Chapter 612 What is madness
If Shen Lin and Lan Weidong were the ones who paid the most attention to this opening, then the manufacturers of various home appliances also paid close attention to this opening.

Shi Yuanfeng and Xiao Fang arrived at the opening site of Jinpeng Commercial Building early in the morning, but the situation at the scene made them feel cold.

There are not many people!

There are even people walking, what does that mean?It means that almost no one is willing to join the opening of Jinpeng Commercial Building.

Of course, there is no considerable sales.

For this opening, Shi Yuanfeng made a big bet. Not only did he turn his back on the Mishell Electric Mall, but he also gave Jinpeng Mall the best price.

But now, Jinpeng Commercial Building's half-dead appearance, how could it meet his expectations!

Xiao Fang followed behind Shi Yuanfeng, cautiously and silently.As a shrewd young man, Xiao Fang knew very well that under the current situation, it would be difficult for the Section Chief to enjoy singing and dancing.

"Why are there only so few people? How did Lan Weidong's advertisement come out? He also said that he is a land dragon here. I think he is just an earthworm!"

Shi Yuanfeng couldn't help cursing, he no longer had the slightest respect for Lan Weidong.

Xiao Fang obediently kept his mouth shut, not daring to say a word.He couldn't comment, the scene in front of him, if it was futile for him to comfort the section chief, it would arouse even greater anger in Shi Yuanfeng's heart!

However, Shi Yuanfeng talked to him and said, "Xiao Fang, why do you think there are so few people in Jinpeng Commercial Building?"

"Did they all go to Mi Ke to get free eggs?" Xiao Fang cautiously glanced at Shi Yuanfeng and said in a low voice.

Shi Yuanfeng's expression softened a little, and he snorted and said, "I guess it's the same, Shen Lin likes to play tricks."

"Let's go, let's go to dinner first, I want to see who those people who really want to buy appliances will come to."

Although Shi Yuanfeng spoke with incomparable arrogance, Xiao Fang still felt a little bit of fear from the voice of his section chief.

Obviously, Shi Yuanfeng at this time was not as confident as in his words.

Hu spicy soup, deep fried pancakes, these are Shi Yuanfeng's favorites, but now, no matter how he eats them, they are not as delicious as before.

"Old Shi, I didn't expect to meet you again today!" A loud greeting came, and the short, thin and black Lao Zhuo walked over with a smile.

Seeing Lao Zhuo, Shi Yuanfeng felt more and more unhappy.He chuckled and said, "Old Zhuo, did you just come back from the rice shell electrical store?"

While giving himself the food he wanted, Lao Zhuo said, "Yes, I went there early in the morning. The rice shell electrical store is crowded and very lively!"

"Free eggs, let me get them too." Shi Yuanfeng said with some disdain: "But Lao Zhuo, I dare to bet you that if your TV can break through the sales of one hundred sets today, my name will be reversed." Write!"

Lao Zhuo silently ate a mouthful of fried pancakes, and did not speak. This performance made Shi Yuanfeng even more proud.

He looked at Lao Zhuo with a smile and said: "Why, don't you have confidence? Let me tell you, Lao Zhuo, everything is based on sales volume. So what if there are so many people? No one buys anything, so it's still a waste of money." !"

Lao Zhuo put the deep-fried pancakes in his hand into a bowl, and then said in a low voice: "The agreement made by Director Shen is that today's TV sales volume is this amount..."

While speaking, Lao Zhuo lightly raised a finger.

Seeing Lao Zhuo's raised fingers, Shi Yuanfeng was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Shen Lin agreed with you, it can't be one hundred sets?"

Lao Zhuo shook his head, and still stretched out one of his fingers a little bit firmly.

As Shi Yuanfeng's expression changed, the smile on his face became more intense and he said: "Lao Zhuo, you won't tell me that Boss Shen's agreement with you is for ten stations, right?" When he said this, A smile appeared on Shi Yuanfeng's face.But when he said this, he didn't believe it.

Ten sets, after all, are too few, if Shen Lin only gives ten sets, then...

Just as various thoughts were surging in Shi Yuanfeng's mind, he saw that Lao Zhuo's fingers were still standing upright, but there was a hint of a smile on his face.

It was a sarcastic smile!

At this moment, Shi Yuanfeng was not calm anymore. A number, like a long rainbow, swept directly into his heart. Thinking of this number, his heart couldn't help twitching: "One thousand units? Shen Lin, he really dared to think, he Can it be sold!"

"Let me tell you, Lao Zhuo, a thousand TVs is not a small number. Even General Manager Lan dared not promise us to help us sell a thousand TVs today."

Speaking of this, Shi Yuanfeng waved his hands with great certainty and said, "This thousand sets is really too difficult, after all, this is a TV set!"

And Lao Zhuo still didn't let go of his fingers, he ate the rice with a spoon, as if the rice was delicacies from mountains and seas.

Xiao Fang basically chose a non-interrupted attitude towards the conversation between the two section chiefs. Although he was more inclined to Shi Yuanfeng in his heart, as a junior, if he interjected too much, Shi Yuanfeng would not like it.

As a smart person, Xiao Fang would not do such stupid things.

But now, Lao Zhuo's finger made him unable to bear it and said: "Mr. Zhuo, you are not kidding, are you? The rice shell electric store didn't promise to sell you [-] TVs, did it?"

After saying this, Xiao Fang himself laughed.

Shi Yuanfeng also laughed. Although the number that can be chosen seems to be only [-], this number is really too...

And in their smiles, Lao Zhuo nodded and said: "Young man, congratulations, you guessed it right, it is [-] units."

Hearing this number, Shi Yuanfeng put down the spoon in his hand in surprise, and moved almost directly to Lao Zhuo's side.

"Old Zhuo, was your head kicked by a donkey? Don't even think about it, how could this happen."

"Shen Lin just coaxed you, glued you with fur, that person is smarter than a monkey, how could he be fooled by this? have lost us too much!"

Listening to Shi Yuanfeng's words, Xiao Fang almost stopped laughing.He knew very well that these two were rivals.

But if you don't know, when you hear the conversation between these two people, you will definitely think that the two people are best friends!

"Shen Lin promised me a tiered price. If he can't sell [-] units, he will give me a price; if he can't sell a thousand units, he will give me another price; if he can't sell a hundred units, he will give me a price." price……"

Although Lao Zhuo didn't say what the three prices are, but based on Shi Yuanfeng and Xiao Fang's sales experience, they quickly had a guess.

Just when Shi Yuanfeng was about to say that Lao Zhuobie was only patronizing daydreaming, he heard someone running over in a hurry.

"Daughter-in-law Laiwang, isn't your TV set old? Let's go, hurry up and go to the rice shell electrical store, there are only three places left in our [-]-member group."

"Participating in this [-]-person group purchase is hundreds of yuan cheaper than usual!"

Following the roar, the proprietress who was selling food hurriedly followed the visitor and ran out, while running, the proprietress said: "Old Qin, don't give your remaining quota to others, I will first ask my natal brother if he wants it! "

(End of this chapter)

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