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Chapter 614 The Opening Ceremony Looks Low-key

Chapter 614 The Opening Ceremony Looks Low-key

At nine o'clock in the morning, Yang Wenqian was already standing in front of the stage of the Mishell Electric Mall.

The reason why she was able to stand in this position was because she had contacted Qiangzi in advance to broadcast a live broadcast of the opening of the Mishell Electric Store.

Because of following up and reporting the opening competition of the two shopping malls, Yang Wenqian gained more readers. Of course, today's grand opening ceremony cannot be missed.

However, what Yang Wenqian didn't expect was that there were so many people waiting for the rice shell electric store.

The photography colleague who came with her kept taking pictures of the surroundings with the camera. From the actions of the colleague, Yang Wenqian felt that the colleague was full of curiosity about these billboards.

"Wenxi, the people who made these billboards are simply geniuses, this color, this proportion, this..."

Faced with Yang Wenqian's curiosity, her colleagues interpreted the poster from various angles, which made Yang Wenqian feel that she really knew too little about this aspect.

However, what Yang Wenqian paid more attention to was the opening ceremony that followed.

"Wenxi, I have a suggestion. Let's do an exclusive interview with Shen Lin. Although I don't know much about shopping malls, this Factory Director Shen made such a big fuss as soon as he made a move."

The colleague said with emotion: "In the future, this person will definitely be a rare and outstanding person. We seize the opportunity to interview now, and it may be of great use in the future."

In Yang Wenqian's mind, she actually had the idea of ​​giving an exclusive interview to Director Shen, she nodded immediately and said: "Okay, we will contact you later."

While the two were talking, it was nine o'clock. According to the general procedure, there should be quite a few guests attending the opening ceremony.

However, what Yang Wenqian didn't expect was that Shen Lin went directly to the center stage by himself.

Seeing Shen Lin who came alone, Yang Wenqian was stunned!

In fact, it wasn't just Yang Wenqian who was stunned, those who were ready to pick up eggs and join groups to buy electrical appliances were also a little stunned at this moment.

After all, Shen Lin is too young, but he is wearing an iron blue suit, which gives people a serious feeling.

"Is this the host?" Someone suddenly asked in a low voice below.

At this moment, Shen Lin suddenly spoke. His voice was not high, but it was ups and downs, and he said loudly: "I am Shen Lin, the manager of the Mike Electric Store. Thank you very much for coming to our Guoke Electric Store in your busy schedule. Shopping."

"I know that everyone can't wait anymore, and wants to enter the mall as soon as possible, shopping for shopping, and getting eggs for those who get eggs."

"But, for the sake of the eggs, I ask everyone to let me finish my sentence. I only have a few words, which are very short!"

No one expected that Shen Lin would tell the matter of receiving eggs in a serious manner, and many people laughed for a while.

Even Yang Wenqian couldn't help laughing. Although she was a reporter, among her classmates, there were a few who majored in hosting.

In her impression, the host should be serious, but Shen Lin, the host and the general manager of the mall, spoke so casually.

But being casual is casual, but Yang Wenqian felt that everyone's attention had already fallen on Shen Lin.

This person is really powerful enough.

However, compared with Yang Wenqian's emotion, Mi Yuan stared at Shen Lin intently. This man just stood firmly in the center of the stage.

On this grand occasion today, he still talked freely without showing any timidity.Mi Yuan's heart is full of secret happiness.

This man is so outstanding, you can see how he looks like a martial arts master who is hiding in a secret room. The secret book is on the left and the treasure book is on the right. He is obviously capable of prospering, but he is not leaking. It was not until the day of Huashan's sword debate that he was shocked. , Overwhelm the crowd...

"Xiaoyuan, this Shen Lin is not bad, he is good-looking, and he talks in a different way. I think such a talent is worthy of me!" Li Xiaohong sighed quietly.

Seeing her cousin looking like she had finally met the right person, Mi Yuan couldn't help but said, "She's already married." "So, sister, you have no chance."

Li Xiaohong snorted and said, "Just because you're married doesn't mean you don't have a chance. By the way, Xiaoyuan, why are you so familiar with Director Shen?"

Mi Yuan's heart tightened, and she said immediately: "Some time ago, Director Shen participated in the trade fair with us and got a lot of orders, which is the focus of our unit."

Li Xiaohong still wanted to speak, but Shen Lin, who was standing in the center of the stage, said with a smile, "I'm here, I only want to say three words."

"The first sentence, you don't have to travel around to buy electrical appliances, Mishell has everything you need in the mall!"

Following Shen Lin's words, Yang Wenqian, who was standing below, quickly picked up a small notebook and started recording.

Based on her professional knowledge, she felt that what Shen Lin said was so good that it could even be used as an advertisement.

Boss Shen's first sentence came directly to such an easy-to-understand and catchy advertisement, which made Yang Wenqian feel that there was nothing wrong with her coming to the Mike Mall this time.

At the same time, while writing these words down in the notebook, an urgent expectation arose in Yang Wenqian's heart.

She was looking forward to Shen Lin's remaining two sentences!

Shen Lin held the microphone, and continued: "The second sentence is also our promise: save money is the key!"

As soon as Shen Lin uttered the second sentence, Yang Wenqian couldn't help frowning. This boss Shen is simply a big fool.

Yang Wenqian suspects that Boss Shen must have learned psychology. Such a sentence can figure out everyone's psychology thoroughly!

Sure enough, when she recorded this sentence in the interview book, there was thunderous applause from all around, and many people in the crowd applauded loudly.

As soon as these two sentences landed, Shen Lin loosened his tie, looking as if he wanted to relax.

At this time, this kind of careless and informal action seemed a bit inappropriate in Yang Wenqian's view, but what Shen Lin did was so down-to-earth and full of casual atmosphere.

He smiled and said, "Everyone, the third sentence, I want everyone to come with me. There are only six words in this sentence. I will say the first four, and everyone will say the last two!"

"Okay, let's come together!"

"Buy appliances, go to..." After Shen Lin said these four words, he pointed the microphone at the customers below the stage.

And the audience who had become accustomed to Shen Lin's style, led by Shen Lin, almost instinctively shouted: "Go to Mi Ke!"

"Yes, everyone said it so well, let's say it together."

"Buy appliances, go to Mi Ke!"

When I just picked it up, my voice was sparse and irregular, but Shen Lin's thick baritone voice was so contagious that I shouted again, and almost all the customers followed Shen Lin and shouted: "Buy appliances! , to Mi Ke!"

"Buy appliances, go to Mi Ke!"

Yang Wenqian had stopped writing at this time, looking at Shen Lin standing on the stage, she couldn't help waving her arms and shouting loudly: "Buy appliances, go to Mi Ke!"

"Buy appliances, go to Mi Ke!"

Mi Yuan, Li Xiaohong, Li Xiaohong's mother, Kong Erduo, Ge Lirong, etc., couldn't help but shouted along...

(End of this chapter)

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