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Chapter 669 Another Dynasty Arrives

Chapter 669 Another new year comes
In the provincial capital, the train station is the busiest place during the Chinese New Year.

Those who carry plastic bags, those who carry black artificial leather bags, and those who carry bedding rolls with them are basically all going home for the New Year.

Children crying and adults scolding are the most common scenes. There are even many people shouting loudly, and the atmosphere of Chinese New Year is everywhere.

Li Xuemei and Shen Hai also came out of the station with big bags and small bags at this time. They didn't get a ticket to Dongzhou, so they could only get off at the provincial capital.

Compared to last year, Shen Hai seemed much more stable, but his black-rimmed glasses were a bit bulkier.

Li Xuemei carried two small pockets and complained again and again: "Shen Hai, I told you a long time ago to let you buy tickets two days in advance."

"It's good for you, if you have to say it's too late, it's all right now, let's come to this place, there's another pile of things, you say you..."

Hearing his wife's nagging, Shen Hai frowned, but felt very helpless, after all, if this matter was mentioned, he really blamed him.

If he didn't take this matter to heart at the beginning, the two of them wouldn't be so embarrassed.

"Okay, don't talk about it, I have already called Shen Lin in advance, and he said that we can just wait at the train station entrance, and someone will pick us up."

What Shen Hai said made Li Xuemei even more excited. She snorted and said, "Is your brother reliable? Let me tell you. Although he has made a lot of money in Dongzhou, but in the provincial capital, he can Let someone pick us up..."

When Li Xuemei was speaking, Shen Hai poked her shoulder and said, "Look, is this the one who picked us up?"

Li Xuemei followed Shen Hai's fingers, and saw a man wearing a red down jacket, red trousers, and a logo hanging on his clothes, holding a sign with the names of Shen Hai and Li Xuemei written on it.

If there is only one person's name, it is still possible to get it wrong. Now that the names of two people are together, the possibility of making a mistake is very small.

"Why is this person dressed so conspicuously?" Li Xue frowned and said, "It seems a bit..."

Originally, Li Xuemei wanted to say that it was not serious, but she felt that describing it like this was really not expressive.

Shen Hai was carrying heavy luggage, panting from exhaustion.Where is the time to discuss these at this time.He walked over quickly, and said as he walked, "Okay, we two are alive, you are afraid that you will be sold out."

"Sold, you are worthless, but I am!" Li Xuemei said unconvinced, and followed.

"I'm Shen Hai, and this is my daughter-in-law Li Xuemei. Did Shen Lin arrange for you to pick us up?" Shen Hai came to the man and asked loudly.

"Mr. Shen Hai, hello, I am an old employee of the rice shell electric store. Director Shen asked me to pick you up. Please get in the car."

While speaking, the man took a heavy bag from Shen Hai.

"No, I'll do it." Shen Hai was a little unaccustomed to letting other people carry the bag, and he was about to grab the bag with his hand.

But the old horse smiled and said: "Mr. Shen, you have been tired from driving all day, so I'll just come." While speaking, he took his bag and walked towards a small car.

This is a beige car that is probably new, and Lao Chen put his things in the trunk while smiling and said: "Mr. Shen, you two have been tired all day, should you eat first, or go to the shopping mall to rest first? "

"We ate a lot on the train, so we don't need to eat. Besides, we don't need to rest. Master Ma, why don't you take us to the station in Dongzhou." Shen Hai sat on the soft car and said. "Mr. Shen, according to the arrangement of Director Shen, we were originally going to use this car to take you back to Dongzhou. But today, we happen to have a big car to take colleagues attending the annual meeting to Dongzhou, so I invite you to sit on it. That car."

"It's an imported business car. The rent alone costs thousands of dollars. It's much more comfortable to sit on than this one."

The old horse received this, and said enviously: "Unfortunately, I am only two points short this time, and I will be able to become an excellent employee, hey!"

Annual meeting, outstanding employees, business...

Shen Hai understood all these words, but when they came together, Shen Hai was a little dizzy, and he looked at the old horse in confusion.

And Li Xuemei had already woken up from the refreshment brought by the car. She looked at the car and said in disbelief, "Master Ma, is that commercial car more comfortable than your car?"

"That's not true. According to Director Shen's words, excellent employees should be given the best experience and treatment." Ma said enviously: "Tsk tsk, there are three of us here, and we can actually take our own car .”

There are three excellent employees in total, so the number of employees should not be too many.Li Xuemei looked at the back of the old horse, and said to Shen Hai: "It seems that your brother's business is doing very well, and he even opened a branch in the provincial capital."

"I don't know how this store compares to the store in Dongzhou?"

Shen Hai had seen the rice shell electrical appliance store in Dongzhou, and when he heard his wife's words, he smiled and didn't say a word.

From Shen Hai's point of view, the provincial capital is much more expensive than Dongzhou. It is already very good for Shen Lin to be able to open a store here. It is normal that the store is smaller than Dongzhou.

The old horse glanced at Li Xuemei through the rearview mirror, but did not speak.No matter how uncomfortable his tone towards Li Xuemei was in his heart, he couldn't open his mouth casually, after all, this was Factory Manager Shen's brother and sister-in-law.

However, the gas pedal under his feet sped up a lot, and the car soon arrived at the extremely lively wholesale market and Mike Electric Appliances Mall.

"Mr. Shen, we have to park here. There are too many people, and the car can't get through." When Ma said this, he pointed to the location of the rice shell electric appliance market: "This is the location of the rice shell electric appliance store in the provincial capital. The store and the wholesale market over there were also built by Director Shen."

Li Xuemei looked at the spacious rice shell electric appliance store and the large-scale wholesale market, and felt that the scale of this place seemed to be twice as large as that of Dongzhou's rice shell electric store.

Countless streams of people kept pouring in here, and from the other side, there were still many people walking out with big bags and small bags.

"This is the store in the provincial capital of the Mike Electronics Mall?" Li Xuemei asked in disbelief.

"That's right, besides here, the rice shell electric shopping mall has also established shopping malls in five cities in the province. According to our person in charge, by this time next year, the rice shell electric shopping mall will occupy all the places in the province. city."

When Lao Ma said this, he waved his hands very imposingly and said: "Those small home appliance stores are not worth mentioning in front of our rice shell electric appliance store."

Shen Hai didn't care about the old horse's arrogance, but Li Xuemei looked at the swarming crowd and thought of six shopping malls of similar size, she couldn't help feeling a little sour in her heart.

At the same time, she was a little annoyed. When she came here last year, she forgot to invest the money she got in Shen Lin.

Although the conditions he gave were poor, he earned too much!

(End of this chapter)

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