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Chapter 618 I'm Really Not Showing Off

Chapter 618 I'm Really Not Showing Off

As factories supplying the two shopping malls, Lao Zhuo and Shi Yuanfeng attached great importance to the opening of the two shopping malls.

It can be said that the two people are just outside the mall, watching the flow of people coming and going.

Of course, the two people looked at different targets. What Lao Zhuo was looking at was the Mike Electric Mall, while Shi Yuanfeng was looking at the Jinpeng Commercial Building.

At 11:30 in the morning, the two of them seemed to have an appointment, and walked into the restaurant of Laosanyang Soup Braised Noodles together.

The moment they touched each other, there was a hint of astonishment on the faces of the two of them.

"Old Zhuo, don't you like to eat ramen, why are you here today?" Shi Yuanfeng's expression turned a little ugly when he saw Lao Zhuo.

There was a faint smile on Lao Zhuo's face: "Hey, I'm happy today, so come here and get a bowl of mutton soup."

Having said that, he said to Shi Yuanfeng, "You are too happy and can't help but come to celebrate, right?"

Hearing Lao Zhuo's obviously teasing words, Shi Yuanfeng's face twitched.

He deliberately ignored Lao Zhuo, but it seemed too petty to do so, just talk to him, you can see that Lao Zhuo's grinning character is obviously gloating.

After pondering for a while, Shi Yuanfeng snorted coldly and said: "Old Zhuo, do you feel that you are very proud now? Let me tell you, this person is very proud, so don't be too arrogant, otherwise it will be easy to slap you in the face!"

Lao Zhuo usually avoided Shi Yuanfeng, but this time, he seemed a little high-profile.

"Old Shi, I've always liked to keep a low profile, but with today's incident, I feel that if I don't make a high profile once, I'll be too sorry for others."

"I'm sorry first, our boss Shen Lin Shen!"

When Lao Zhuo said this, he stretched out a thumb and said, "Do you know? Just this morning, Boss Shen sold us TV sets. You can guess how many TV sets you can guess."

The mutton stewed noodle restaurant that Shi Yuanfeng came to was not far from the Mike Electric Mall and the Jinpeng Commercial Building, so it was basically the place where the sales staff of those manufacturers gathered for dinner.

At this time, Lao Zhuo and Shi Yuanfeng fought each other, causing many people to watch the excitement.Now, Lao Zhuo's words have attracted the attention of many people.

"Old Zhuo, tell me quickly, how many TVs have you sold so far?" Someone asked Lao Zhuo curiously.

Shi Yuanfeng's face twitched. He had a feeling that what Lao Zhuo said this time would definitely hurt him.

Regarding the sales volume of his own Double Cat TV in Jinpeng Commercial Building, Shi Yuanfeng knew very well that this figure was not too large.

Even far below his psychological expectations.

But regarding the TV sales of Lao Zhuo's factory, Shi Yuanfeng felt very hot in his heart.

It was also based on this feeling that when facing Lao Zhuo, he acted a little bit without confidence.

"Haha, speaking of it, I have really convinced Director Shen, he is simply a genius in sales." Lao Zhuo stretched out four fingers at once, shook and said: "So much, Director Shen has spent a whole morning , sold us so many."

"Four hundred sets, that's a lot, after all, this is a TV set!" Someone looked at Lao Zhuo's fingers and said with emotion.

When Shi Yuanfeng heard this, he took a deep breath in his heart. His intuition told him that Lao Zhuo's factory sold more than four hundred TV sets.

If there were four hundred units, Lao Zhuo wouldn't be as arrogant as he is now.But the number four thousand made him feel that it was not so real. After all, this number was too much.

In Shi Yuanfeng's mind, when all kinds of thoughts were a little bit entangled, Lao Zhuo had already smiled and said: "Brother, you must have guessed wrong, let me tell you, this time Director Shen helped us sell 4000 yuan. Multiple."

"Our factory's inventory, hehe..."

Although Lao Zhuo didn't say what happened next, the people around him already understood what he meant.

For this sales volume, many people find it unbelievable, after all, this volume is really too much.

"Old Zhuo, you are not bragging, this number..." Some people who are familiar with Lao Zhuo couldn't help but stand up.

In their opinion, this number is really crazy!

Faced with questioning eyes, Lao Zhuo said with emotion: "To be honest, I also feel like a dream, but this result, it happens to be real."

"We think this number is a lot, and even difficult to complete, but for the Mike Electric Store, it is only [-] groups of hundreds of people!"

The proprietress, who was serving the dishes, put a plate of cut mutton on the table, and said with emotion: "Isn't it? It's a group fight. Many people who don't want to buy a TV have been told by relatives and neighbors that their hearts are moved."

"Take our family as an example. We were planning to buy it next year, but my sister-in-law wants to lure people into the group. She is soft and hard, so we must buy it together."

"I thought about it, anyway, I buy it whenever I buy it, not to mention it's so cheap this time, so I bought one."

"Not to mention, this is 100 yuan cheaper than usual!"

Listening to the proprietress's words, Lao Zhuo laughed loudly and said, "Thank you proprietress for supporting our factory, then what, what's wrong with the TV, you can call me later!"

"Didn't the rice shell electrical store say that? There is no reason to return or exchange the goods within seven days, and the one-year warranty period is free of charge." The proprietress was not very grateful for Lao Zhuo's attitude, but instead asked Lao Zhuo with a strange look road.

Lao Zhuo slapped his head and said, "Yes, yes, we have a one-year warranty."

The proprietress smiled and said, "Boss Zhuo, if you want us to thank you, just give us a two-year warranty."

"Hahaha, we don't have a two-year warranty period, so how about it, after you have passed one year, come to me if you have anything to do."

With the departure of the proprietress, the people around became more and more chattering, and many people looked at Lao Zhuo with envious and jealous expressions.

At this time, Shi Yuanfeng was not in the mood to drink anymore. It only took half a day and the sales volume was over 4000. If he put this on himself, he would have almost completed more than half of the sales task for this month.

Some time ago, why did I lose my head and gave up the rice shell electric appliance store, but chose a Jinpeng who couldn't help it?
"Let's go!" Shi Yuanfeng glanced around and said to Xiao Fang who was following him.At this time, although his stomach was growling with hunger, he had no intention of eating.

It's better to eat in another place, no matter how you eat it in this place, it is not delicious.

Lao Zhuo was talking to the congratulatory person, so he didn't pay attention to Shi Yuanfeng's movements at all. When he looked for Shi Yuanfeng, he found that this old enemy had disappeared.

In the afternoon, Lao Zhuo, who was still busy transferring goods, didn't have the heart to look for Shi Yuanfeng. He drank his mutton soup like a storm, wiped his mouth, and walked to the rice shell electric appliance store impatiently.

(End of this chapter)

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