680 - Give them a chance

When visiting someone’s home during the Chinese New Year, if you are not a particularly close relative, you will basically leave after staying for half an hour.

Only those who are particularly close will stay to eat.

According to the relationship between Li Qingbo and Shen Lin, although the two of them communicated constantly, it basically fell within the range of half an hour.

But now, Li Qingbo came to Shen Lin's house on his own initiative, and had no intention of leaving at all.

As the host, Shen Lin can only entertain this New Year's Eve well.After the two drank half a bottle of wine, Li Qingbo told Shen Lin again, hoping that Shen Lin would pay attention to this matter.

There is no way, Shen Lin can only solemnly promise that he will personally supervise the battle at that time, and then Guoke Electronics will show more new products, and will never take it lightly, so Li Qingbo left satisfied.

After seeing off Li Qingbo, Shen Lin began to make arrangements. Although he was confident, Shen Lin had already decided to get the LED energy-saving lamps ready and planned to make preparations in advance.

With the end of the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, time began to stride forward.Shen Lin had just arranged the work at hand when he received a notice to hold a trade fair.

The last time Shen Lin participated in the trade fair, he found a place for himself, but this time, Mishell Electronics Factory has obviously become the trump card of the entire Dongzhou City.

When Shen Lin walked into the meeting room with his notebook, he found that the sign of Mishell Electronics Factory was in the middle of the first row under the rostrum of the meeting room.

Around Mishell Electronics, there are companies such as bamboo carving factories that earned a lot of foreign exchange last year.

"Haha, Director Shen, long time no see, why do I think your brother is young again!" Director Li of the bamboo carving factory, after seeing Shen Lin, came over and shook hands with Shen Lin enthusiastically, as if to show the relationship between the two The relationship is unusual. The moment Director Li grabbed Shen Lin's palm, he shook it vigorously.

In the past, Director Li's bamboo carving factory was Dongzhou's only hope for earning foreign exchange through exports.But last time, he was hit in the head.

In many places, there are bamboo carving products, not to mention, and the price is still very cheap, which disappointed the head of the Li factory, and finally came back with a feather.

Although in the end, they still achieved some small results, but compared with Shen Lin's many victories, it was nothing worth mentioning.

With the rapid development of Shen Lin's career, Director Li has deeply realized the gap between himself and Shen Lin.

Under such circumstances, there is still some jealousy, but he still wants to have a good relationship with this young man who is already worth tens of millions.

Shen Lin shook hands with Director Li heavily, and said with a smile: "Director Li, when we met last time, your brother felt a little sick to his stomach and couldn't drink to his heart's content. Today, your brother will not want to Find the reason for last time?"

"Of course my stomach is fine today!" Director Li laughed and said, "I heard that Director Li is going to let us drink Zhuang Xingjiu."

Shen Lin smiled. Just as he was about to speak, several people came over. Among them, Director Zhao from the blanket factory, and Director Fu from the toy car...

"Director Shen, Happy Chinese New Year!" Director Zhao of the blanket factory shook Shen Lin's hand vigorously, shook it a few times and said, "Brother, I am grateful to you from the bottom of my heart!"

"You also know that our blanket factory not only has fierce competition abroad, but also suffers internally."

"Hey, last year, we started to have a backlog of products, and we were about to lose money. Fortunately, we changed it according to the golden ideas my brother told me. Guess what, our carpets are selling very well."

"This time, I must thank my brother properly."

What Director Zhao said was sincere. Their blanket factory had a very difficult year. The emergence of similar products, especially some similar small factories, made their production difficult.

If it weren't for following the ideas provided by Shen Lin, let alone completing the factory, I'm afraid it would be difficult to pay wages now.Therefore, Director Zhao is most grateful to Shen Lin.

Shen Lin didn't have any communication with Director Zhao, so he smiled and said, "Oh, Director Zhao, I'm just giving you some small ideas. It's Director Zhao who can make big ideas and make big decisions. , Haha, your factory has developed mainly because your factory manager, Zhao, is doing well."

"Director Shen, I also want to thank you, our factory this year..."

Mi Yuan took a few documents and walked into the conference room lightly. Before entering the room, she heard the commotion.

And when she entered the door, she saw Shen Lin surrounded by a group of factory directors. Everyone was smoking and talking together, like stars holding the moon.

Such a situation made Mi Yuan couldn't help but think of last year, when Factory Manager Shen was still unknown.But it's only been a year, and everything has changed.

"Master Shen, when this trade fair is over, no matter what, your brother will take the time to visit our factory and give us guidance."

A factory manager with a red face also said very sincerely: "I followed the advice your brother gave me, and the factory has started to turn losses into profits, but I think there is still something missing."

"Yes, our factory is also like this. Let me tell you, Director Shen, our factory is not in the city, but in a valley, but the air there is fresh and the surrounding environment is better."

"You have passed, give us a lot of guidance, I invite you to go to the hot springs, and go fishing in the reservoir, it is so beautiful!"

"Okay, old sun, I don't know what's going on there? You still go fishing in the reservoir. Are there any fish in your reservoir?"

"Hehe, whether we have fish or not is not up to you, Old Xu!"

Facing the crowd of factory directors, Shen Lin said with a smile: "Everyone, the ideas I mentioned are not new ideas at all. They are all my own immature opinions. If you can see the effect, the main thing is It depends on your hard work.”

"I only have a half-knowledge of everyone's industry. If you ask me to give you some advice, it's really a trick, and it's just embarrassing me!"

As soon as Shen Lin's words came out, Director Sun said: "Director Shen, don't be modest, your brother. Now in the entire Dongzhou, who doesn't know your brother's ability?"

"We don't need you to give us analysis bit by bit, we just need you to take a high-level view, climb high and look far, and help us point out the way..."

Director Sun's words immediately resonated with many factory directors. For a while, the huge conference room became extremely lively.

Mi Yuan looked at Shen Lin who seemed to be admired by many stars, and a kind of pride surged in her heart. This man was not alone, and she was willing to regard him as a treasure.

Although this person does not belong to her, seeing his popularity, Mi Yuan still feels extremely happy and extremely proud.

"Mi Yuan, why don't you go in?" Li Qingbo's voice suddenly sounded from behind.

Hearing this voice, Mi Yuan hurriedly said: "Director Li, all the directors are asking for advice from Director Shen, so I..."

Li Qingbo glanced inside lightly, and then said: "Mi Yuan, you did the right thing this time, so you have to give the directors a chance. I'll wait in the next office and go in for a meeting in 10 minutes."

"Also let those who want to ask for advice have more time to ask for advice. This is the beauty of adults."

(End of this chapter)

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