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Chapter 642 That's really a character

Chapter 642 That’s a real character

"It's Principal Li!" Almost immediately, Lao You also stood up.

The two of them were in the school, although they were also middle-level, but they didn't have much contact with Vice Principal Li, who was in charge of teaching.

Now, Principal Li came to Cheng Shaochen's home in person, which made Cheng Shaochen feel more horrified than flattered.

After all, it was really the headmaster who came looking for him!
"Principal Li, Lao You and I chatted for a while, would you like to have a drink together?" After all, Cheng Shaochen had experienced a lot, so after welcoming him out, he immediately said to Principal Li.

Principal Li would definitely respond positively to this kind of invitation in normal times.

After all, it was off-duty time, and he still had a few chats with his colleagues at home, but now, he really didn't have the time.

Almost the first time he saw Cheng Shaochen, he asked loudly: "Did someone come to our school this afternoon and said that he wanted to build a laboratory with us."

"Principal Li, there is such a thing, and those liars are investing 1000 million yuan as soon as they open their mouths. How can this..."

Almost out of instinct, Cheng Shaochen said this matter as a joke, but after halfway through, he realized that something was wrong.

If it was really a liar, Principal Li would not have come to him in person, but would it be true?
That's 1000 million!
When Cheng Shaochen's mind was filled with various thoughts, he heard Principal Li say: "Is the person who takes the lead called Shen Lin?"

When Shen Lin and the others spoke, Cheng Shaochen had already classified everyone as liars, and he really didn't pay attention to what these people were called.

In his opinion, the names mentioned by these people are basically fake, so why should he care what these people's names are.

"They...they said they were rice husks. Yes, they should belong to the rice husk factory. I don't know this factory..." Cheng Shaochen rubbed his hands and said with an aggrieved look: "Principal Li, the key is the money they talked about. It's just too much."

"1000 million, who is willing to support us with so much money now? Some time ago, we went to other people's factories to help solve problems, and at most we gave a few thousand dollars."

Principal Li looked at Cheng Shaochen who had already realized something, and sighed secretly in his heart. He felt that he really couldn't blame Cheng Shaochen for this matter.

After all, even if I heard the number 1000 million, my first feeling was that a liar came here to cheat me.

The number of 1000 million is really too much.My own salary is more than 100, and I have to save up to 1000 million, which is simply...

But now, a private factory actually wants to spend so much money to set up a laboratory with its own school, which is simply unbelievable.

However, with the endorsement of his classmate in Dongzhou, coupled with his understanding of the Mishell Electronics Factory and the Mishell Electric Store, Principal Li felt that this matter was not fake.

Everything he said was true.

Principal Li, with a touch of emotion in his heart, pondered for a moment, and said solemnly: "Old Cheng, the dean of Dongzhou Institute of Technology called and told us about their cooperation with Mishell Electric."

"In Guangdong Prefecture, Mi Ke's investment in research is more than one million, not to mention the cooperation with our university of technology."

"And if you haven't heard of the Mishell Electronics Factory, you can learn about the Mishell Electronics Store, where..."

Just as Principal Li was talking, he saw an old lady walking in carrying a vegetable basket. As she walked, she said toward the room: "Mike Electric's egg delivery has been changed to one for ten days. I'm grabbing it again." A pound of free eggs!" Cheng Shaochen looked at his mother's satisfied face and really didn't know what to say at this moment!

He greeted his mother, and asked his wife to take her back to the house first, and then said to Principal Li: "Principal, this matter is all my fault. I look at people with old eyes. , this is..."

Lao You stood aside, and he was a little dumbfounded at this time. When he heard Cheng Shaochen just now, he felt that he had really encountered a liar.

But now President Li's words made him realize that the matter turned out to be true, and Dongzhou Institute of Technology has already given proof.

Not only that, but he also heard that the other party invested millions of dollars in Dongzhou Institute of Technology, which made him think of another thing.

"Principal Li, a few days ago, I heard that Lao Wang from the Engineering College made some kind of air fryer project, and was directly awarded 1 yuan by him. I don't know if it's true?"

When Lao You said this, he patted his head and said, "It seems that the company is called a rice shell factory..."

Principal Li nodded and said: "Old You, you are right. The factory that rewarded Lao Wang is the Rice Shell Electronics Factory. Now the Rice Shell Electronics Store has opened to the provincial capital, so they want to use our scientific research strength."

Speaking of this, Principal Li's face showed a lot of pride: "Dongzhou Institute of Technology's teaching is not bad, but in terms of scientific research, they are far behind us, it is too far away."

"According to what my old classmate said, there are really too many things that they can't undertake. Otherwise, they would not be willing to recommend such a big benefactor to us, so that we can take advantage of it."

Lao You's eyes lit up all of a sudden, and he felt that he was no worse than that old Wang in terms of ability or other aspects.

What Lao Wang can research, I also have hope, and once my school reaches a cooperation with the Mike Electric Store, I also have hope, and I will get the 1 yuan bonus.

Thinking of 1 yuan, Lao You felt a fever in his heart. He is now encountering many difficulties in his family.Such as the place of residence, such as the living expenses of the family, such as the parents in the hometown, such as...

All of this needs to be solved with money. Now, the opportunity to get money seems to have come!
However, this opportunity seemed to be rejected by his drinking buddies again.

Thinking of Cheng Shaochen pretending to be smart, his teeth itch a little. Why doesn't this guy use his brain?
No, it should be, this guy's brain is a little too ruthless.

"Principal, I...I will contact the people from Mishell Electronics now, and ask them to come over again, I..." Cheng Shaochen also realized that he had made a big mistake, so he was very attentive at this time.

He knew that this was a rare opportunity for him to change his past, and if he didn't change, there would be no chance next time.

Principal Li waved his hand and said, "Okay, let's end this matter here. I have already asked my classmate to convey our apologies."

"Also, Director Shen will come over tomorrow, you just need to apologize properly then."

For Principal Li's arrangement, Cheng Shaochen naturally would not refuse, he sent Principal Li away with gratitude, and he was greatly relieved.

And Lao You, who was standing next to him, said to Cheng Shaochen: "Old Cheng, this is a good opportunity, we must grasp it well, otherwise you will be ready to be scolded!"

(End of this chapter)

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