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Chapter 745 Shen Lin wants to show something real

Chapter 745 Shen Lin wants to show something real

Because the trade fair has come to an end, and the city has still completed the task super fast, so the life of Sister Dan and Mi Yuan has become quite easy.

At twelve o'clock in the morning, Mi Yuan and Mi Yuan, who ate a special steamed dumpling and siu mai outside, came back with big and small bags.

"Hey, Mi Yuan, let me tell you, that bag is really perfect for me. It's a pity that I don't have any money in my hand. If I have money, I must buy that bag back."

Sister Dan's palm was shaking, and her voice was full of helplessness.

Mi Yuan smiled and said, "Sister Dan, that bag is good, but it's a bit too expensive, I don't think it's worth it."

"Tsk, a bag costs more than 100 yuan, more than our monthly salary."

"I think your current bag is also very good."

Sister Dan shook her head and said, "My bag is a bit torn now, and compared to that one, it's really far behind."

"Hey, that means I don't have money in my hand. If I have money in my hand, I will definitely buy it."

Speaking of this, she said with a hint of emotion: "I really envy Director Shen, who wants to buy whatever he wants."

Mi Yuan was taken aback for a moment, she didn't expect that Sister Dan would involve Shen Lin in the matter, and she couldn't help saying: "Sister Dan, how do you know what the director Shen's family wants to buy?"

"You don't need to ask, of course you want to. If you think about it, Director Shen is so rich, and the guy in his family doesn't want everything he wants."

Sister Dan crossed her waist and said, "Let me tell you, the bag that I value most should be bought without batting an eye."

Just when the two of them came to their room and were about to open the door, they heard someone say in the corridor: "This time, the above asked Director Shen to give lectures to all the factory directors from the brother area. The factory manager holds it up."

"Of course, you, Old Xu, must have the skills of Director Shen, and the higher-ups will ask you to give lectures to everyone. But Old Xu, I think we should listen carefully this time."

"Last year, at the end of the class, Factory Manager Shen gave us a lot of inspiration. This time, he was asked to give a lecture to so many people. He must come up with something good."

"Old Zhao, if you say so, when I go, I will bring a notebook to see what good things Director Shen can say."

"However, I heard that someone is planning to ask a few questions in this lecture, making Shen Lin look ugly..."

As the voice of the conversation faded away, the expressions of Mi Yuan and Sister Dan suddenly became serious.

After entering the room, Sister Dan put the things on the table and said, "It's a great honor to give lessons to all the factory directors from the brother regions who participated in the exhibition, but this thing is not easy to hold!"

"What's more, Director Shen's use of patents has caused many people who are planning to sell air fryers and water dispensers to lose their money. Maybe these guys will take this opportunity to embarrass Director Shen?"

"If Director Shen is not prepared well, he will be ashamed!"

In Mi Yuan's mind, all the conversations she just heard, especially the last one, was prepared to make things difficult for Shen Lin.

"Sister Dan, I remember Director Shen's lecture last year, wasn't it very good?"

"Mi Yuan, what do you know, last year it was not a lecture at all, it was just an exchange with each other at most."

Sister Dan picked up the jar on the table, drank a few sips of water and said: "But now, the factory directors participating in the exhibition, if not five hundred, must be three or four hundred. In this case, Shen The factory director has to teach a big class." "Do you understand the big class?"

Mi Yuan shook her head and said, "What is a big lesson?"

"I'm not too clear about this big lesson. Our family often uses this word, and I think it's good to use it." Sister Dan waved her hand and said, "Don't worry about what he means, I think Director Shen this time To say something."

"Well, it should be something very hard, otherwise it would be difficult to pass!"

Although Mi Yuan is a talented woman who knows a lot about hard things, she doesn't know anything about lectures at the moment.

After chatting with Mi Yuan for a few words, Sister Dan began to lie down and rest.Mi Yuan was full of worries, so she picked up a book and pretended to read it.

But in fact, what she was thinking in her heart was the question of what Shen Lin should say.

At work, Mi Yuan also wrote a lot of speech materials, but this time, she couldn't think of any good ideas after thinking about it.

In the end, Mi Yuan, who was a little dizzy, put the book away and walked out of Shen Lin's room.

These days, she has been thinking about her relationship with Shen Lin. As a rational woman, Mi Yuan knows that she and Shen Lin basically have no fate.

She told herself time and time again that she should stay away from Shen Lin, but there are some things that cannot be achieved by thinking alone.

"Boom boom boom!"

When Mi Yuan knocked on the door, she still hesitated, but her hand was still a little disobedient, and she knocked on Shen Lin's door.

Shen Lin who opened the door was stunned the moment he saw Mi Yuan, "Mi Yuan, why are you here?"

"Director Shen, I heard that someone is planning to make trouble for you during your lecture, so I'm here to tell you so that you can make preparations in advance." Although Mi Yuan had already thought of the reason before coming here, the person who spoke Sometimes, still hesitating.

At this moment, Mi Yuan complained a lot about herself. Normally, don't you feel that you are no worse than a man?Why are you talking so badly now.

Shen Lin laughed and said: "Thank you Mi Yuan, someone has already told me about this matter, it's okay, they can't make any trouble."

Hearing that Shen Lin already knew the news, Mi Yuan felt a little disappointed.Although this was expected, she hoped that she had reminded him of this matter alone.

"Then Director Shen, what kind of subject are you going to do?" Mi Yuan rubbed her hands and said in a low voice: "I have written a lot in the office, and I can help Director Shen to read it. one time."

Shen Lin looked at Mi Yuan's serious look, and took out what he had written. Mi Yuan looked at the simple one-page paper and said, "Director Shen, did you write so much?"

"These are basically enough. This is the outline, and the rest is in my head." Shen Lin did not lie, those articles were indeed recorded in his mind.

Mi Yuan read the outline carefully, and she immediately let go of her restless heart. According to her feeling, if Shen Lin followed the outline, there shouldn't be any major mistakes.

"Director Shen, if someone deliberately makes trouble and questions what you said, how are you going to respond?" After pondering for a while, Mi Yuan asked this question that left her confused.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "This question is easy to answer, just watch it."

(End of this chapter)

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