Chapter 655 A Little Too Much

For Jameson, Shen Lin didn't take it too seriously.

After all, buying things requires one willing to fight and one willing to suffer. If it can be done, it will be successful.

Anyway, Shen Lin is not short of money now, so the copyright is left alone.

However, when Shen Lin came back from the office the next day, he saw Lu Xiaorong sitting on the stool with his brows furrowed, and he didn't care about his baby son calling him mother.

"Who offended my wife?" Shen Lin picked up his son who was smiling at him, and said with a smile.

Lu Xiaorong snorted and said, "I'm really pissed off today!"

"As soon as I got to work today, Sister Qin from our office came to me and made insinuations about the American company's purchase of copyright."

Speaking of this, Lu Xiaorong said angrily: "Although she didn't say it clearly, I can feel that she came here by order!"

"What do you mean if my work can be made into a movie in the United States, it is not only a kind of affirmation for me personally, but also for..."

Lu Xiaorong didn't say the next words, but Shen Lin could already hear the meaning.

Even, from the tone of this Sister Qin's tone, he could feel that it was not just Sister Qin who came to persuade Lu Xiaorong.

"Hmph, Lao Qin really has no eyes!" Shen Lin pretended to be angry and said, "Her husband is under my command, and she dares to persuade you like this."

"Don't be angry. I'll send her husband to help Guangzi later. I won't see anyone for ten and a half months. Let's see if she's scared."

"She made my wife unhappy, so I will let her husband get better, and I will pay for it!"

Lu Xiaorong knew that what Shen Lin said was purely to make himself happy.

But even so, she still couldn't help laughing and said: "There is no such thing as you, you are a big boss, and you are avenging your private revenge, this is too petty!"

Looking at Lu Xiaorong's smiling face, Shen Lin felt relieved and said, "Honey, you don't have to take this matter to heart."

"The copyright is yours. If you don't want to sell it, no one can do it!"

"After all, Comrade Lu Xiaorong is a famous writer!"

Shen Lin's ridicule made Lu Xiaorong's crooked eyebrows twitch, but then she asked curiously: "What does the great writer mean? Are you trying to bury me?"

I accidentally said words that hadn't appeared in my previous life, Shen Lin hurriedly said: "How is it possible, I'm just complimenting you!"

"When we were young, we like to call those who are more powerful as big cows, and those who are more influential are called great gods."

"Haha, I really praise you!"

Listening to Shen Lin's explanation, Lu Xiaorong seemed very reasonable, but her thoughts still made her feel that Shen Lin seemed to be making fun of her, but at this moment, she couldn't find anything to refute.

"But if someone tells me this kind of thing every day, it will be very annoying." Lu Xiaorong didn't hide anything in his words.

Shen Lin looked at Lu Xiaorong who looked troubled, and thought of Jameson in his heart. Only Jameson, himself and others should know about buying Lu Xiaorong's novel to make a movie.

Now, it has become known to everyone. It seems that Jameson should be responsible for this matter.

Regarding this matter, Shen Lin was originally prepared to deal with it coldly, but now it seems that it is no longer possible. "Daughter-in-law, don't worry, I will handle this matter. Didn't they say they want to buy the copyright? Then let's let him buy it properly."

Lu Xiaorong looked at Shen Lin who was full of confidence, and couldn't help but said softly: "Honey, what are you going to do?"

"Hey, this is easy to handle. Since your work has won a sci-fi award, they shouldn't be the only ones who came to buy the copyright."

"Isn't the guy named Jameson good at dancing? Then let's find a few people and let them have a good dance."

Lu Xiaorong was stunned, looking for some people, is this the one who bought Chinese cabbage?
"Husband, this is not a problem of too many people, but..." Lu Xiaorong didn't say some things, but Lu Xiaorong felt that his husband should know the meaning.

Shen Lin patted Lu Xiaorong on the shoulder and said: "Okay, don't worry about this matter, your task is to take care of our precious son, of course, if you have energy, you can also conceive the next work !"

"I can't let others say that my wife Jiang Lang is exhausted."

Lu Xiaorong patted Shen Lin on the shoulder, and said angrily, "Just now you said that I have strong abilities, but now you say that I am at the end of my talents. Hmph, your words can be believed!"

While talking, Lu Xiaorong picked up Xiao Guoke, eagerly kissed his son's chubby face, and then took Xiao Guoke to play.

As for Shen Lin, he picked up his home phone and dialed Zhang Yuqing's contact information.

As Shen Lin's business grew bigger and bigger, his home phone was activated with multiple functions, but calling Zhang Yuqing, the phone bill was really expensive.

"Boss Shen, you seldom call me when you are about to get off work." Zhang Yuqing's Mandarin with an English flavor sounded very special.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Ms. Zhang, how are you doing with the LED energy-saving lamp patents and related derivative patents?"

"It has been reported, Mr. Shen, you also know the situation in the United States. Their procedures are quite cumbersome, but there shouldn't be any embarrassment about this matter."

"Several utility models and other patents we have applied for have been approved!"

In order to show the importance of his work, Zhang Yuqing used his mouth like a machine gun, and directly talked to Shen Lin about his work achievements.

The reason why Shen Lin set up this patent company was to register patents, so in his heart, he did not reject Zhang Yuqing's reporting work.

"I am assured of Ms. Zhang's work, but we still need to step up the application for patent approval for LED lights. Not only that, we have to apply for patents in most countries where we can apply for them."

"Although this matter costs money, the money we earn from it will be more."

Regarding Shen Lin's confession, Zhang Yuqing did not shirk it, but in her heart, she had already begun to regret that she only received a fixed salary.

Although she hasn't seen any great benefits from these patents, she has fully realized that Shen Lin is now laying out as she registers each patent.

Not only the layout, but also a big bureau.

"Boss Shen, you oppress employees like you, I think when should we talk about the treatment."

After a little hesitation, Zhang Yuqing smiled and said to Shen Lin on the other end of the phone.

Shen Lin smiled, but did not agree immediately, but changed the subject and said: "Miss Zhang, I am calling this time to get your help."

"I have something here, and I need you to help me deal with it. Remember, don't be afraid to spend money. The most important thing for us is to get things done."

(End of this chapter)

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