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Chapter 639 A Laboratory of Only 1

Chapter 639 A Laboratory of Only 1000
Four people, one car, at three o'clock in the afternoon, Shen Lin had already arrived at the University of Technology.

Although it was class time, there were still many students and teachers coming in and out of the gate. When these people saw the brand-new car, they all cast curious eyes.

After all, at this time, there are not many people who can take a car.

"Excuse me, is Director Cheng here? I'm Li Xueqiang from Dongzhou, and I have an appointment with Director Cheng." Li Xueqiang looked at the extremely calm gate of the University of Technology, with a hint of helplessness in his expression.

On the phone, he had explained to the other party that this time they came to cooperate with sincerity, but he did not expect that there was not even a welcome person at the gate, let alone a welcome banner.

"Oh, you are Teacher Li Xueqiang. Director Cheng told me at work today that you want to find him, and he said that you can just go there."

The doorman with gray hair pointed to the front and said, "The far left on the first floor is Director Cheng's office, just knock on the door!"

Although Li Xueqiang felt helpless, he still nodded and said, "Thank you."

Back in the car, Li Xueqiang turned to Shen Lin and said, "Director Shen, the sincerity of this engineering school is not too high!"

Shen Lin smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, after we express our sincerity, he will change his attitude."

Shen Lin got down from the car, looked around, and saw the courtyard wall made of red bricks, full of traces of time...

Lan Weidong and Qiangzi got out of the car, and the two of them had already deeply felt that they had been treated coldly.

In the past, when Qiangzi and Shen Lin went to various colleges and universities in Dongzhou, the people who greeted them were already waiting there before they reached the gate.

But this time, the University of Technology's attitude was very cold, and they had no intention of cooperating at all.

"Brother, why don't we go." Qiangzi was the first to follow Shen Lin, and he respected Shen Lin from the bottom of his heart.

Feeling that Shen Lin has been wronged now, he said immediately.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Qiangzi, we are here to discuss things with him, how can we leave as soon as we say so?"

Having said that, he said calmly: "Isn't this a normal negotiation?"

While speaking, Shen Lin got out of the car, took Li Xueqiang and others, and strode to a four-story office building.

At the far left of the office building, the door was ajar. Li Xueqiang knocked on the door, and a voice came from inside: "What is it?"

"Director Cheng, I'm Li Xueqiang from Dongzhou Institute of Technology. I want to talk to you about cooperation. We..." Li Xueqiang was the first to speak at this time because he had already contacted him.

But when he opened his mouth, he got a cold response: "Mr. Li, wait a moment, I still have something to talk about here."

Speaking of this, the voice continued: "The office next door to me is open, you go there and wait."

Hearing this response, Li Xueqiang's face suddenly changed. If he came by himself, he could still bear it, but this time, Shen Lin came with him.

This guy doesn't treat bean buns as dry food too much.

Li Xueqiang was just about to speak, when Shen Lin said: "Then let's wait, after all, he has guests!"

While speaking, Shen Lin walked into the office next door. As soon as the people in that office heard that they were looking for Director Cheng, they asked them to sit down, but no one poured water.

While Shen Lin and the others were sitting down and waiting, the round-faced Director Cheng was talking to a tall and thin man.After the tall and thin man said a few words, he smiled and said: "Old Cheng, since you have guests here, I'll leave first. Let's talk later."

"Old Qi, you don't have to leave in such a hurry. Let's talk again. Let me tell you that those who came to me are from Dongzhou Institute of Technology. It shouldn't be a good thing. Let them wait, and leave if they don't want to wait." .”

The tall and thin man said: "Since it's not too important, let's talk more about it. If you want me to say it, our school should also think of a way. People like us earn as much as an egg pancake seller. Hey!"

Director Cheng scratched his short hair and said, "That's right, but our school's funds are limited, and many things are done out of will."

"Take improving the living environment of our young teachers as an example. It's been a long time since we've been talking about it. Waiting, waiting, looking forward, isn't there still no money!"

"Speaking of which, sometimes seeing those friends who go into the sea make a lot of money, I want to go into the sea."

The short, thin middle-aged man said: "It's a long way, I know your swimming level, if you go into the sea, you might drown in the sea."

While the two were bickering, the tall and thin middle-aged man said: "Old Cheng, let's stop chatting, I'll be leaving first. You can also receive people from the Engineering College by the way, so that they won't ask for our opinions."

Director Cheng nodded and said: "Go, if you are fine tonight, come to my house for a drink. My relatives brought me a carp, which weighs two catties!"

While talking, he came to the office next door, and said to Shen Lin and others who were sitting there: "Which one of you is Mr. Li from the Engineering College, what's the matter, come to my office to talk about it?"

Li Xueqiang had been waiting for more than ten minutes, and at this moment his heart was full of dissatisfaction.But looking at Shen Lin's calm expression, he still suppressed his anger and said: "Director Cheng, this is Director Shen of the Mishell Electronics Factory. He is here this time, and he hopes to discuss some things with the person in charge of your school in person. .”

Dean Cheng never expected that when this fellow from the engineering college spoke, it meant that he looked down upon him.

Mishell Electronics Factory seems to have a little memory, but I can't remember it.But Shen Lin's age made him look down on him a bit.

In his opinion, what a young man can do!
"Mr. Li, the people in charge of our school are very busy. If you have something to do, just tell me. If I can't make the decision, I will report it truthfully."

Li Xueqiang touched a nail that was neither soft nor hard, and felt a little uncomfortable at once, but Shen Lin took out a cigarette at this time, and said with a smile: "Director Cheng, I am Shen Lin from Mike Electric Factory. Talk to your school about cooperation."

Director Cheng took Shen Lin's smoke and said: "Director Shen, I didn't just shirk, our person in charge is really too busy."

"If you have any cooperation, you can just say it."

Shen Lindao: "Our rice shell electronics factory hopes to cooperate with your school to build a research laboratory for electrical products."

"Oh, I don't know how much your factory is going to spend to build this laboratory?" Director Cheng picked out the soot, and pointed to the point of the problem.

He has encountered such things in the past. At the beginning, he talked quite well, but when it comes to money, he basically doesn't talk about it.

Some people even said that the money should be provided by their school.

At this moment, he basically classified Shen Lin as a liar.

Shen Lin pondered for a while and said: "The scale of our factory is not too large for the time being, so the investment in this laboratory this year is not too much."

"It's only 1000 million."

(End of this chapter)

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