale stalls had already been built. The construction of these stalls was neat and orderly, but with the departure of the construction workers, the place seemed empty.

Do we really need so many stalls?
Or do we really need so many stalls from the very beginning?
Qiangzi's heart is also full of doubts at this time, but his doubts are more hidden in his heart.

After all, the arrangement of these booths was a decision made by Shen Lin. In Qiangzi's view, everyone else could make mistakes, but Brother Shen would never make mistakes.

"Okay, stop rambling, since brother Shen said it, you don't have to worry about it." Qiangzi waved his hand and said in a deep voice.

The subordinate looked at the gloomy Qiangzi, but he didn't dare to speak, and ran to the side in desperation.

However, although the subordinate left, the question of the subordinate remained in Qiangzi's mind. The idea of ​​the wholesale market and the shopping mall complement each other, but there was obviously too little time.

At the very least, their Mishell Electric Mall didn't have time to start at the same time as Jinpeng Commercial Building, let alone seize the opportunity.

Unless overnight, all the shops here are fully paved, and then the business district planned by Brother Shen will be formed here...

However, Qiangzi dared to imagine this kind of situation that turned into a bustling city overnight. If it really took shape, he felt that it would be very difficult to achieve.

Not only myself, but even brother Shen, it is very difficult to do it!

"Brother Qiang, the people from Shuangmao TV are here." The subordinate who had just left quickly came to Qiangzi's side and said in a deep voice.

Shuangmao TV is one of the partners of MiKe Electrical Appliances Mall. When he was in Dongzhou in the past, Qiangzi had many interactions with visitors.When he came to the provincial capital to open a branch this time, Qiangzi had already met with the sales section chief of Shuangmao TV. The section chief heard that MiKe Electrical Appliances Mall wanted to open up the provincial capital market, but he patted his chest and expressed his firm support.

It is even said that as long as the rice shell electrical store opens, they Shuangmao are willing to lower the supply price even further.

Among other things, they will definitely give the biggest discount to Mi Ke.

Now, when this guy came to him suddenly, Qiangzi felt a little bad feeling in his heart.

However, no matter what he was thinking, Qiangzi knew that he might be thinking too much at this time, but this feeling kept surging in his heart.

It is inevitable for an ugly daughter-in-law to see her parents-in-law, let alone now, they have already approached her, so Qiangzi hesitated a little, and agreed, "I'll go and meet her."

While speaking, Qiangzi came to the reception room of Hongying Silk Factory. Due to the location, it was not modified, but was turned into an office by Shen Lin.

"Haha, brother Qiangzi, it looks like you are doing well." It was the sales section chief who came. After seeing Qiangzi, he greeted Qiangzi with a smile.When Qiangzi saw the person coming, he also laughed and said: "Brother Shi, you are here to come. I have been dizzy with work these two days. You came just in time. Our brothers just have time to sit down and have a drink."

Looking at the enthusiastic Qiangzi, a trace of hesitation rose in Shi Yuanfeng's heart.

Qiangzi is a good person, and they were very happy when they cooperated in the past, but...

For the sake of his company and the interests of the unit, he had to make a choice now.

With countless thoughts flashing, Shi Yuanfeng made up his mind. He did it for his own company, so he could only let Qiangzi down.

"Qiangzi, it's easy to talk about drinking, I invite you, but this time I'm here, I have something to discuss with you." Shi Yuanfeng hesitated for a moment, then said straight to the point.

He knew that at this moment, it was meaningless for him to say anything else, so it was better for the two of them to speak straight to the point.

Qiangzi had more and more ominous premonitions in his heart. He looked at Shi Yuanfeng solemnly, but on the surface he smiled calmly and said, "Okay, Brother Shi, tell me."

"Qiangzi, you know, I am the most supportive of our Guoke electrical appliance store. I even said a while ago that as long as the Guoke electrical appliance store opens in the provincial capital, the discounts for buying from us can be paid for." More."

"But your current situation..."

Shi Yuanfeng didn't continue, but Qiang Zi understood the meaning of this turning point in an instant.

Qiangzi didn't speak, he looked at Shi Yuanfeng without saying a word, waiting for Shi Yuanfeng to continue.

Shi Yuanfeng coughed, and continued: "Just a while ago, General Manager Lan of Jinpeng Commercial Building called us suppliers for a meeting."

"His meaning is very clear, that is, he will want the goods from our suppliers, but whoever puts the goods in what position depends on the strength of the discount we give; manner."

"The most important of these is the second point."

Qiangzi listened to Shi Yuanfeng's words, and looked at Shi Yuanfeng who was talking with him, and his heart suddenly became clear.

Shi Yuanfeng's coming here at this time was naturally intentional, and his meaning was actually very clear.

"Old Shi, you didn't come here just to tell me these things, did you?" Qiangzi's voice was icy cold.

Looking at Qiangzi with a cold expression, Shi Yuanfeng felt guilty, but when he came, he had already made up his mind, so at this moment, he could only go one way to the dark.

"Qiangzi, our factory manager arranged for me, saying that the market in the provincial capital is the most important to us, so our Shuangmao factory is not going to cooperate with you in the provincial capital."

Speaking of this, Shi Yuanfeng rubbed his hands and said: "Of course, our cooperation in Dongzhou has not changed in the slightest. Don't worry about Qiangzi."

Qiangzi really wanted to shout at this time, since we can't continue to cooperate here, why bother to cooperate in Dongzhou.

But rationality allowed him to suppress this impulse. He knew that it was not suitable for him to express his position at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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