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Chapter 689 I really made a slip of the tongue

Chapter 689 I really made a slip of the tongue

After Li Qingbo and Shen Lin separated, she was still a little uneasy.

Shen Lin has been going smoothly these years. In Li Qingbo's view, he is a young man with full of personality.

Shen Lin might not be able to listen to his own words.

For the Kerry Fu supermarket chain represented by Walson, the orders are all large orders, and this order is very important for Shen Lin or Dongzhou.

Of course, for Li Qingbo, this order is equally important.

If you let this order fly, then...

"Director Li, what are you thinking here?" Just as Li Qingbo was thinking, someone greeted him.

Li Qingbo looked up and saw Director Zhao of the blanket factory looking at him, he smiled and said: "It's nothing, it's just a little thing."

However, the matter of Shen Lin was really a lingering trouble in his heart, so he said casually: "Is Director Shen's temper sometimes very tough?"

Director Zhao nodded and said, "I heard that Director Shen is very persistent about certain things."

Director Zhao's answer made Li Qingbo more worried, he said: "Tell me, who can persuade Shen Lin?"

"Look for Mi Yuan!" Director Zhao suddenly realized something after blurting out, and quickly closed his mouth.

But there are some words, once exported, it is hard to take back.

What's more, at this time, Li Qingbo himself was worrying about Shen Lin's affairs.

He solemnly looked at Director Zhao who was flustered, and asked in confusion, "Lao Zhao, what do you mean by that? Why are you looking for Mi Yuan?"

Facing Li Qingbo's sharp sword-like gaze, Old Zhao hesitated for a moment, chuckled, and mumbled, "I...I don't think girls are easy to impress people with their words, especially beautiful girls. Haha, do you think it makes sense?"

From Lao Zhao's words, Li Qingbo felt that there was something wrong with Lao Zhao's words, but he also knew that for some things, it's better not to break the casserole and ask them to the end.

Otherwise, it may embarrass many people.

Mi Yuan and Shen Lin, thinking of these two people, Li Qingbo suddenly realized that he had been ignoring a problem all this time.

Mi Yuan's beauty has touched the hearts of many people; as for Shen Lin, she is young and successful and worth millions.

No, the word worth a million now seems to be an insult to him.

What's more, although Shen Lin can't be said to be handsome and imposing, he is also a good-looking talent, not bad at all. In this way, a beauty and a hero seem to be a perfect match.

What am I thinking about? If something really happened to me, it would be a crime!

However, asking Mi Yuan to persuade Shen Lin is a good suggestion, and you may receive a pleasant surprise.

Immediately, he took a meaningful look at Director Zhao, and said seriously: "Old Zhao, your suggestion is good, I will let Mi Yuan persuade him."

Seeing Li Qingbo leave in a hurry, Lao Zhao slapped himself lightly on the mouth in remorse.

"You mean mouth! I'll make you mean! Grandma, one day, you'll have to ruin your talk!"

He muttered a few words to himself, and Lao Zhao also left quickly. He didn't want to meet Li Qingbo again, and he was determined not to speak about this matter.

When Mi Yuan returned to the hotel, she began to sort out the materials, but now everything has just begun, and there is not much material for her to do.

What's more, her mind is not here at all!
Will Walson, Kerry Fu Supermarket, and Shen Lin be able to negotiate this deal?If the negotiation is successful, Shen Lin will be able to stand up.

But Shen Lin's temper doesn't seem to be good. If Shen Lin insists on his own conditions, and Walson thinks that there are too many people selling water dispensers and air fryers, he will directly cancel the cooperation with Shen Lin...

Thinking of these possibilities, Mi Yuan's heart sank a little.

"Sister Dan, do you think Director Shen can conclude the business with Jialifu this time?" Mi Yuan hesitated for a moment, and finally asked Sister Dan worriedly.Sister Dan smiled and said, "Who knows, but I hope the negotiation can be successful. After all, whether we can complete the task this time mainly depends on Director Shen."

"The other directors, although they all have innovations, but they are not even a star behind Director Shen."

"However, if Director Shen agrees to lower the price, it's not impossible."

While the two were talking, Li Qingbo knocked on the door and walked in.The two of them respect Li Qingbo, the director, so they hurriedly stood up to say hello.

Li Qingbo glanced at Mi Yuan, and found that Mi Yuan today seems to be very beautiful, not only charming, but also has an attractive temperament.

In a flash, Li Qingbo thought of Director Zhao's words again, and his heart became more and more affirmative.

There should be some entanglement between these two people.

But now, it's not guessing that at this time, he wants to let Mi Yuan do things, so a smile appeared on his face.

"Xiao Dan, go out for a while, I have something to explain to Mi Yuan." Li Qingbo said to Sister Dan who was standing aside.

With Mi Yuan, Sister Dan is Sister Dan, but when it comes to Li Qingbo, Sister Dan becomes Xiao Dan, and there is nothing wrong with her.

After all, Li Qingbo's age and status are at stake here!
After listening to Li Qingbo's explanation, Sister Dan left quickly. Just as she was about to close the door, Li Qingbo waved her hand and said, "You don't need to close the door."

Mi Yuan was a little curious at this time, Director Li was going to explain something to herself, and she didn't let Sister Dan listen.

"Mi Yuan, you know that the higher-ups have placed high hopes on us this time. If we fail to complete the task, we will not be able to explain it."

Speaking of this, Li Qingbo said: "Even Factory Director Shen, I'm afraid..."

Li Qingbo didn't say what would happen to Shen Lin, he believed that with Mi Yuan's intelligence, she should understand what he was going to say.

Mi Yuan didn't say anything, she silently waited for Li Qingbo to continue.

"This time, Jialifu took the initiative to find Director Shen, which shows that they have a very strong willingness to cooperate, but in terms of price, they want to take advantage of Director Shen."

"So, I hope you can talk to Director Shen and ask him to give in."

As soon as Li Qingbo's words fell, Mi Yuan's heart suddenly blew up a storm!
Although from the bottom of her heart, she completely agreed with Li Qingbo's analysis.But why allow yourself to persuade?She has a feeling of being pierced in person!

"Director Li, why do you ask me to persuade you?" After pondering for a while, Mi Yuan asked softly.

Director Li never expected that Mi Yuan would ask this question.He really wants to ask a question, why do you ask me to persuade you, do you really have no idea in your heart!

Do you really think that my pair of eyelids and big eyes, which are always in a daze all day long, can see everything clearly, and you, Mi Yuan, think that they are all blind!
But he couldn't say such words, because it was tantamount to telling Shen Lin that I, Li Qingbo, knew all about the entanglement between you and Mi Yuan.

"Hehe, I think, if I go to persuade, Shen Lin will easily become rebellious. As a girl, you speak softly and in a tactful way, which is easier for Shen Lin to accept."

"Haha, you can work harder."

Although what Li Qingbo said seemed to be very upright, Mi Yuan was still sensitively aware that the reason for the director's operation was obviously behind his words.

Could it be that my intentions for Shen Lin, my care for this outstanding man, every move, every frown and smile, are all exposed in front of everyone?

However, I have always buried this emotion deeply in my heart. In front of outsiders, I have never done any outrageous actions, and I shouldn't.

After struggling for a long time, Mi Yuan finally accepted the task, because, in her heart, she also wanted to persuade Shen Lin.

After all, this matter is really important to Shen Lin.

"Okay, when will I go to see Director Shen?" Mi Yuan asked softly.

(End of this chapter)

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