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Chapter 715 Boss Shen doesn't like your tens of thousands

Chapter 715: Boss Shen doesn’t like your millions.

Sister Dan was outside the reception room, secretly watching Walson and his companion whispering, while thinking about how big an order this person could bring.

I'm not mistaken, our biggest order is still from Director Shen.

Just when Sister Dan was thinking about how much bonus she could get when she went back this time because of Director Shen's outstanding achievements, she saw Mi Yuan walking over quickly.

Mi Yuan's expression was dignified, with a look of deep thought.

"What's the matter, have you been scolded by Director Li?" Sister Dan asked softly towards Mi Yuan.After all, Director Li said not to disturb, Mi Yuan went anyway.

"No, Director Li said that we did the right thing. At such a critical time, what should be reported should be reported." Mi Yuan said in a low voice: "It's just that Director Shen said that he doesn't have time today, so let them come back the day after tomorrow." .”

Sister Dan was stunned for a long time after listening to Mi Yuan's words, not knowing what to say.

For a long time, they have always supported the merchants, fearing that the business will not be completed and the task of earning foreign exchange through export will not be completed.

But now, the customers and businessmen have already come to the door, and the factory manager Shen came to say that he is not free today, and he will talk about it the day after tomorrow, which means that I also have no time tomorrow.

Thinking of Shen Lin's operation, Sister Dan really has nothing to say.

"Mi Yuan, what should we do next?" Although Sister Dan is a little older than Mi Yuan, she still likes to let Mi Yuan make up her mind on such matters.

Mi Yuan pondered for a while and said: "Let's be honest, after all, even if we want to help with this kind of thing, we can't help."

Sister Dan thought for a while, and finally said: "Okay, then we can only tell the truth, hmph, to be honest, I don't like this Walson either."

"Before I didn't sign the contract with Director Shen, I signed with Xiangxue because the price was cheap. Now that the contract has been terminated because of the patent issue, I ran over here in a hurry. Who is it?"

Of course, Sister Dan spoke in a very low voice, only Mi Yuan and her could hear it.

Mi Yuan smiled, and did not comment on this matter, but the feeling in her heart was extremely comfortable.

After all, for this kind of person, you just can't get used to him!
But thinking of what Walson represented, Mi Yuan felt a little worried. Although doing so was fun, it would push away a large amount of business.

Walson was talking to a friend beside him. This friend was not Jerry, but a middle-aged man who looked to be in his 40s. His white hair made him full of majesty.

"Mr. Walson, I have truthfully conveyed your request to Director Shen." Mi Yuan came to Walson and said softly: "But it's a coincidence, Director Shen doesn't have time today, please You come back the day after tomorrow."

Walson, who was having a good time talking with his friends, felt his head shaking. What's the matter?I'm here to deliver an order, but I can't be seen.

Even if it doesn't work today, won't you be able to see me tomorrow?Why do you have to let me come back the day after tomorrow?

Walson's heart was full of grievances, and he said to Mi Yuan, "Have you told Director Shen what I mean?"

"I'm here to discuss cooperation. I hope to have an interview with Director Shen. My order should be several million dollars!"

Several million dollars, tsk tsk, Mi Yuan couldn't help but take a breath when thinking of their mission this time, these several million dollars are enough for them to complete the mission!
Under such circumstances, Mi Yuan felt that it was really necessary for her to make another trip, so she immediately said, "Then please wait a moment, I'll be here soon."

Walsen looked at Mi Yuan who was leaving, and smiled softly, with a little more confidence in his expression.

Although what he did before was tantamount to betrayal to Shen Lin, under the current situation, Shen Lin could only let it go even if he faced this kind of betrayal.After all, what he brought was an order worth millions of dollars.

In just a few minutes, Mi Yuan walked over quickly: "Mr. Walson, Mr. Shen said that he is not free today, please come back the day after tomorrow."

"In addition, he asked me to tell you that he has just signed an order of tens of millions of dollars with Mr. Lavro of Waldermart, and he is still considering whether to hand over the exclusive right to the rice shell products to Mr. Lavro. "

Hearing this, Walson stood up abruptly. At this moment, he felt his head was buzzing.

As a large supermarket, especially a large supermarket with a competitor, if there is a certain hot-selling product that your competitor has but you don't, it will definitely be a situation of self-destruction.

As the purchasing manager, Walson has to take responsibility.

So at this moment, Walson stood up all of a sudden and said, "I'll go find Director Shen!"

Mi Yuan felt very embarrassed, and her mind turned quickly: "Mr. Walson, I understand why you are anxious to see Mr. Shen."

"But you have to be clear, if you see him now, not only will you not be able to negotiate any business, but it may even cause you some discomfort!"

"You also know Mr. Shen Lin's temper. The more you confront him, the easier it is to offend him..."

Before Mi Yuan finished speaking, Walson stopped talking. Of course he understood Shen Lin's temper, and he also knew that if he went to find Shen Lin by force like this, not only would there be no benefit, but he would be kicked out instead.

So, after pondering for a while, he sat down slowly.

Sitting next to Walson, the man in his 40s suddenly said to Mi Yuan, who was about to leave: "Pretty lady, please inform Shen Lin, the director of Dongmen Electric Company. On behalf of Ward, there is something I want to talk to him about."

"It's urgent, please give me 10 minutes."

When Mi Yuan heard this, she froze for a moment, and then looked at Walson.At this moment, Walson really didn't expect that his old friend would actually give him such a wave of tricks.

He stared at Ward wide-eyed, and Ward held out his hands toward him, the only way I could.

"Go ahead. This is Mr. Ward from Dongmen Electric Company. It is very important for Shen Lin to believe in his sincerity."

When Walson said these words, he felt a bit bitter in his mouth, but he couldn't delay Ward's affairs because of himself.

Ward smiled at Walson and said, "Thank you very much for your understanding, friend Ward."

Seeing Mi Yuan walk out of the room, Walson said helplessly, "Ward, I originally thought that Director Shen was an open-minded person, but I didn't expect him to be so fussy."

"Hey, I'm a little bit wrong."

Ward smiled and said, "Wolson, if I were replaced by that Director Shen, I wouldn't see you right away."

"After all, Shen, there is no shortage of orders right now."

Although what Ward said was a bit straightforward, Walson had to admit that what this man said was a fact.

A fact that makes him very uncomfortable!
(End of this chapter)

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