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Chapter 707 Sorry, I Can’t Sell You That Much

Chapter 707 Sorry, I Can’t Sell You That Much

"Are you sure that this energy-saving lamp of yours only consumes twelve watts of electricity per hour?" Walsen couldn't wait to come to the explainer and asked.

"Yes, sir, if you are skeptical, you can look at the data here. The data cannot be faked."

The commentator's words made many people stare at the instrument connected behind the light bulb.

The pointer on the instrument moves very slowly, and the scale on the back allows everyone to quickly see clearly. The power consumption of this light bulb is very, very small.

"Don't LED lights have white light?" A middle-aged man in his 30s, not too neatly dressed, with curly yellow hair came to the LED light and asked the commentator.

The narrator froze for a moment, not knowing what to say.

It is said that she has received special training, such as the history of LED lights and the development of LED lights, but her knowledge is still a bit lacking in more professional things.

Therefore, when I heard this question, I didn't know how to answer it.

But now, everyone who knows a little about LED energy-saving lamps understands what this person means, so pairs of eyes are staring closely at the dazzling light bulb.

"The goal of our Mi Ke is to use technology to change life." Shen Lin came to the explainer and said with a smile.

Shen Lin's words made the commentator breathe a sigh of relief, but the man with yellow curly hair still asked in disbelief: "Did solve the problem of LED blue light? could you!"

"This... this problem has... already troubled..."

Hearing what the curly-haired man said, Li Qingbo suddenly realized the seriousness of the problem. He grabbed Shen Lin and said, "What he means is that your technology doesn't exist in foreign countries?"

"Yes, we are the latest!" Shen Lin looked at Li Qingbo and smiled.

This time it was Li Qingbo's turn to be surprised, this... This is equivalent to filling the gap in technological development, this is simply...

Just when Li Qingbo didn't know what to say, Shen Lin said: "This LED energy-saving lamp can not only provide us with a brighter life, but also significantly save energy and reduce emissions."

Having said this, Shen Lin pointed to the top of his head and said: "Everyone, in fact, our entire exhibition hall uses LED energy-saving lamps."

"Moreover, the bright effect you see is achieved with just one lamp."

"So, the main products we exhibit this time are energy-saving light bulbs. Friends who are interested in cooperation can contact me at any time."

Walsen opened his mouth mechanically and wanted to speak, but he couldn't speak. He never thought that the most important exhibition items of Mike Electronics this time were not direct drinking machines with purification functions, but It's a light bulb.

If someone had told him about this before, he would have taken it as a joke, but now, he felt that all of this was not funny.

The light bulbs from the rice shell electronics factory are not ordinary light bulbs. This kind of light bulb makes him feel terrible.

At the same time, the advertisement of "Rice shell, using technology to change life" is not a gimmick, but a real strength.

"Mr. Shen, how much does this light bulb cost?" Lavro stood beside Walson and asked loudly.

Shen Lindao: "This kind of light bulb has a very good energy-saving effect, and its usage time is more than ten times that of ordinary light bulbs. Therefore, we position this kind of LED energy-saving lamp at ten dollars a piece."

Each LED energy-saving lamp is priced at US$[-], which makes Li Qingbo standing aside a little dumbfounded.

This asking price is really a bit high, considering that the light bulbs he usually buys only cost two or three cents each.Even if you add energy-saving and bright features, the price won’t be ridiculously high.

Looking back, I must persuade Boss Shen that the asking price cannot be set so high, otherwise, there will be no friends.

Just when Li Qingbo's thoughts were surging, he heard someone ask: "Mr. Shen, is your technology transferred?"

"We have no plans to transfer this technology for now." Shen Lin said calmly.

The person who said these words did not continue to ask further questions, but his words had already attracted the attention of Walson and others.

This is a black-haired man who is less than 1.6 meters tall and looks very stocky. From his slight bow, which seems to be very humble, Walson immediately guessed.

Walson's expression suddenly became a little more serious. He knew very well in his heart that according to the habits of these island country businessmen, since they have already asked this kind of question, it is definitely not just a question.

He must have other ideas!

At this time, Shen Lin also noticed the person who asked him if the patent was transferred, but Shen Lin just glanced at it and then looked at other people.

"Mr. Shen, a light bulb costs ten dollars, isn't it a bit expensive!" Lavro didn't pay attention to the patent issue, but asked Shen Lin.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Mr. Lavro, the light bulb we modified uses the most advanced technology."

"Also, you can't just calculate the light bulb, you should also calculate other accounts, such as white light is brighter and softer."

"This is difficult for ordinary incandescent lamps to achieve. In addition, its power saving and longer life are also unmatched by ordinary incandescent lamps. What's more, in our lives, we should not just calculate economic accounts. It’s an environmental account.”

"It's energy-saving and environmentally friendly. I think this alone is enough to make it worth no less than ten dollars. What do you think?"

Lavro savored the words energy saving and environmental protection, and murmured after a long time: "Mr. Shen, I have to say, you convinced me."

"I will order [-] such energy-saving lamps. When will the contract be signed!" Lavro was very straightforward.

Li Qingbo followed Lavro. At this time, he felt that his breathing was a little difficult. One hundred thousand LED energy-saving lamps, that is 100 million US dollars!

The order of 100 million dollars is here!
He couldn't believe his ears, but his heart told him that all of this was true.

Just when Li Qingbo was so excited that he had nothing to say, Shen Lin said in a deep voice: "I'm sorry Mr. Lavro, we can't order that many for you."

"Why?" Lavro looked suspicious, "Can't your production capacity be reached?"

"We can produce 1 LED lights in a year, but...but we have other businesses to cooperate with, so we can only provide you with an order for [-] LED lights now."

"Of course, if you still want to increase the order quantity, please contact our product sales manager, and he will make a distribution plan for you."

Shen Lin said with a smile: "As long as you meet the requirements of this distribution plan, then we will give you the corresponding LED energy-saving lamps."

At this moment, Lavro felt very uncomfortable. He really felt at this moment what it means to be a knife and a fish.

I am so willing to pay, you are a businessman, and you still have to hide your products, are you afraid of selling them!
(End of this chapter)

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