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Chapter 644 You have to pick up the money that fell on the ground!

Chapter 644 You have to pick up the money that fell on the ground!

In later generations, Shen Lin knew about the real estate situation, and he was not going to put his main business on this aspect.

But now, Principal Li introduced him to the teacher's family area full of emotion, and this place is deserted, and after a while, he and Lu Xiaorong will have a foothold in the provincial capital...

With so many thoughts accumulated together, a plan was formed in Shen Lin's mind.

The money that fell at my feet, I should still pick it up, otherwise, I am really sorry for coming here.

"Principal Li, looking at these houses, I feel that it is really difficult for the teachers!" Shen Lin said full of emotion.

Principal Li nodded. He was also scratching his head about the housing issue.Although he knew very well that the teacher's living conditions needed to be changed urgently, but he couldn't change the house without money!

"Principal Li, I think the area here should be able to build more than a dozen six-story residential buildings." Shen Lin pointed towards the area by the lake: "The land here should belong to our school, right?"

Although Principal Li didn't know what Shen Lin meant, but hearing what Shen Lin said, his heart skipped a beat.

Secretly thought, if this boss Shen is interested in this land, that would be really great.

He hurriedly said: "Here it is, it doesn't count in the future, but as long as our school wants it, it should be approved soon."

This sentence, Principal Li said with full confidence, not only because of his identity, but also because of the land behind, no one really wants it now.

But he didn't know that after several decades, the price of an acre of land here could basically reach tens of millions.

Shen Lin looked at the surrounding plots and silently calculated.

Although he is currently expanding rapidly, he still has tens of millions of liquidity in his hands.In particular, the rice shell electrical store is like a hardworking cow, creating profits for him every day.

Although most of the money has to be given to the supplier, he also earns a lot. According to the current situation, if so much money is not spent, then the value will be depreciated next.

And the lake-view houses near the University of Technology will definitely be worth a lot in the future.If he takes this opportunity to get this area into his hands, it will definitely be a good asset in the future.

It's like in later generations, a big boss came back out of the rivers and lakes, and everyone found that his company was gone, but he still had a lot of houses...

After making up his mind, Shen Lin turned to Principal Li and said, "Principal Li, looking at this land, I suddenly have a plan. Listen to it and see if it can be implemented."

While speaking, Shen Lin pointed to the open space: "We, Mike Electronics Factory, may build our own branch factory in the provincial capital in the future."

Factory Manager Li was a little unhappy when he heard about the branch factory. After all, their area does not want to become an industrial zone.But at this time, Shen Lin hadn't finished speaking, so he couldn't interrupt.

After all, the current Shen Lin is a rare God of Wealth to them.

"I want to take this land down and build more than a dozen residential buildings." Shen Lin pointed forward while speaking: "You go out and we will be responsible for the construction."

"After the completion, half of our family, what do you think, Principal Li?"

"However, during the construction process, your school will be responsible for coordinating the land matters; we will be responsible for the construction matters."

What Shen Lin said made Principal Li's eyes light up. A dozen buildings are divided into half, so there are at least seven or eight buildings.

In this way, they can get one or two hundred houses.With these houses in hand, the teacher's accommodation problem can basically be solved.

As the vice-principal, he will be able to straighten his back when faced with teachers who have housing difficulties in the future. And the most important thing is that these houses are built without any money.Thinking of not needing money, Principal Li's eyes were filled with the light of hope.

Not only Principal Li, but also Cheng Shaochen and others who followed Principal Li couldn't help but stare at each other. As the school's middle management, they have worked for many years, and they don't actually lack houses to live in.

But the conditions they live in are very ordinary.

If you could build a new house here, then move here, it would definitely be...

Thinking of the future life, each of them looked at Shen Lin with more eagerness.

"Director Shen, what you said is true?" Principal Li grabbed Shen Lin's hand and shook it vigorously.

Shen Lin nodded and said: "Of course this is true. I am also planning to take out one of our residential buildings to reward those young teachers who have made outstanding contributions to our research work."

Principal Li's hand trembled. If calculated according to what Shen Lin said, Shen Lin's investment in his school this time is definitely not a small sum.

When these buildings are built, they will cost millions, or even tens of millions, and they will not be completed at all.

For a while, Principal Li felt more and more that the opportunity was rare, and he said with almost a hint of sincerity: "Director Shen, can you see if this works, we are responsible for handling various procedures, and within a week, we have completed all the procedures! "

"As for you, construction will start after we complete the formalities. I hope that our teachers will be able to live in the new house before winter arrives."

The sincerity in Principal Li's expression is not fake. For him, the most important thing now is to properly solve the problem of the teachers' accommodation.

Shen Lin has funds in his hand, and he is more interested in such a project, so he smiled and said: "This is naturally possible, but before construction, I think we should first design a blueprint, a construction blueprint that pays equal attention to greening."

"We should not only ensure survival, but also improve everyone's living experience."

Shen Lin is very aware of the potential for future appreciation in this piece of land. Since he wants to invest in it, it is natural that the more high-end the better.

In this way, the dormitory and residential buildings in this area alone will become an important asset of the group company in the future and an important ballast stone for Mishell Electronics.

And more importantly, there is no need to invest too much here.

Principal Li didn't care too much about the living conditions and the like. What he cared about was giving the teachers a house to live in.

At this time, his guiding ideology was that no matter how harsh the conditions proposed by Shen Lin were, he would not refuse them, and would agree to them all, not to mention the design drawings.

"This is easy to handle, Boss Shen, let me tell you, our school has its own architecture department, and I will ask some professors to come up with drawings within two days."

Principal Li waved his hand, and said completely without doubt: "Boss Shen, please read it first, and if you are not satisfied, let's modify it."

Shen Lin didn't refuse this. After all, it was related to his future living conditions, so he smiled happily and said, "Okay, then we will make a deal."

If Principal Li was excited by Shen Lin and his school jointly building a laboratory, then the construction of this housing made Principal Li ecstatic.

At noon, Principal Li forced Shen Lin to have a few drinks, and the teachers who accompanied the guests were even drunk. The atmosphere was very lively!

(End of this chapter)

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