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Chapter 741 The enemy of the enemy

Chapter 741 The enemy of the enemy

Director Xie of Xiangxue Factory was also in the crowd at this time, and of course Director Dong was beside him.Both of them looked ugly.

On Director Dong's side, although relying on orders from other factories, he still took the second place, but the second name and the position of the provincial capital made him feel that it was not a match at all.

What's more, there is also a big gap in the number of orders between the two.

As for Director Xie, with Shen Lin's ultimatum on patents, the things he made basically have no market.It can be said that this time, Lao Xie basically ran with him.

"Director Dong, look at that kid Li Qingbo's complacent look, hmph, if they didn't have a rice shell, he would be so complacent!" The old horse from Wuyun District, who has a good relationship with old Dong, said in his voice. A trace of jealousy.

Seeing Lao Ma's distressed look, Lao Dong felt deeply that he had found a soulmate, he snorted and said, "If you want me to say, this Li Qingbo is really a bit outrageous."

"The rule has always been to share blessings and share hardships, but now, he, Li Qingbo, eats alone."

"Hmph, after I go back, I must reflect that the products produced by Mishell Electronics do not allow others to sell the same type of problems. What is his name? He is an industry monopoly!"

Lao Ma naturally understood why Director Dong was so angry. They also had a factory and prepared an air fryer, but there was no order.

The enemy of the enemy is a friend, and they can be said to be fighting against each other at this time.

"Old Dong, you are so right. This matter must not be left as it is. He must be made to pay the price."

While the two were talking, the tea party started this time.As everyone took their seats, the surrounding environment suddenly became quiet.

Before the meeting, there was a burst of data reporting, and the first result reported was Dongzhou's result.

As the order of 4000 million US dollars was announced, many people were still shocked.After all, in some places, there are only orders of tens of thousands of dollars, and there are even some places that are purely to accompany the prince to study, without a single order.

"Here, I want to solemnly praise Mishell Electronics Factory. The order of Mishell Electronics Factory is really impressive. Not to mention our side, even if you look at all the participating manufacturers, the results of Mishell Electronics are unique. of."

"I hope that everyone here will learn from Mishell Electronics after returning home, and strive to build a..."

Hearing this grand praise and looking at Shen Lin who was being surrounded in the middle, Lao Xie really felt bad.

This time, he found another way to show his face, but the order was cancelled, and he almost didn't compensate for the loss.

Although the tricky troubles were resolved because of Shen Lin's request, Lao Xie felt that he had become a joke.

Instead of showing his face, he showed his butt. This kind of humiliation made Lao Xie feel extremely aggrieved in his heart.

If it wasn't for Old Dong's request, he would never have participated in this summary meeting.

"Everyone, I am full of confidence in establishing a company like Mi Ke, but before that, I want to ask Director Li to give us Director Shen..."

A speech made countless people laugh, but Lao Xie couldn't laugh. He looked at Shen Lin, who was sitting not far from him, shining brightly, and he really didn't have the mood to stay any longer.

After hesitating for a moment, Lao Xie stood up.

If someone said that he didn't obey the discipline, he would say that he had to go to the bathroom, but in his worries, Lao Xie found that no one cared about his departure at all.

This meeting belonged to the winner, and he was undoubtedly a loser.After walking out of the hotel, when Lao Xie was thinking about his next move, a young man in a suit had already come to him.

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Xie?" The young man's voice sounded really awkward to the old Xie.

At this time, his first feeling told him that this was a foreigner.

"I am, who are you?" Could it be that God gave me an order?In Lao Xie's heart, he became inexplicably excited.

Although this order is definitely a big deal, but someone can find him, which means that he can still sell things.

"I'm an employee of Uematsu Electric, our manager Ichiro Takeda, I hope to meet you, do you have time?" The young man is still handsome, but Ichiro Takeda feels that this young man doesn't respect himself enough.

But these are not so important anymore, he hurriedly said: "I'm free, I'm free."

Under the leadership of the young man, Lao Xie soon came to a room where Takeda Ichiro was drinking tea.

Lao Xie didn't know Ichiro Takeda, so he smiled and said, "Are you Mr. Takeda?"

"Hello, Director Xie, I have heard about you for a long time." Takeda Ichiro said this, and helped Lao Xie pour a cup of tea: "This time I have someone invite you over, because there is a cooperation, and I want to cooperate with you. Would you like to talk about it?"

cooperate?What, what, Shangmatsu Electric wants to cooperate with you?

Lao Xie couldn't believe his ears, he said solemnly: "Mr. Takeda, I heard you right, you said you want to cooperate with us."

"That's right, Director Xie, we just want to cooperate." Takeda Ichiro said: "We have a vision and need to find a partner."

"Mr. Xie, we hope to build a joint venture factory. The main products are air fryers, water dispensers, and energy-saving lamps."

"I don't know if Director Xie is interested."

Lao Xie's complexion changed. After hearing the invitation to build a joint venture, he understood that this Takeda Ichiro was a weasel, and he was wishing a chicken a New Year's greeting. This behavior was definitely out of good intentions.

What he said should be aimed at Shen Lin's Mi Ke!
But to him, setting up a joint venture factory is a big piece of cake, which makes it hard for him to give up.

"Mr. Wutian, Shen Lin has a patent in his hands, if we..." Lao Xie pondered for a while, and said the truth.

"Mr. Xie, you are wrong. Our goal is not to help you speak." Takeda Ichiro waved his hand heavily without waiting for Lao Xie to finish speaking, with a resolute look on his face.

Lao Xie looked at Ichiro Takeda with firm eyes, his eyes flickered and said: "Mr. Takeda, I need to go back and think about this matter."

"Hahaha, of course, I will give Mr. Xie a day to think about it, but you have to remember that our time is limited."

Takeda Ichiro laughed loudly and said, "If you can't give us a positive answer in the shortest possible time, then we will have to find other partners."

"Thank you, factory manager, to remind you, this opportunity is rare, I hope you don't miss it!"

(End of this chapter)

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