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Chapter 720 The Heart of a Tiger and Wolf is Clearly Revealed

Chapter 720 The Heart of a Tiger and Wolf is Clearly Revealed

In a spacious and bright meeting room, there are three men sitting at the moment. If Shen Lin were here, he would definitely find that he has seen all three of them:
Ward, Teijin and Ichiro Takeda!
As representatives of giants in the electrical industry, the three are actually competitors. When they meet, it should be a collision of sparks.

But at this moment, the expressions on the faces of the three of them were exactly the same: calm and calm, without the slightest anger.

"Mr. Ward, Mr. Taikin, I invite you here this time mainly for the LED energy-saving lamps." Ichiro Takeda said solemnly, coughing slightly.

Compared with the previous two, Uematsu Electric, where he works, is only a younger brother, but it has developed very rapidly in recent years.

In fact, there is already a momentum of catch-up.

It is precisely because of these momentums that despite being jointly suppressed by the other two companies most of the time, Uematsu Electric is doing better and better.

So in front of the two of them, although he had humility on his lips, there was still a trace of pride in his heart.

A kind of pride that you are not as good as me!

Ward and Teijin are both experienced negotiators, so neither of them spoke, but just looked at Ichiro Takeda silently.

"Two gentlemen, LED energy-saving lamps are a project that we at Shangsong Electric have been studying, and we have invested a lot of energy in this."

Ichiro Takeda said: "So, I think, no matter how this patent was formed, it cannot remain in the hands of that unknown rice shell electronics."

Ward said indifferently: "However, the reality that you Takeda have to face up to now is that this patent is now in the hands of Shen Lin."

"I know." Takeda Ichiro said with a chuckle, "It's in his hands now, but that doesn't mean it's in his hands forever."

"As soon as we set it up, he'll be in a position where he has to sell."

Tai Jin put the pen in his hand on the table and said, "Do you have any good ideas?"

"Gentlemen, I think the best way is to buy Shen Lin's factory."

"In this way, all problems will be no problem, what do you think?" Takeda Ichiro said with a smile.

Ward sneered: "I think it's the same. For example, if I want to defeat you Shangsong Electric, the best way is to buy Shangsong Electric."

"But, you either don't sell it, or the asking price is too high!"

Tai Jin, who was sitting on the side, laughed very shamelessly.But Takeda Ichiro, who was ridiculed, was not angry at all at this time.

After Ward laughed, he said, "I know, you two think my words are a bit too whimsical."

"But what I said was a plan."

"Now, as long as the three of us join forces and notify those small and medium-sized counterparts to let them know our decision, then we can prevent his LED energy-saving lamp patent from being sold!"

"Next, we will support several factories with similar products to Mishell Electronics, and let them fight on their own."

"In this way, the so-called patent of Mishell Electronics will not be of much use. I think that within half a year, we will be able to beat Shen Lin without the slightest backhand power."

When Takeda Ichiro said this, his voice was full of gloom: "At that time, even if he doesn't want to sell this patent, he must sell it."

"Not only that, he has to pay the due price for his arrogance." The expressions of Taijin and Ward slowly became serious. They felt that although Takeda Ichiro's plan was a bit too broad, If you think about it carefully, the probability of success of this plan is very high.

After the two looked at each other quickly, Ward finally said, "Ichiro Takeda, how likely is your plan to succeed?"

"I think it's [-]% successful." Takeda Ichiro chuckled and said, "Do you think his small, workshop-like factory can be compared with ours?"

"They are far behind. They have no resistance at all in front of us."

Taijin said: "Mr. Takeda Ichiro, if what you just said is true, then I think it is a good plan. However, once this plan is successful, how should we distribute the patents for LED energy-saving lamps?"

Takeda Ichiro said with a smile: "What I want to say is exactly this: about the distribution of this patent. If we rush forward desperately for our own interests, then I can affirm that we will still fight for it." His head was bleeding."

"At that time, Shen Lin will be the cheapest one."

Ichiro Takeda took a sip of water from his teacup and said, "So, I think we should sign a contract, a contract to share this patent."

"As for the cost of purchasing Shen Lin's patent, I'm going to give this figure."

While speaking, Takeda Ichiro stretched out a finger towards the sky, looked at the finger, Ward said: "You are going to pay 1000 million dollars, this number is really good."

In Ward's view, spending $1000 million to buy a patent for LED energy-saving lamps is really worth it, because the value of this patent is ten times or even hundreds of times that of $[-].

Before Taijin could speak, Takeda Ichiro shook his head and said, "It's not 1000 million dollars, but 100 million dollars."

"Hahaha, Mr. Tejin, Mr. Ward, by then, we will have destroyed everything about Shen Lin. He is the fish on our chopping board. Why should we be so polite to him?"

"One million yuan is not bad!"

Looking at the confident Takeda Ichiro, Ward and Tekin looked at each other and laughed loudly.Ward even raised the water glass in front of him, and said with a smile: "Mr. Takeda, your plan is very good."

"I think it's feasible, let's participate in a share."

"We are also involved, come, let's have a toast and wish us success."

As the three cups collided in the air, Ward, Teijin and Ichiro Takeda drank the water in their cups in one gulp.

I don't know if he drank too fast, but after drinking the water, Takeda Ichiro started coughing violently, and almost spit out the water he drank in his stomach.

At this time, Takeda Ichiro's expression was full of pain.

Fortunately, he recovered quickly, and after clearing his throat, he said in a deep voice: "Gentlemen, since we have made a decision, let's report to each other, but before signing the contract, I think, We should start the first step."

"That is, we have joined forces to issue notices to those electrical companies participating in the trade fair, so that they are not allowed to purchase patents for LED energy-saving lamps."

"If you don't object, we will take action immediately."

"Okay, I'm going to meet those lovely gentlemen, I believe they will give me some face." Ward said with a smile.

And Taejin stood up and said, "Me too."

(End of this chapter)

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