Chapter 664 Bah, Liar
"Bah! Garbage!"

Malloc spit on Jameson's face, cursed two words, and strode away.

This pace is very fast, and there is a feeling of ignorance.

In Jameson's eyes, it was a look of resentment because of being betrayed by a friend he had identified.

In fact, from the heart, Malloc felt a little guilty about the end of this matter.

After all, it wasn't enough to play around with such a guy before he left, so if he came again unceremoniously, he would be directly nailed to the pillar of shame.

Isn't it a bit too much to do this kind of thing, but if you don't do it, you can't do it. Boss Shen gave too much money. If you don't do it, how can you be worthy of the money Boss Shen gave you!

Entrusted by others, it is a matter of loyalty.So, he could only do this to Jameson.

However, he felt that he was already a little conservative. If he met such a person in reality, he should punch him with his fist instead of just spitting angrily like he is doing now.

That bleeding must be Jameson's nose.

He felt that if he really did something, Jameson might be too embarrassed to fight back, so he could only apologize to himself with a smile while wiping his nose with a handkerchief.

Or say to yourself, let's settle the matter, and we will not be friends in the future.

I am always too soft-hearted, no wonder some people say that I am not a qualified actor.

Just after Marlock left, Jameson wiped the spittle from his forehead with a handkerchief, and said to Xiao Song who was about to help him: "Dear Song, this is the price of success."

"But you have to remember, we were winners; the guys who were angry, the guys who looked hysterical, they were losers."

Speaking of this, Jameson threw the handkerchief in his hand directly on the ground, and then said in a solemn tone: "Only losers will be angry and vent, while we winners can only enjoy."

"Thank you for your teaching." Xiao Song looked at Marlock and said in a sincere voice: "Your teaching made me understand a lot."

"I will definitely live up to your expectations, and I will definitely be a success."

Jameson walked away with an arrogance on his face. His steps looked so firm, because he held a contract that represented his victory in his hand.

Standing on the second floor, Shen Lin watched the show.Malloc's performance, in his opinion, although there is still room for improvement, is considered perfect.

In any case, he has vividly interpreted the image of a person who was betrayed by his friends and thus furious.

Others probably don't have his level.

I just don't know what Jameson will think when he knows that this matter is a drama from the beginning to the end.

"Shen Lin, what should I do with the money?" Lu Xiaorong held the check for $40 with a melancholy look on his face.

40 million dollars!

This is $40!
Although Lu Xiaorong had seen money before, at this moment, she was still a little trembling with fear of such a large sum of money.

This is almost more than 200 million, and I heard that if it is exchanged privately, the value is even higher.

When Lu Xiaorong got the check, he was full of excitement, thinking that it was the result of his and Shen Lin's labor.

But after walking around the house, Lu Xiaorong suddenly discovered that he had nowhere to spend his $40.

The family has everything and lacks nothing, so she has no idea what to do with the money.After struggling for a while, Lu Xiaorong came to Shen Lin's side.

Looking at the confused Lu Xiaorong, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Honey, do you think our family is short of money?"

"It seems that there is no shortage." Lu Xiaorong rolled Shen Lin's eyes, and couldn't help but think of the situation where he couldn't even get five yuan out of his hands a year ago.

This made her heart feel a little touched.That is to say, in more than a year, earth-shaking changes have taken place in my family and myself.

And the source of this change was all because of Shen Lin.

"Since there is no shortage, let's donate it and use the money to build a beautiful library in Dongzhou." Shen Lin said solemnly.

When the per capita salary had just risen to 200 or [-], more than [-] million was really not a small amount. Building a library with three or four floors was easy to do.

Lu Xiaorong was stunned, she never thought that Shen Lin's suggestion to her was to donate the money.

This is more than 200 million!

In Lu Xiaorong's heart, when he felt a little unbelievable, he heard Shen Lin continue: "Xiaorong, our family does not lack this money, and keeping it is just adding some numbers, and if we build a library, then the How many people can benefit."

"After all, our city's library is too old, and there isn't even a decent reading room."

Shen Lin only talked about helping people, but he didn't mention his most important purpose.In fact, he was using this method to create a golden body for Lu Xiaorong.

Originally, Lu Xiaorong won the sci-fi award, and Lu Xiaorong's status has been rapidly improved, but the sale of the film copyright for 40 dollars will arouse endless envy.Donate the money to build a library if there is no shortage of money, then Lu Xiaorong's influence will skyrocket in the future.

At the very least, some honors that should be given will come in droves.

Naturally, Lu Xiaorong didn't understand what Shen Lin was thinking. She used to go to the library often. Thinking of the disrepair of the library, Lu Xiaorong made up her mind.

When she thinks about things, she is quite emotional, thinking that this matter is right, and if there is no shortage, she will donate it.

"That's okay, just donate." Having said that, she pulled Shen Lin and said, "You can donate with me."

Shen Lin waved his hand and said, "Daughter-in-law, we can't go together for this matter, you are a working person now."

"You should go to your president and ask him to donate the money with you. Tsk tsk, by the way, let those who persuade you to sell the movie copyright for $[-] have a look. Our movie copyright is worth a thousand dollars. How much."

"40 dollars, blinding their eyes."

In the past two days, although Lu Xiaorong hadn't been bothered by this matter much, but listening to Shen Lin's words, her heart was also moved.

After all, what someone said was really uncomfortable for her to hear.

"Okay, then I'll go right away." While speaking, Lu Xiaorong was about to leave with the check in hand.But after only three or two steps, Lu Xiaorong stopped.

"Honey, do you really want to donate it?" Lu Xiaorong looked back at Shen Lin and asked a little nervously.

"Of course we have to donate it. Don't worry, our family is not short of money!" Shen Lin said to Lu Xiaorong, "This is a windfall. Wouldn't it be better to donate to help more people?"

Although Lu Xiaorong was encouraged by Shen Lin two or three times, she was still a little hesitant when she walked out of the house, so that when she walked out of the house, she turned around every step of the way.

(End of this chapter)

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