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Chapter 696 Head Start, Listen to Me First

Chapter 696 Head Start, Listen to Me First

The place to eat was specially found by Director Li. Not only is the decoration very romantic, but the dishes are also delicious.

There is a large table with more than a dozen people sitting on it.

This time, almost all the people who came to the meeting had been told by Li Qingbo in advance, that is, this meal, whether it be persuasive or persuasive, anyway, Director Shen had to be persuaded to change his mind.

Knowing that this task is not easy to complete, everyone is preparing their own drafts.

They all knew that this matter was no wonder to Li Qingbo, after all, this matter was really important to Li Qingbo.

But Shen Lin, is he so easily persuaded?
If Shen Lin could be persuaded, it would certainly be an achievement worth boasting about.

At 06:30, accompanied by Li Qingbo, Shen Lin walked into the room with a smile on his face. He looked at the people sitting around and expressed gratitude: "Haha, I am really grateful for your enthusiasm. "

"I'm treating you to this meal, and Lao Li will treat you next time."

Shen Lin took the initiative to treat guests, and Director Li would have agreed to it normally. After all, no one wants to let go when he is eating a big family.

But not today, they have a mission.

If Shen Lin invited this meal, then their task would not be easy to complete.

So Director Li said with a smile: "Director Shen, I have already paid the money, haha, let me do it, and you can invite me next time."

Seeing Director Li with a smile on his face, Shen Lin smiled and said: "Well, since Director Li is rich and powerful, and insists on asking for it himself, then I can only find another chance!"

While talking, Shen Lin sat down next to Director Li, and then said with a smile: "Everyone, we didn't have a good chat yesterday, but this time Director Li gave us another chance to have a good chat, thank you Director Li. "

"Let's give a toast to Director Li."

Li Qingbo came here with Shen Lin, he knew very well that Shen Lin understood the intention of inviting him to dinner this time.

From Li Qingbo's point of view, this time, Shen Lin should keep his face cold and silent, and be prepared to be cold-hearted.

But he never expected that when Shen Lin came up, he was making jokes and pouring wine for Director Li, with a lively appearance.

Could it be that this is Shen Lin going down the donkey?

If this is the case, it would be a surprise for Li Qingbo, after all, what he is most worried about now is Shen Lin's stubborn resistance.

If Shen Lin was stubborn and refused to bow his head, then he really had nothing to do about this matter.

"Director Li, how do you think your bamboo carving factory is doing this year?" Shen Lin filled up the wine for Director Li, and said with a smile again.

Factory Manager Li didn't know what Shen Lin meant, so he laughed and said, "It should be okay, at least the wages and bonuses are not lacking, and the order is okay."

"Is it enlarged?" Shen Lin asked lightly.

Director Li was stunned. He didn't understand what Shen Lin was thinking, but he still decided to stay the same. After thinking carefully for a few minutes, he shook his head and said, "Without expansion, our factory will also increase." Two workers."

"In terms of the workshop, there is no increase."

"Director Li, you are good at everything, but there is something unpleasant about you. I like to say what I want to say, and I want to give you some advice. After all, you treat me like a buddy, and I can't treat you as a buddy." outsider."

What, what, what's your situation, didn't I come to persuade you?How come you are giving me advice all of a sudden!Director Li was a little dazed for a moment, but he was still willing to accept Shen Lin's advice.

After all, this guy is Shen Lin, with clear thinking and rigorous logic, he is a well-deserved miracle in the business world.After hesitating for a moment, Director Li said, "Director Shen, please give me some advice."

"I dare not give advice, I just want to discuss. Director Li, you are still a little too conservative. In terms of business, you must seize the opportunity that should be seized."

"If you don't seize the opportunity to increase your production capacity and open up your own market, then this part of the market will be captured by others."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin smiled and said: "I only had one factory last year, but now I have contracted three factories. Right now, the fourth factory is already under construction."

Shen Lin raised his palm towards Director Li and raised four fingers.

Mi Yuan was sitting next to Shen Lin, but at this moment, countless doubts arose in her heart, Director Shen is not a domineering person, what happened today, it is not like his style at all.

Most of the time when Shen Lin talked to people, he was very pleasant, why did he suddenly become so high-profile today?

From one factory to three factories, and it only took one year, this is indeed something that many people can't do in a lifetime, but you don't have to show off too much.

After all, everyone present is not an ordinary person.

Factory Manager Li looked at Shen Lin's outstretched palm, was stunned for a moment, and then said with emotion: "Hey, I'm really far behind in this aspect. Come, Factory Manager Shen, I'll toast you."

Shen Lin was not polite, and had another drink with Director Li.Then Shen Lin's eyes fell on Director Zhao of the blanket factory.

"Director Zhao, I remember last year, when we were drinking, we said that we would diversify in the future. How is your diversification going?"

Director Zhao of the blanket factory is also a human being. After what happened to Director Li, he has already realized something in his heart.

But at this time, Shen Lin had already turned the topic on himself. He knew that he couldn't dodge it, so he could only say: "We have already started to cooperate with several shopping malls, and the current effect is not bad."

"Director Zhao, like Director Li, you lack courage. You don't want to put all your eggs in one basket, which is very good."

"But your kind of alliance is just a small fight, you know? At this time last year, there was only one store in my rice shell electric store, but now, our rice shell electric store has opened six stores."

"I am going to complete the layout in the province within this year."

When Shen Lin said this, he said with a smile: "Everyone, if you have anything you want to cooperate with, just come to me, I will never let you down."

Director Zhao picked up a glass of wine, touched Shen Lin, and then stopped talking.As for the other factory directors, they all looked at Shen Lin with a little bit of strangeness at this time.

Before they drank, if they felt that their stomachs were full, they were ready to have a good chat with Director Shen.

But now, they suddenly found that the words in their stomachs could not be uttered.

They guarded their own industries one by one, and nothing changed. Why should they talk about management with Shen Lin, who created such a large industry in a year?Isn't this playing tricks?

Who gave them such confidence!

Li Qingbo also understood it. He looked around at the people with smiles on their faces but no morale, and a wry smile in his heart.

I haven't said anything yet, the group of lobbyists I got have all died down, which means that my action this time has failed.

No, no matter what I say, it can't just end like this.

After pondering for a while, Li Qingbo coughed and said, "Director Shen, taking advantage of this meal today, I have a few words from my heart that I want to tell you."

(End of this chapter)

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