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Chapter 682 Shen Lin's Preparation

Chapter 682 Shen Lin's Preparation

Although it is a kind of value to be expected by everyone, it is actually a kind of pressure.

Now that Shen Lin was expected by everyone, after the meeting chaired by Li Qingbo ended, Shen Lin was about to leave.

However, just as he was packing up his things and preparing to leave, Li Qingbo asked someone to inform Shen Lin to wait.

Although he didn't know what Li Qingbo was going to do, but Li Qingbo specially asked someone to inform him, and Shen Lin naturally wanted to save face.

After everyone left, he came to Li Qingbo's office.

"Director Shen, please sit down for a while, and report to me later." Li Qingbo was sorting out the documents, when he saw Shen Lin, he quickly stood up and said.

Seeing Li Qingbo's expression, Shen Lin knew that when he was going to report to him this time, the person he was going to meet might not be an ordinary person.

Originally, Shen Lin thought that he would be able to return to the factory soon, but when he and Li Qingbo finished reporting and had a simple lunch, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

Although Shen Lin was full of confidence in this trade fair, but thinking of the people he met in the afternoon, Shen Lin still felt a lot of pressure.

He is full of confidence in this trade fair from the bottom of his heart, but at this moment, he can't help but sit at his desk and think silently.

Is there any place that needs to be optimized for my own preparations...

Ten minutes later, Shen Lin picked up the phone and dialed Zhang Yuqing directly.

"Boss Shen, Happy New Year!" Zhang Yuqing said in a brisk voice after knowing that it was Shen Lin on the other end of the phone.

Although Shen Lin felt that Zhang Yuqing's words were very clear, her accent gave Shen Lin a weird feeling.

"Happy New Year, Lawyer Zhang." Shen Lin said with a smile.

Before Shen Lin could explain why he was calling, Zhang Yuqing said in a deep voice: "Boss, do you know that a funny thing happened on our side recently."

"What is it?" The matter that Zhang Yuqing could take the initiative to mention, Shen Lin felt that this matter must be related to himself.

Zhang Yuqing smiled and said, "There was a man named Jameson who suddenly rushed onto the stage while watching a play in the theater."

"I don't know if I was attracted by the performance, and shouted liars at the leading actor and leading actress, even the assistant actors!"

"Because he was so excited, he was sent to the hospital for treatment. The diagnosis given by the doctor was a bit manic."

Hearing what Zhan Zhang Yuqing said softly, a smile flashed in Shen Lin's eyes, he knew what Zhang Yuqing meant by this matter, so he said with a smile: "Mr. Jameson should have hallucinations. "

"Dear boss, I also think so." Zhang Yuqing let out a burst of hearty laughter, and then said: "Please call me at this time, is there anything that needs my service?"

"Lawyer Zhang, the trade fair is about to start. Are you ready for all the things I need to file?"

"It's all ready. I was going to ask my assistant to deliver these things in person, but unfortunately, my dear little assistant had a little accident."

Zhang Yuqing said softly: "So I decided, I'll go there myself."

After listening to Zhang Yuqing's words, Shen Lin was completely relieved. He said to Zhang Yuqing: "Thank you, Lawyer Zhang. We will see you at the trade fair." "When the time comes, I will not let Lawyer Zhang go to waste." Just for a trip."

After a few more pleasantries, Shen Lin put down the phone.In his mind, the first thing that came to his mind was not the work, but the Jameson that Zhang Yuqing was talking about.

He could imagine the situation at that time. In a drama performance, Jameson saw opponents performing on stage one by one. Such a scene was really...

Now Jameson should have understood the reason, but what if he understood?

Lu Xiaorong's copyright to The Martian was already worth the price, not to mention that Jameson had already paid for it.

But poor Jameson probably doesn't know yet. Seeing those former competitors performing on the same stage is not a small blow to him. After the movie The Martian hits the screen, he will Find out where your stupidity is.

Thinking of Jameson's matter, Shen Lin picked up the phone again, and made an out-of-town call according to the record in the phone book.

"Daughter-in-law, is the report meeting over?" Shen Lin asked with a smile after hearing Lu Xiaorong's voice.

Lu Xiaorong has been very busy recently, either in meetings or giving reports, and Lu Xiaorong has more and more titles on his head.

For these, Lu Xiaorong was still somewhat resistant. From her heart, she didn't like this kind of excitement. She preferred to stay at home quietly, writing and watching children.

But these things are necessary. Since she has accepted those praises, she has to bear the work that comes with these praises.

"It's already finished. I heard from Sister Chen that there are still two more. Basically, I can go home by the weekend." Lu Xiaorong said on the phone: "I can add to the Writers Association next time. I heard from Sister Chen that Seems pretty good."

Shen Lin nodded and said: "Okay, daughter-in-law, let's work harder and let me set a goal to motivate myself. If I don't work hard, the gap with my wife will become wider and wider."

"Then hurry up and chase me!" Lu Xiaorong said with a grin, "Is the son obedient at home? I call home, and my mother always says it's fine."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "I'm not fooling you. My son has been really good these two days, and he can also call him Dad."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin laughed himself and said: "These days, the ability to express this language has improved by leaps and bounds. From time to time, a new word pops out of that little mouth, which is very fun!"

"By the way, do you still remember that Mr. Jameson?" Shen Lin immediately taught Lu Xiaorong what Zhang Yuqing had said.

Lu Xiaorong didn't expect such a thing to happen. Thinking of what happened to Jameson, she finally couldn't help laughing.

After chatting for more than 20 minutes, Shen Lin hung up the phone reluctantly.After closing his eyes and resting quietly, he began to arrange work according to his own plan.

In the past two years, Shen Lin has managed the rice shell electronics factory like the palm of his hand. As long as Shen Lin gives an order, many things can be implemented at the fastest speed.

Therefore, compared with the last trade fair, Shen Lin can be said to be relaxed in the preparatory work for this trade fair. Most of his work is still put on the development of the rice shell electronics factory.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, more than a month has passed. Under the leadership of Li Qingbo, Shen Lin and others got on the train to the trade fair again.

It's just that last time Shen Lin was still an insignificant pawn, but this time he was obviously placed with high hopes.

(End of this chapter)

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