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Chapter 671 Shen Lin's Ubiquitous Shadow

Chapter 671 Shen Lin's Ubiquitous Shadow

The car drove very smoothly, and before sunset, Shen Hai and Li Xuemei were sent to the hardware machinery manufacturer's hospital.

Shen Hai and Li Xuemei got out of the car with big bags and small bags. The driver who parked the car must have sent them to the gate of Zhao Honglian's house because he was Boss Shen's brother.

Looking at the strange yet familiar home, Shen Hai was filled with emotion.

But at this moment, Li Xuemei frowned. What she was thinking about was the big hotel where the three waiters got off the bus.

I heard that Mi Ke rented a floor there, and it must be very comfortable to live in. It would be great if he and Shen Hai could live there.

"Xiao Hai is back." Before they could enter the door, someone warmly greeted Shen Hai.

There was even a middle-aged man who was riding a bicycle. After seeing Shen Hai, he put down his bicycle and hurried over and said, "Shen Hai, you see, you are much more energetic than before."

"Haha, Xiao Hai, I think you will go home for the New Year this time."

For a time, there were thirty or forty neighbors around.Seeing the enthusiasm of the neighbors, Shen Lin was very surprised.

In the past, when he came home, although everyone also greeted him, they were not so close!
For example, Da Zhuang, who was a classmate with him in the past, usually smiled when he saw him, but it was just a friendship with a cigarette.

But now, he was just walking home with his luggage.

There is also Uncle Li, who is too enthusiastic about himself.Shen Hai remembered that this Uncle Li and his father seemed to have quarreled, and usually they liked to ignore each other...

Just when Shen Hai was a little dazed, Zhao Honglian who heard the movement came out and said with a smile: "Xuemei and Xiao Hai are here, hurry up and rest in the room."

Those who helped Shen Hai carry the luggage also enthusiastically surrounded Shen Hai and his wife and walked into the room. While walking, they said: "Auntie, this year's Chinese New Year, your family is reunited."

"Haha, Xiao Hai is in his second year as a graduate student. I see that Xiao Hai is much calmer than before, and he must be very good in the future."

"Haha, auntie, don't take it, let me do it, how can you do it yourself for such a trivial matter!"

It was already 10 minutes after the neighbors were sent away. Apart from Zhao Honglian, there was only Shen Hong who was helping at home.

As a sister-in-law, although Shen Hong looked down on Li Xuemei, but after all, it was Chinese New Year, so it would not embarrass her mother, so she chatted with Li Xuemei with a smile.

Shen Hai talked to Zhao Honglian, and the topic was naturally family members.

"Mom, our neighbor is too enthusiastic!" Shen Hai asked casually while taking off his coat.

The heater in the room is very hot, just wear a sweater.

Before Zhao Honglian had time to speak, Shen Hong was already eating melon seeds and said, "Brother, do you really think that people are so warm to you because you haven't been home for many years, so everyone misses you?"

"Hey, you think too much!"

"The reason why people are so enthusiastic is because the hardware machinery factory is now contracted by Shen Lin."

"Now the salary and treatment of the hardware machinery factory has become the best among all the surrounding factories. It's no wonder they are not enthusiastic about you!"

Hearing what my sister-in-law said, Li Xuemei was shocked. On the way home, although she heard the driver say that the three factories and six commercial buildings were very lively, she didn't have much feeling for the three factories.

What she feels the most is the six commercial buildings.

But he didn't expect that among the three factories, the hardware machinery factory was included.

"Shen Lin contracted the hardware machinery factory?" Shen Hai was also very surprised. He grew up in a hardware machinery factory and was full of affection for the hardware machinery factory.In his opinion, the Level [-] Machinery Factory was very big, but now, this factory, which was very big in his childhood memory, has been contracted by Shen Lin.

"In addition to contracting the hardware machinery factory, Shen Lin also contracted the second electronics factory." Shen Hong threw the melon seeds into the trash and said, "Actually, the higher-ups want Shen Lin to contract more factories, but he won't do it."

"He said that his ability is limited and he can't stand too many contracts."

"Brother, you may not know, we don't know how many people here, thinking about their own factory, were contracted by Shen Lin!"

Hearing Shen Hong's boastful words, Li Xuemei felt a sense of urgency in her heart.

If she took out the 2 yuan, she wondered if she could invest it in Shen Lin's business, and she really wanted to have a talk with Shen Lin.

"By the way, why didn't I see Xiaorong?" Li Xuemei originally wanted to mention Shen Lin, but felt a bit abrupt, so she used Lu Xiaorong as a cover.

"Lu Xiaorong is in a meeting, sister-in-law, don't you read the news! Xiaorong has been on the news twice this year. Not only did his novel win a big prize, but he also sold the film rights."

When Shen Hong said this, she felt a little distressed: "It's this fool who donated the money from the sale of the movie copyright directly!"

Li Xuemei really doesn't like watching the news, but Shen Hai focuses on his studies more often.

They knew that Lu Xiaorong's novel won the award, but they were not very clear about the copyright of his film.

"Shen Lin is so rich, Xiaorong donating a copyright fee is nothing." Li Xuemei said casually when she thought of Shen Lin's property.

In her opinion, Lu Xiaorong's copyright fee should not be too much, so donate a little.

"Hehe, sister-in-law, you are really generous. Do you know how much the copyright fee was sold for? Let me tell you, it sold for 40!" Shen Hong said with a bit of teeth and claws: "It's still a US dollar, 40 US dollars! "

The figure of 40 hit Li Xuemei's heart like a heavy hammer, making her dizzy.

She really didn't expect that there were so many.

And adding a US dollar after 40 made her head explode. After all, it's not as simple as doubling, it's four or five times!

More than 200 million, just donate!

If I have more than 200 million, what can I do?There are so many things I can do, I... I really...

Thoughts surged in Li Xuemei's heart, she felt that her head was not enough at this moment.

Not only Li Xuemei, Shen Hai was also shocked, his impression of Lu Xiaorong was that quiet younger sibling.

But now, from his sister's mouth, he realized that Lu Xiaorong's younger brother and sister are really not simple!

Just when the husband and wife were feeling emotional, the phone rang, and Zhao Honglian answered the phone, and after saying a few words, she turned to Shen Hai and said, "It's your brother calling, saying that he has a very important call over there." Reception, had to attend."

"So let's eat first, he's coming home later."

Listening to his mother's words, Shen Hai's heart was full of emotions. He hadn't seen Shen Lin yet, and what he heard was all about his influence.

And it’s still a huge impact!

(End of this chapter)

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