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Chapter 629 This Little Shen is 6 Points

Chapter 629: This Xiao Shen is just six points

Mi Yuan never imagined that in this wholesale market, she would meet Shen Lin, the man she misses so much!

Originally, Mi Yuan, who had finished her work, should return to Dongzhou now.But after watching the opening of the rice shell electrical store, she didn't know why, so she agreed to her cousin's request to go shopping.

And I was still shopping around the rice shell electrical shopping mall.She felt that she didn't have the courage to face up to her heart. She stayed here to go shopping, or to see the elusive Shen Lin again.

Li Xiaohong, who has been shopping in the rice shell electric store for a whole day, is most interested in these cheap things in the wholesale market.

So as soon as she took Mi Yuan out, she came to the wholesale market.

Shen Lin was very surprised by Mi Yuan who was looking at him head on, but the two people were walking in the opposite direction. Although these days, Shen Lin was consciously pulling away the distance between himself and Mi Yuan, but there were some things that made them involuntarily close.

Such as the current situation.

"Mi Yuan, I didn't expect to meet you here." After the two of them started to approach each other, Shen Lin put aside other thoughts in his mind, and greeted Mi Yuan in a graceful manner.

Mi Yuan only felt that her heart was beating faster. For a moment, she really wanted to throw herself into his arms, pour out her inner feelings to him, tell him about the torment in her heart for so many days, but the rationality in her mind told her, Mi Yuan, This man is married and he is the father of a child!

After trying hard to calm down, Mi Yuan showed a controlled indifference on her face, and said with a faint smile: "I didn't expect to meet you here, Boss Shen, I think you should be very busy now." .”

"It's all over when I'm busy." Shen Lin smiled and said: "I have nothing to do now, I can only watch them work."

At this time, Li Xiaohong also began to look up and down Shen Lin.For her cousin, Li Xiaohong still knows very well. Although she looks very gentle on the surface, she is actually very determined and has high vision.

The family introduced her to many blind dates, but the cousin was so arrogant that she didn't like them all.

The young man in front of him, although judging from his appearance, was a good-looking man, not bad, but judging from his clothes, he wasn't particularly outstanding.

Compared with the young man I introduced, the difference is a bit too far.

And from the tone of this young man, Li Xiaohong felt that this young man should not be very good, otherwise, he would not have ended up watching others work.

As thoughts flashed, Li Xiaohong had a thought in her heart, that is, as a cousin, no matter what, she couldn't watch her cousin jump into the fire pit.

Especially someone like this young man who doesn't seem to have much ability and his family background is not very good.

"Mi Yuan, this is your acquaintance, let me introduce you." Li Xiaohong came to Mi Yuan, smiled and said to Shen Lin: "Hello, I am Li Xiaohong, Mi Yuan's cousin, and I work in a hardware company now. "

Shen Lin glanced at Li Xiaohong, feeling that this is a very aggressive person, he is just saying hello to Mi Yuan now, this person's expression seems to be guarding against something.

"Hi cousin, Mi Yuan and I are friends, and now we work alone." Mr. Shen Lin was embarrassed to meet and said that everything here is mine, so he had to choose a job to do alone.

"Do it alone?" Li Xiaohong thought for a while, then smiled and said: "Hey, you are really interesting to talk about. To put it bluntly, aren't you just a self-employed person? Look at you, you speak in a manner that is full of mystery!"

Mi Yuan was a little speechless, she pulled Li Xiaohong and said: "The business is very good, don't talk nonsense here."

Mi Yuan originally wanted to remind her cousin, why do you have such a bad memory? Didn't you meet Boss Shen from a distance at the opening ceremony on the opening day?How did you forget it so quickly!
He wanted to remind her, but felt embarrassed, so he simply didn't explain, so he took this kind of compromise method.

But when Li Xiaohong heard this, she felt that her cousin was covering for Shen Lin. She smiled and said, "It's good if the business is good. I actually wanted to do it alone for a while, but my mother beat me to it." He taught me a hard lesson."

"By the way, young man, does your family support you working alone?" As soon as Li Xiaohong said these words, Mi Yuan was shocked by her cousin's self-claimed address. She never thought that her cousin would be so careless.

Young man, how many people dare to call Boss Shen young man now? Even the person in charge of their own unit should call him Shen Lin, Director Shen.

"Sister, don't call me nonsense here, I..."

Before Mi Yuan finished speaking, Li Xiaohong said in a stern manner: "Why, is there something wrong with me calling you a young man?"

"Your age is younger than me, and it's your friend. I call it that to show my intimacy. Why do you think there's something wrong with my name?"

Shen Lin waved his hand towards Mi Yuan and said: "Mi Yuan, we are all friends, so don't see each other, haha, I think my cousin's name is not bad at all."

Seeing Shen Lin's intention to stop, Mi Yuan didn't continue, but Li Xiaohong said: "Young man, you haven't said it yet, how did you get on the road of doing it alone?"

Most of what Mi Yuan knew about Shen Lin was after his factory was established. In fact, Mi Yuan was quite curious about why Shen Lin went solo.

So at this time, Mi Yuan didn't stop her cousin from asking questions.

Shen Lin looked at Li Xiaohong who wanted to know, and didn't hide much: "I was fired from the factory at that time, so I did it alone."

This answer made Li Xiaohong even more satisfied. She even glanced at Mi Yuan, which meant, cousin, did you see that, I have already eliminated an unqualified suitor for you.

"Young man, being expelled from the factory is a blow, but I think as long as you calm down, you might have a chance to start all over again in the future."

"Isn't there such a saying that when God closes a door for you, he will open a window for you."

"Haha, come on, I believe you will be successful in the future."

Shen Lin, who was filled with inspirational chicken soup, was speechless for a while. He smiled and said, "Thank you, cousin."

"By the way, young man, you must be very busy. Are you here for wholesale purchases? Mi Yuan and I won't bother you. You can do your work."

Li Xiaohong's mouth was like a machine gun: "I took a stroll with Mi Yuan, and I'm going to go back."

Shen Lin wasn't planning to go shopping with Mi Yuan at first, so he smiled and said, "Okay, then I'll go first."

While speaking, he waved to Mi Yuan and said, "Mi Yuan, see you later."

Mi Yuan said helplessly: "Director Shen, my cousin is such a hothead, don't take offense."

"Haha, your cousin is a good person, how could I have any objection to her?" Shen Lin smiled at Mi Yuan, then waved away.

Watching Shen Lin leave, Li Xiaohong pulled Mi Yuan who was still watching Shen Lin leave and said, "Mi Yuan, it's not that my cousin likes to talk too much, he really doesn't deserve you."

"Look, he doesn't even have a serious job, and he's still wandering around during working hours. I don't think this kind of person will earn much money in his lifetime."

"So this kind of person, even if he looks pretty good, is still a poor man who can't bear a family responsibility. Don't have anything to do with him, otherwise, you won't be eaten by this person for a lifetime!"

(End of this chapter)

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