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Chapter 738 Ha ha, don't sell

Chapter 738 Ha ha, don't sell

What does it feel like to stand at the door of the corridor for an hour and a half?This is simply equivalent to roasting on the stove, at least Takeda Ichiro feels this way.

He stood at the door of Shen Lin, although he tried his best to pretend that nothing had happened, but in fact, his heart felt as if the river was overwhelmed.

If he could, he wanted to leave immediately and never look for this bastard again!

Unfortunately, he had to see Shen Lin today, after all, Shen Lin said that they were leaving the trade fair tomorrow.

Everyone who passed by would hide and point at the side, and even in a corner that he couldn't see, there were people whispering about his actions.

Although in the eyes of these people, Takeda Ichiro is a foreigner and cannot understand what they say.But in fact, his Chinese level is already very high, and he can easily understand these arguments.

"Hahaha, isn't this Mr. Takeda? I'm really glad to see you." Just when Takeda Ichiro felt that he could hardly hold on anymore, a burst of hearty laughter broke the peace around him.

Accompanied by this laughter, Takeda Ichiro saw Shen Lin striding in from the outside.

The moment he saw Shen Lin, he really had the urge to scold this guy who deliberately made fun of him, but he needed to bow his head under the eaves.

No, it should be said that this is just a temporary bow.

"Mr. Shen, I came here this time because I have something to discuss with Mr. Shen." When Takeda Ichiro said this, a smile appeared on his face: "I think there may be a little misunderstanding between us. So this time, I want to talk to Mr. Shen."

Shen Lin looked at Ichiro Takeda and said, "Mr. Takeda, if you think it's a misunderstanding, I think there is no need for us to talk anymore."

Takeda Ichiro didn't expect that Shen Lin's words would be so sharp, which made him feel like he couldn't catch up for a while.

Although he was annoyed by Shen Lin's rudeness, what made him even more embarrassed was that he had no advantage in front of Shen Lin.

"Haha, Mr. Shen, I may have been a little inarticulate just now, so I didn't express my sincerity clearly." Takeda Ichiro bowed and said: "Mr. Shen, this time, we are full of sincerity and want to have a good exchange with you." .”

Speaking of this, he said solemnly: "What happened a while ago was my fault. This time, I am very sincere and apologize to Mr. Shen."

Shen Lin looked at Ichiro Takeda with a serious look, and said with a faint smile, "It's very good that Mr. Takeda can realize his mistakes. It shows that Mr. Takeda has made some progress."

"I have received your apology. If Mr. Takeda has nothing else to do, go ahead and do it first. I still have some things to do here."

Hearing Shen Lin's pretending to be confused, Takeda Ichiro almost exploded his lungs. He said to himself, Shen Lin, don't you understand why I apologized to you?Why are you pretending to be confused here.

But although he thought so in his heart, he couldn't do it. He said in a deep voice: "Mr. Shen, in addition to apologizing to you this time, I have one more thing, that is, I hope to buy LED energy-saving lamps. patent."

Just when Takeda Ichiro explained his intention of coming, he saw a man in his 30s holding a camera, striding towards Shen Lin.

When he saw Shen Lin, he said with a smile on his face: "Hello, Director Shen, I'm Cheng Feng, a reporter from our daily newspaper. I called you to make an appointment yesterday!"

"Hello, Reporter Cheng, I am Shen Lin, welcome." Shen Lin was still very enthusiastic about Cheng Feng's arrival.

After all, he is a reporter from a major newspaper. If he can make good friends, it is natural to have a good relationship with him. "Director Shen, the purpose of my coming here this time has been mentioned on the phone. I just want to interview about the LED energy-saving lamp patent." Cheng Feng did not have too many polite words to Shen Lin and went straight to the point: "Look now Can we start?"

"Of course, but before we start, I think you should do a supplementary interview." While speaking, Shen Lin pointed to Takeda Ichiro: "This is Mr. Takeda Ichiro, the manager of Dongmen Electric."

Supplementary interview with Ichiro Takeda, manager of Dongmen Electric!
Those who can become reporters are of course those who see all directions and listen to all directions. Once they hear Shen Lin's introduction, they will immediately understand.

But at this moment, he was not quite sure about Shen Lin's intentions, so he looked at Shen Lin with a suspicious look and said, "You mean..."

"Why don't you interview Mr. Ichiro Takeda who is going to buy our patent first, and then interview me, it will be more effective." Shen Lin explained enthusiastically.

Although Cheng Feng was young, he was very experienced. When he heard Shen Lin's words, he immediately understood.

He immediately said to Ichiro Takeda very politely: "Mr. Takeda, I am Cheng Feng, I hope I can interview you, is it convenient for you?"

Takeda Ichiro really wanted to say that I'm not free, but looking at the smiling Shen Lin, he finally squeezed out a smile and said, "Mr. Reporter, you are welcome. I have time now. If you have any questions, feel free to ask."

"Okay, then I won't be polite." Cheng Feng said with a smile: "Mr. Wu Tian came to see Mr. Shen this time, is there anything you want?"

"I came to Director Shen to buy the right to use the LED energy-saving lamp patent." Takeda Ichiro said straightforwardly without thinking about this issue at all.

"According to Mr. Takeda, this LED energy-saving lamp has first-class technology and is very marketable."

From the moment Ichiro Takeda opened his mouth, Cheng Feng felt that this matter was very worth reporting.

After all, this is a foreigner buying the right to use a patent in his own country. Once it is reported, it will definitely attract the attention of Chinese people.

"Yes, we at Shangsong Electric have been researching this LED energy-saving lamp technology. Unfortunately, due to some reasons, we have not developed qualified products, but..."

Since Takeda Ichiro had already opened his mouth, he had nothing to hide. It could be said that he answered every question, which made Cheng Feng extremely satisfied.

Originally, this was just a small interview. Both Cheng Feng and Ichiro Takeda planned to end the interview within a few minutes.

However, during the interview, Cheng Feng found that Ichiro Takeda's words were often more convincing, so this seemingly short interview suddenly turned into more than 20 minutes.

So much so that Ichiro Takeda was sweating a little on his forehead after being interviewed.

Cheng Feng then started the interview with Shen Lin again, and just like that, more than an hour passed with the interview.

After Cheng Feng said goodbye with satisfaction, Takeda Ichiro came to Shen Lin again and said: "Director Shen, what price are you prepared to give us for purchasing your LED energy-saving lamp patent?"

When he said this, Takeda Ichiro was full of anticipation, after all, he had just been interviewed by Shen Lin.

Seeing Ichiro Takeda who was about to bargain, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Not for sale!"

(End of this chapter)

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